• 作为室内背景材料红石艺术已经达到了相当水平

    As indoor background material, red rock art brick has reached a high level.


  • 红石国际艺术东升企业直辖品牌,红石艺术砖材料石英基材,添加了部分其他矿物成分复合而成。

    Red rock International art brick is a direct jurisdiction brand of DONGSHENG Company. The red rock brick is made from quartz as the backing material and added some other mineral components.


  • 重点在于关心你最后省多少问题砍价艺术敲门

    Keeping focused on the end result of all of the money that can be saved, just by asking a few questions, can help anyone break into the art of good haggling.


  • 沿着布朗普顿地铁站螺旋状楼梯拾阶而下,你的手轻轻过的是绿色、雪白、棕褐色的新艺术风格的

    Picking your way down a spiral staircase at Brompton Road, your hand runs over art-nouveau wall tiles in green, cream and brown.


  • 一个艺术学位可能就是开始你雕刻家画家,玻璃艺术或者陶艺家生涯的敲门

    An art degree may be the ticket to a career as a sculptor, painter, glassmaker, or potter.


  • 具有天然特殊艺术轮廓人造艺术文化有自主专利的人造艺术浮雕

    Version of a natural shape and contour of a special art artificial stone and arts and cultural autonomy patented artificial art brick reliefs.


  • 原有石砌工作框架古建筑装饰旧世界的文物,艺术,和雕塑,可以追溯到建筑原始时间

    Original brick and stone masonry work frame the ancient building, which is adorned with old-world artifacts, artwork, and sculptures dating back to the building's original time period.


  • 白种人实习工作看成是他们进入那些知名度高报酬行业的敲门例如新闻业电影圈政坛艺术圈、非营利机构其它任何博物馆相关的行业。

    White people view the internship as their foot into the door of such high-profile, low-paying career fields as journalism, film, politics, art, non-profits and anything associated with museums.


  • 文章试图论述岭南地区汉代壁画器物纹饰等艺术特点及其取得研究成果。

    This paper attempts to discuss the characteristics and research achievements of Han figure art involved in frescos, brick decorations and utensil patterns in Lingnan Region.


  • 公司专业生产艺术精品,拼画,线玻璃马赛克

    This company specialized production art high-quality goods throw the crystal brick, puts together the picture, the waist line, the glass Mosaic.


  • 作为中国优秀传统艺术画像的独特风格中国艺术史上占有不朽地位

    As the Chinese outstanding tradition art Chinese Portrait brick, holds the immortal status by its unique style in the Chinese art history.


  • 而且绘画中的线条、民间剪纸画像艺术进行了研究论述,提到传统文化学习继承内容运用

    I study and analyze the line of drawing, paper-cut popular and brick carving, and write the content of inheriting the traditional culture and utilizing.


  • 诗洛克瓷质通体融合艺术古朴时尚个性品位等多卖点,独特的设计理念深厚文化内涵。

    Stream Porcelain tiles merge art, classical, fashion, individualized and graded advantage, especially include the unique design idea and deep cultural intension.


  • 甘肃清水宋金墓室彩绘画像其稚拙朴实、渗透着浓厚本土意味艺术风格凝聚特定时代文化气质人文地域的精神内蕴。

    Today, in Qingshui County, Gansu province, the portrayal bricks in tombs of Song Dynasty and Jin Dynasty represent the native art style and the distinct culture of the time.


  • 汉画像艺术成就表现成功地运用了现实主义浪漫主义创作方法

    The stone reliefs in the Han dynasty successfully combines realistic methods of creation with romantic ones.


  • 批汉画像发现研究洛阳地区的汉画像艺术提供资料

    The discovery of bricks relief of Han dynasty affordes the new materials for researching the art of bricks relief of Han dynasty in Luoyang area.


  • 汉代巴蜀画像中国古代造型艺术瑰宝研究价值也是不言而喻的。

    Brick of portrait in Han Dynasty Bashu district was the plastic arts treasure in ancient times in China, its research value was also self-evident.


  • 因此笔者认为一选题将会起到敲门作用,希望通过本文的写作能够使关于古筝艺术理论研究人们重视

    Therefore, the author believes that this topic may functions as a steppingstone to arouse people's attention to the theoretical research of Zheng art.


  • 我厂生产库存多种墙地鹅卵石泳池防滑耐磨木纹,泳池马赛克、马赛克拼图多种艺术陶瓷

    I stock a wide range of ceramic tile production, stone, swimming pool anti-slip tiles, wear-resistant bricks, wood blocks, swimming pool Mosaic tiles, Mosaic ceramic Mosaic tiles and many other arts.


  • 我厂生产库存多种陶瓷墙地泳池防滑耐磨,木纹,泳池马赛克、马赛克拼图等多种艺术陶瓷

    I plant a wide range of ceramic tiles Stock, swimming pool anti-slip tiles, wear-resistant bricks, wood blocks, swimming pool Mosaic tiles, Mosaic ceramic Mosaic tiles and many other arts.


  • 我厂生产库存多种陶瓷墙地泳池防滑耐磨,木纹,泳池马赛克、马赛克拼图等多种艺术陶瓷

    I plant a wide range of ceramic tiles Stock, swimming pool anti-slip tiles, wear-resistant bricks, wood blocks, swimming pool Mosaic tiles, Mosaic ceramic Mosaic tiles and many other arts.


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