• 宇航伦·谢泼月球上打出第一高尔夫球时,扬起的更多是的沙尘。

    When astronaut Alan Shepard took his first swing at a golf ball on the moon, he hit more dirt than ball.


  • 提出设想的是纽约西奈山医学院的细胞生物学伦纳德·奥恩·斯坦美国宇航气候模型家伊戈尔·列诺夫大卫·林德

    The scheme has been thought up by Leonard Ornstein, a cell biologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, together with Igor Aleinov and David Rind, climate modellers at Nasa.


  • 图像归美国宇航所有,杰西·创建使用陆地过程分布式数据档案中心(LPDAAC)所提供的数据。

    NASA images created by Jesse Allen, using data obtained from the using data provided by the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC).


  • 1980年代中期美国宇航姆斯研究中心卡内尔瓦同事们台计算机设计非常稳定实用版本稀疏分布记忆结构进行了细调。

    At the NASA Ames Research Center, Kanerva and colleagues fine-tuned his scheme for a sparse distributed memory in the mid-1980s by designing a very robust practical version in a computer.


  • 美国宇航姆斯研究中心主管西蒙·皮特·登说:“从地球表面拾掇陨石可比发送航空探测器太空搜集样本省钱多了。”

    “It’s a lot cheaper to go pick it up on the ground than to send a space probe to go get it, ” says the director of the NASA Ames Research Center, Simon “Pete” Worden.


  • 来自美国宇航研究中心天文物理学斯科特·桑福德说:“大多数情况下因为没有标本样品,具体联系靠猜测得出的。”

    "In most cases, it's all kind of guesses because we don't have samples," says Scott Sandford, an astrophysicist at the NASA Ames Research Center.


  • 美国宇航科学家弗·瑞特·吉布森说:“我们相信,现今有关火星存在生物体的假设13年前提出有说服力了。”

    "We believe that the biogenic hypothesis is stronger now than when we first proposed it 13 years ago," said Everett Gibson, a Nasa scientist.


  • 美国航太总署地球大观制图:杰西·使用了由戈达德宇航中心热带降雨测量任务科学数据信息系统提供的准实时数据。

    NASA Earth Observatory image by Jesse Allen, using near-real-time data provided courtesy of TRMM Science data and Information System at Goddard Space Flight Center.


  • 伦·斯特恩60年代还是孩子的时候,宇航每隔几个月就能到月球行走月球表面不同的地方探测各种地形。

    Alan Stern: When I was a boy, in the 1960s, astronauts walked on the moon every few months and explored different terrains, different sites on the moon.


  • 红石火箭首位美国宇航伦·谢泼德送上太空50年后美国航天局正在结束使用自己航天器搭载宇航升空的使命

    Fifty years after a Redstone rocket carried the first American astronaut, Alan Shephard, into space, NASA is getting out of the business of sending astronauts on missions using its own spacecraft.


  • 1961年5月,.谢泼德——NASA水星计划最初7宇航之一——准备成为美国宇航第一人。

    On May 5, 1961, NASA astronaut Alan Shepard ? one of the original seven Mercury spaceflyers ? was ready to become the first American in space.


  • 美国宇航姆斯研究中心开普勒项目负责人比尔•伯鲁奇:“我们现在已经证实‘开普勒22b’适合居住。”

    Bill Borucki, Kepler principal investigator at NASA Ames Research Centre, said: “We have now got good planet confirmation with Kepler 22b.


  • 美国航天航空宇航发言人约翰·拉·佩蒂告诉MSNBC新闻:“只是那些都市传言之一。”

    It’s one of those urban myth things,” NASA spokesman John Ira Petty told MSNBC News.


  • 2008年9月10国际空间站宇航员拍摄飓风

    Hurricane Ike on September 10, 2008, taken by the crew of the International Space Station.


  • 美国宇航地球观测图片西伦(JesseAllen使用美国宇航EO - 1号团队提供的EO - 1号ALI数据获取。

    NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen, using EO-1 ALI data provided courtesy of the NASA EO-1 team.


  • 卡尔美国宇航局关于太空探索合成生物学应用研讨会上提出了科研小组计划。这个会议于10月30 - 31日在加利福尼亚研究中心举行

    Carr presented his team's project at a NASA workshop about applications of synthetic biology in space exploration, held at the Ames Research Center in California Oct. 30-31.


  • 他们两人加利福尼亚州莫菲特基地负责美国宇航研究中心(ames Research Center)的一个项目,该项目的目的是为了一些旧磁带中获取分辨率图片

    They have been leading a project, based at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, to retrieve high-resolution images from old magnetic tapes.


  • 1969年11月19日,美国宇航皮特.康拉德(PeteConrad).宾(AlanBean)月球登陆他们登月舱()停靠在美国宇航勘测3号”(Surveyor 3)月球探测器不远处,然后步行到达了目的地。

    On November 19, 1969, NASAastronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean landed on the Moon, setting their LunarModule (center) down within walking distance of NASA's Surveyor 3 lunar landerprobe.


  • 1961年,受到美国第一位太空人·谢泼德的激励来自芝加哥郊区14岁女孩美国航空航天局写信询问自己怎样才能成为宇航

    Inspired by Alan Shepard, the first American to journey into space, a 14-year-old from suburban Chicago wrote a letter to NASA in 1961 asking what she needed to do to become an astronaut.


  • 飞速行驶火箭顶部宇宙飞船里,三位美国宇航名字很快传遍世界尼尔·阿姆斯特朗德文·奥尔德林迈克尔·柯林斯

    In the spacecraft at the top of the speeding rocket were three American astronauts whose names soon would be known around the world: Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins.


  • 宇航华盛顿总部首席科学家伦·斯多芬声明指出

    Ellen Stofan, chief scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said in a statement.


  • 一起漫步月球的伙伴从来都不是最有天赋宇航,靠的是勤能补拙。

    His fellow moonwalker, al Bean, never the most naturally gifted astronaut, compensated with sheer hard work.


  • 法国第一位女宇航克洛迪·涅尔(日前巴黎家中服下大量药物企图自杀随后被紧急送往医院接受救治。

    The first French woman in space, Claudie Haignere(see photo), was hospitalized recently after attempting suicide by swallowing pills at her Paris home.


  • 法国第一位女宇航克洛迪·涅尔(日前巴黎家中服下大量药物企图自杀随后被紧急送往医院接受救治。

    The first French woman in space, Claudie Haignere(see photo), was hospitalized recently after attempting suicide by swallowing pills at her Paris home.


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