• 欢迎大家出席中美文化艺术论坛

    Welcome to the US-China Forum on the Arts and Culture!


  • 事实上这都那些艺术创作者们想出的新奇办法他们通过社会媒体在线论坛创作作品,赢得关注,扩大作品的影响力。

    In fact, it's a hilariously quaint idea for those artists and makers who use social media and online communities to create, distribute, and expand upon their work.


  • 欢迎来到《儿童文墨》! 它美国全国范围内发行的儿童杂志,含图书系列及其网站完全致力于儿童文学、儿童艺术、儿童照片儿童论坛

    Welcome to Teen Ink, a national teen magazine, book series, and website devoted entirely to teenage writing, art, photos and forums.


  • GIF动画一直以来是被大量使用在论坛签名网络贴吧里面是什么使产生了动图使用艺术层面想法

    Turnstyle: Animated .gifs have long been the territory of goofy forum signatures and internet memes, what caused you to take the idea of animated photographs up to the level of art?


  • 已经涌现了许许多多惟妙惟肖精美漂亮艺术作品而且倘若不是3D论坛画廊里找到的它们,你都分辨不出看到的到底是照片还是计算机生成的渲染图片。

    There are so many realistic and beautiful artworks, and if it weren’t for the 3D forums and galleries, you wouldn’t know whether you’re looking at a photograph or a computer-generated render.


  • 有关一问题的板块至少20个国家健美医疗救助新兴艺术论坛雨后春笋般冒出来。

    Threads relating to this issue are springing up all over the Web on bodybuilding, medical help, and pick-up artist forums, in at least twenty countries. Notice from one such forum


  • 此次论坛我们得以审视艺术不同领域(文化社区学科)构建关系方式

    The Forum enables us to examine the way in which art constructs relationships in a number of different registers (cultural, community and disciplinary).


  • 但是经验丰富国际先驱论坛报的专职艺术拍卖品作家SOURENMELIKIAN认为一切太过于井井有条,令人生疑。

    But Souren Melikian, an experienced arts-and-salesroom writer for the International Herald Tribune, thought it all sounded suspiciously neat.


  • 为了增加互动性曼利建议增加一个论坛,让其他艺术可以登记分享他们艺术

    To increase the interactivity, Manley suggested adding a forum where other artists could register to post and share their art.


  • 论坛主持艺术鲁婷婷宣布四川美术学院主办媒体艺术承办国际实验动画论坛展览开幕

    Forum host, artists always ting-ting lu announced sponsored by sichuan academy of fine arts and new media art to undertake international experimental animation exhibition forum.


  • 这次会议同行审议新的研究艺术介入放射科专职来自世界各地科学家公认论坛

    This meeting is a recognized forum for peer-reviewed presentations of new research by interventional radiologists and allied scientists from around the world.


  • 是个典型“出口转内销的帖子”,此人中国的多个论坛图展示街头粉笔艺术,引起中国网民的追捧,并给其封号“粉”不是粉条

    This street artist amused everyone with his chalk drawings. Mr. Hou from China posted a few pictures of his 3d chalk art on different forums. Chinese netizens soon gave Hou the Nick name "chalk God".


  • 如何继续发挥艺术提高城市效能中的作用这个论坛需要重点推进部分。

    How to continually improve the effect of art in urban constructions is the key point of promoting on this forum.


  • 艺术为期3博览会中国卡通产业论坛动漫嘉年华卡通文艺晚会三大主体版块构成。

    The art festival session will be 3 days, consisting of three main parts: Expo, Chinese Cartoon Industry Forum, Cartoon Carnival and Cartoon Evening Party.


  • 帖子发出后,立即转发国内其他多个论坛红薯者身份也成为网友热议的一个焦点——球迷还是行为艺术

    The post was repasted in numerous BBSes and attention is drawn to the status of the seller---is he a football fan or a performance artist?


  • 一系列充满乐趣、温暖友爱聚会艺术展览论坛电影放映等活动正等着

    A host of fun-filled, family-friendly parties, art exhibitions, panel discussions, and film screenings await you.


  • 每个人都会自己中意的节目—电影展映、艺术表演、开放式论坛戏剧表演、体育比赛精彩绝伦的热闹大party

    There'll be something for everyonefilm events, art shows, panel discussions, theatre productions, sporting events and fabulous parties.


  • 阿:当然认识那里一些诗人视觉艺术摄影师文化工作者,他们都是非常可爱的。我巴勒斯坦解放组织的一个“巴勒斯坦论坛工作过

    Yes, I know some poets, video artists, photographers and culture workers there. Beautiful people. I've also worked with the PLO affiliated "Palestinian Forum" there.


  • 双方就中国戏剧节期间举办艺术管理论坛工作坊等相关事宜进行商谈

    They discuss about the art management workshop, which will be held during Chinese Drama Festival. Mr.


  • 论坛还将审视影响我们日常生活一系列互为关系试图探讨如何通过艺术建立传导这些关系。

    We will examine a set of relationships that affect our daily existence. We seek to understand how relationships are constituted and conducted through art.


  • 论坛邀请四川美术学院相关领导作为嘉宾出席,参展艺术媒体代表共计50余人

    Moreover, about 50 artists and media representatives in total will take part in the forum.


  • 东西方对话本届论坛全球最高端的艺术收藏峰会,也是全球艺术收藏论坛第一东半球举办

    Dialogue between Eastern and Western: as the highest-end collecting forum, this is the first that global collection forum has been held in East;


  • 届时,来自世界多国当代艺术展人和评论家出席论坛展览开幕式

    At that time, a number of contemporary artists, curators, critics from various countries in the world will attend this forum and the opening ceremony of exhibition.


  • 博鳌亚洲论坛艺术需要保护的主要110- 135艺术学分,其中55必须采取教授

    The BFA Pre-Art-Conservation Major requires 110-135 credit hours in art, 55 of which must be taken at DU or with DU Faculty.


  • 博鳌亚洲论坛工作室美术专业艺术需要110-135学分,其中55必须采取教授

    The BFA Studio Art Major requires 110-135 credit hours in art, 55 of which must be taken at DU or with DU Faculty.


  • 六月盛夏成都将迎来2013全球财富论坛大家谈论财富时候,我们可以探讨享受艺术时尚

    The fortune Global Forum 2013 is to be held this June in Chengdu. While indulging ourselves in the discussion of fortune, we can always spare some moments to explore our minds with art and fashion.


  • 六月盛夏成都将迎来2013全球财富论坛大家谈论财富时候,我们可以探讨享受艺术时尚

    The fortune Global Forum 2013 is to be held this June in Chengdu. While indulging ourselves in the discussion of fortune, we can always spare some moments to explore our minds with art and fashion.


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