• 四岁女儿露西非常想念她问我们是否可以上帝封信确保照顾

    My 4-year-old daughter Lucy missed her a lot and asked if we could write a letter to God to make sure he could look after Abbey well.


  • 听说最近在设计一个新的电脑程序知道什么时候完成

    Allen is said to have been designing a new computer program recently, but I don't know when she will finish it.


  • 希礼·威尔克斯队长了,因为县里出色骑手而且头脑冷静维持某种表面秩序

    Ashley Wilkes was elected as the captain, because he was the best rider in the county and because his cool head was counted on to keep some semblance of order.


  • 这些拉来说基本没有吸引力,希望一个企业家

    But, for Ella, this holds little appeal. She wants to be an entrepreneur.


  • 这些疾病出现损害氧化引起的酶的损害类似的因此姆斯博士猜想剂量维生素是否改善影响

    The enzyme damage in these diseases is similar to that induced by oxidation, so Dr Ames suspects that its effects, too, can be ameliorated by high doses of vitamins.


  • 这些项目发电有限公司经营的子公司,184,000电力根据源部数字

    The projects, which will be operated by subsidiary Exelon Generation co., could power nearly 184, 000 homes, according to Energy Department figures.


  • 告诉,到哪儿找到迭戈·罗索麦纳吗?”刚才那人

    Can you tell me where I might find Diego Arosomena?” she asked the same man.


  • 这个告诉凯瑟琳指望呼啸山庄找到朋友帮助对付希斯·克利夫的人。

    Don't tell Edgar or Catherine this, but I had hoped to find a friend at Wuthering Heights, some one to support me against Heathcliff.


  • 由于不用向支付任何薪资电话公司估计每年省下三百万美元的费用,因为有了不用雇用昂贵、高生活费的人类。

    Emily is paid no wages and the telephone company reckons it saves three million dollars a year by employing her instead of a crowd of expensive, high-maintenance human-beings.


  • 没有看到薇塔所见到正是这次谈话的起因因此回答没有澄清任何东西

    That he didn't see what Ivetta saw had been precisely the origin of the conversation, and so her answer did nothing to clarify things.


  • 而且,同样耳熟那些失败交易所不屑例如格林斯潘雷曼兄弟的迪克•福德,花旗集团查尔斯王子

    Equally familiar are the case studies about deals that have gone wrong and the names of the men he scorns: Alan Greenspan, Dick Fuld of Lehman Brothers, Charles Prince of Citigroup.


  • 呼啸山庄了,自从病倒了以后,我没有天不的;只有在你出房门以前有三没去,以后有两次没去。

    I've been to Wuthering Heights, Ellen, and I've never missed going a day since you fell ill; except thrice before, and twice after you left your room.


  • 如果控制自己餐厅里的存在,不去管身边推来去的人们,不惦记坐在酒吧里俩家伙,他就找出一个解决方案

    If he could blind himself to Ivetta’s presence in the dining room, to the people jostling him, to the gangsters at the bar, he could arrive at a solution.


  • 美国源部同时宣布将提供1.6亿美元的贷款担保支持太阳发电系统项目。

    The US Department of Energy said meanwhile that it has finalized $1.6 billion in loan guarantees to support the Ivanpah Solar Energy Generating System.


  • 公司希望卡伦·布莱继续担任董事总经理,也希望其他绝大部分管理人员继续留任,包括球队主教练莱克斯·麦克利什。

    The company said it hoped that Karren Brady would continue in her role as managing director and that most of the management would also remain in place, including team manager Alex McLeish.


  • 每个岛屿至少拥有一个来源:毛伊岛的波浪,拉莫洛凯岛,瓦岛的太阳电池板最终如果一切顺利生物种植庄稼中获取。

    Every island has at least one energy accent: waves in Maui, wind in Lanai and Molokai, solar panels in Oahu and eventually, if all goes well, biomass energy from crops grown on Kauai.


  • 伊达其他居民希望通过获得建筑许可交纳罚金改变拆迁局面。

    Risheq and other residents have been hoping to avert the demolition by applying for building permits and offering to pay fines.


  • 听着就算·普佳切娃阿尔卡季·赖金每个星期六晚上到他们那里去表演,帮他们连演一个那些白痴还是方法亏本

    Listen, Alla Pugacheva and Arkady Raikin could perform every Saturday night for a month and those idiots would still find a way to lose money.


  • 哈佛大学的理论化学家伦.阿斯普鲁.古济克正在开发一种方法期望在有朝一日摆脱所有对于近似需求由此生产出更好的药物太阳电池

    Alán Aspuru-Guzik, a theoretical chemist at Harvard, is developing methods that could one day do away with the need for approximations altogether--and lead to better drugs or solar cells.


  • 谢天谢地太阳电池板已经安装好了供电恢复了。 这多亏了麦克.柯斯,还有培训出来约翰.欧贝员工功劳

    Thankfully, the solar panels have been hooked up now and power has been restored, due, in no small part, to the efforts of Mark Ax and his newly trained John Obey village solar team.


  • 尽管20年代期间成立许多受到爵士乐影响规模较大乐团,但没有一个像爵士灵顿那样如此富有远见野心前途

    Though many larger jazz-influenced ensembles were forming by the end of the 20s, none showed greater promise, vision and ambition than Duke Ellington's.


  • 却没有真正使用它。”米丽

    "Thatno one ever actually USES," Emily said.


  • 公司拥有运营奥伊斯特核电站,公司雇佣核电厂员工为700

    Oyster Creek is owned and operated by Exelon Corporation, which employs 700 people at the plant.


  • 莫斯妈妈他们是否台录像机。

    To Buy a video Amos asked his mother whether they could have a video.


  • 去年十月帕电厂破土动工,它将世界最大太阳装置之一

    Ground was broken on the Ivanpah power plant, which is to be one of the biggest solar installations in the world, last October.


  • Zoramsangliana部长米佐·拉姆邦首府藻尔接受记者采访时说:“我们高兴创造历史。”参加者身着传统部落服饰聚集处军事基地起舞。

    "We are delighted to create history," the minister, P.C. Zoramsangliana, told reporters in the capital, Aizawl, where the troupe in traditional tribal dress assembled at a military ground.


  • 我们现在确定就是大约40,000年前泰尔一带至少生活3种人类祖先,”paabo

    "What we can say for now is that there were at least three different forms of hominids living in the Altai Mountains around 40,000 years ago," paabo says.


  • 我们现在确定就是大约40,000年前泰尔一带至少生活3种人类祖先,”paabo

    "What we can say for now is that there were at least three different forms of hominids living in the Altai Mountains around 40, 000 years ago," paabo says.


  • 我们现在确定就是大约40,000年前泰尔一带至少生活3种人类祖先,”paabo

    "What we can say for now is that there were at least three different forms of hominids living in the Altai Mountains around 40, 000 years ago," paabo says.


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