• 罗斯飞往伦敦丽示米丽却正美国告诉罗斯选择在一起。

    Ross goes to London to prove his love for Emily, but she returns to the states to tell him she's chosen him.


  • 直到米丽有天收到了一封匿名情书事情便开始慢慢失去控制——为了使自己的母亲重新振作米丽决定将封情书转寄给妈妈。

    Things go awry when Emilie receives an anonymous love letter and hatches a plan to resend the letter to her mother in an attempt to cheer her up.


  • 莫妮卡催促罗斯离开美国表白不过事情并不顺利米丽另有男人

    Monica urges Ross to express his true feelings to Emily before she leaves the country, but things don't go as well as expected--it turns out there's another man.


  • 丽斯 王.我9了.你丽斯,喂,丽丝。 我是基蒂李

    I'm nine years old.You can call me Kitty.Hello,Kitty.


  • 其信息Facebook网页Twitter记录上随处可见,甚至还有自称为“飘迷”的,忠实地拥护斯嘉丽瑞特希利、梅兰·威克斯以及斯嘉丽的祖宅塔拉庄园

    There are Facebook pages, Twitter postings, even a group of people who call themselves "Windies," rabid devotees of Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley and Melanie Wilkes and Scarlett's ancestral home, Tara.


  • 姐妹搬出桌子准备晚餐的时候(米丽做了水田芥汤和菠菜香蒜空心粉沙拉),他们起了父亲一起的日子

    While the sisters set thetable out back for dinner (Emily had made watercress soup and spinach-pestopasta salad), they talked about life with their father.


  • 丽斯丽斯·布莱克可以知道名字吗?

    Alice: My name is Alice Black. May I know your name?


  • 丽斯名字丽斯。来自广州迎宾旅馆

    Alice: My name is Alice. I'm from Guangzhou Guest Hotel.


  • 去世后佩尔下定决心要让世人读一读米丽并且致力于编辑出版推销那些诗歌。

    After Emily died, Mabel determined that the public should read the poetry, and devoted herself to editing, publishing and promoting it.


  • 桂丽分钟丽莎巴托丽的传球完成了梅开度。

    Gueli wrapped it up with her second three minutes later, turning home Elisa Bartoli's cross.


  • 丽斯:你好,丽斯。

    Alice: My name is Alice. How do you do?


  • 情景大卫正在讨论今年春假计划米丽太喜欢朋友主意但是大卫一个备选的解决办法

    Situation: Emily and David are discussing their plans for this year's Spring Break. Emily isn't happy with her friend's ideas, but David has an alternative solution.


  • 接下来年里乔伊威尔士里尔的格兰·克卢·伊德医院颌面外科医师伍丽共同合作,改变相貌,同时也改变了她整个人生

    Over the next six years, Joy worked with maxillofacial surgeon Emma Woolley at Glan Clwyd Hospital in Rhyl, Wales, to transform Ellie's looks and her whole life's outlook.


  • 照片中,这位歌手剪短的卷发很层次,穿着黑灰相间的格子衬衫拥抱着英国歌手-古尔丁,丽还担任了最后一场演唱会的表演嘉宾。

    In the picture, the singer's hair is worn in a wavy style, . She wears a black-and-grey plaid shirt as she embraces British singer Ellie Goulding, with whom she sang in her final show.


  • 从此破旧封闭宅院里与世隔绝生活死尸同床共枕40直到去世小镇居民米丽的葬礼上发现了这个秘密

    Since then, Emily closed in the old house lived a secluded life, and sharing a bed with the corpse for 40 years until her death, residents of the town funeral of Emily discovered the secret.


  • 首先之死其次纳税事件然后臭味事件后来米丽恋爱事件最后谜底揭开

    The first is the death of Emily, followed by the tax event, and then smell the incident, later, Emily's love affair, and finally the mystery revealed.


  • 叙述起点小镇居民视角进行叙事作者以倒叙手法描述了米丽生前几个主要事件

    To Emily's death as a narrative starting point, the perspective of the residents were standing in a small town narrative, the author describes Emily flashback several major events during his lifetime.


  • 为什么丽斯不想乘坐那个新的游乐设施?乘坐之后感觉怎么样?鲍勃叔叔餐馆特色什么?丽斯何伟应该那里晚餐吗?为什么?。

    Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride? 2. What is special about Uncle Bob's restaurant? Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?


  • 为什么丽斯不想乘坐那个新的游乐设施?乘坐之后感觉怎么样?鲍勃叔叔餐馆特色什么?丽斯何伟应该那里晚餐吗?为什么?。

    Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride? 2. What is special about Uncle Bob's restaurant? Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?


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