• 浪漫主义艺术突破循规蹈矩古典形式个性化语言不拘一格表达个人的思想感情艺术感受

    Romanticism art breakthrough behave classical form, with personalized language, stick to one pattern to express personal thoughts and feelings and artistic feeling.


  • 一部分科学艺术方面的伟大的突破来自正统之外劳动,这绝不是偶然

    It's no accident that some of the greatest breakthroughs in science and the arts have come from those working outside the orthodoxy.


  • 曾宣布,“蓝天第一个作品,”干净利落地总结试图突破艺术寻常界限雄心;这战后欧洲了不起的事。

    "The blue sky is my first artwork," he declared, neatly summing up his ambitions to breach the ordinary boundaries of art; no mean feat in post-war Europe.


  • 患有自闭症可能某些方面很有天分,比如科学艺术音乐其它一些方面,帮助他们一个突破

    An autistic person can be brilliant in science, art, music and other disciplines, and that's an opening to help.


  • ART DECO的无限魅力,就在于艺术淋漓尽致运用非论时代若何变迁能在个中呈现突破

    Art DECO infinite charm lies in the use of the most artistic, and no matter how The Times change, all of which appear breakthroughs.


  • 艺术之塔高度当地规定一个非常重要突破

    The Art Tower height is an important exception to the local height rule.


  • 人马座艺术体育领域大有作为,取得突破获得超乎自己预料的成就。

    SAGITTARIUS: Experience with the arts and sports will flourish marvelously. You'll break boundaries. You will achieve things you thought were beyond you.


  • 1991年,李安推出一部作品《推手》,这成为艺术生涯上的突破

    The debut of Lee's first full-length feature Pushing Hands in 1991 was his first major breakthrough.


  • 将一定商业因素融入动画艺术创作动画片产业化运作突破

    The commercial factors into the animation art creation is a breakthrough in animation industry operation.


  • 他们告诉也许那么一天自己感到开心除非是发了做出科学上的突破创作出了艺术杰作

    Maybe they'll have fun someday, they tell me, but not until they've made a huge fortune or a scientific breakthrough or an artistic masterpiece.


  • 情感内涵相适应,艺术上表现出中国诗歌传统自觉借鉴突破

    It matches its emotional connotation and demonstrates its use for reference of traditional Chinese poems and breakthrough in art.


  • 台湾导演蔡明亮釜山影展选为亚洲年度电影人”,组委会称赞作品开创了全新领域突破艺术电影业限制

    Taiwanese director Tsai Ming Liang has been chosen Asian Filmmaker of the Year for his work in pioneering unexplored areas that overcome the limitations of the art film industry.


  • 巧妙地把实景空间艺术应用于园林构景中,可以突破有限的空间达到无限的空间。

    Applying outdoor scene and timid scene space art ingeniously can break through the limited space and create limitless space.


  • 借用雕塑空间可视、可触艺术形象从而突破摄影视觉的、静态形式多维的时空心态方面探索。

    I wish to explore multi-dimensional space by the sculpture which is visual space and touchable art image so that it can break through the form of the photographic vision and static state.


  • 突破教学模式,走向教学自由,实现模式化教学,后现代教学理念体现,也是教学艺术崇高境界

    The breakthrough in the teaching mode, the freedom of teaching, and teaching without fixed pattern are the embodiment of post-modern teaching ideas, and the loftiest realm of teaching art.


  • 传统基础力求突破,在节奏运动追求原始生命宇宙自由奔放情景,也是我内心艺术作品的强烈要求。

    Based on traditional style, I strived to break through, find the relationship between rhythm and movement and pursue the unrestrained freedom scene about primitive lives in the universe.


  • 今天中国体育竞技上的突破我们眼花缭乱。此外中国还将艺术商业科学教育领域下深刻的印记

    Today, it's the athletic surge that dazzles us, but China will leave a similar outsize footprint in the arts, in business, in science, in education.


  • 目的强调数码插图艺术其他各种行业之间兼容性计算机强大而便利工具所带来的效率的、表现力上的突破

    The purpose is to emphasize compatibility between digital illustration art and various of other industry and break-through that the computer brings on the expression and on efficiency.


  • 篇小说中,作者完成了艺术上的自我突破创作再次出现一个新的标高

    The author has accomplished his break of art in this novel and a new altitude appears once again on creation.


  • 例如张很喜欢艺术,他的作品中不断突破自我。

    Zhang Huan is one of my favorite artists, as he is working on this edge.


  • 虹影长篇小说中可以看到有意识地突破传统叙事手法娴熟运用各种超常的、奇特的、能强烈刺激人情感的叙事方式达到意想不到的艺术效果

    She purposefully breaks through the traditional narrative technique by tapping into unique narrative modes to provoke the readers'emotions and thus to achieve an extra artistic effect.


  • 一期作家作品数量大增句法突破普通节拍,作品的艺术技巧繁复追求

    This issue increases from the writer and work quantity, syntax breakthroughs ordinary rhythm, work artistic skill complicated, and pursues new change.


  • 不但表现创作一无所傍,独自走自己的路,开辟自己的艺术境界而且表现在总是不断地突破刷新自己追求实现新的创造

    This not because of his not rely on and has own artistic bourn, but also because of him always breaking through and breaking himself constantly, pursuing and realizing new creation.


  • 艺术体操集体项目我国2008年奥运会突破奖牌个重点项目。

    The group events of rhythmic gymnastics will be the key point to obtain more Numbers of MEDALS on 2008 Olympic Games.


  • 改变我们这些素材的态度,进行大胆的实践,突破正规”的标准找到新的艺术方法手段有助于取得重要艺术成就

    Change our attitudes towards these footages, boldly expertise, breakthrough so-called FORMAL STANDARD, and find new art approach and method, we can definitely win important art achievement.


  • 表现艺术领域艺术家均做出了大胆尝试突破

    Both of them have carried out daring attempts and breakthroughs in the art field.


  • 作为一个“边缘领域”,设计突破传统学科框架主要与精神领域打交道的艺术领域接近。

    As "the edge domain", the design is breaking through the frame of traditional science, mainly approaches to the artistic domain related with the spiritual realm.


  • 生命”作为沈从文湘西小说艺术维度之一解读沈从文湘西小说的突破口。

    Life, one of the artistic dimensions of SHE Cong-wen's novels on western Hunan, is the key to interpret SHEN's novels.


  • 生命”作为沈从文湘西小说艺术维度之一解读沈从文湘西小说的突破口。

    Life, one of the artistic dimensions of SHE Cong-wen's novels on western Hunan, is the key to interpret SHEN's novels.


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