• 职业装永远有助于打造良好印象

    Professional dressing is always helps for good impression.


  • 记住只有一次获取良好印象机会

    Remember, you only have one shot at making a good impression.


  • 结束电话最后一次潜在客户留下良好印象最后机会

    The end of your call is your last chance to leave a good impression with a potential guest.


  • 但是长相良好印象说出口一句话给毁了。

    However, my positive opinion of his looks was damaged by the first words out of his mouth.


  • 这位面试单纯地认为留下良好印象唯一方法就是表现完美。

    This person thinks the only way to make a good impression is to be perfect.


  • 洋话连篇得体的商务介绍种在初次会面随后会面中塑造良好印象有效途径

    Proper business introductions, the Modern English way, are an effective way to create the right impression the first time or in subsequent meetings.


  • 爱德华·弗纳斯在外表言谈方面,都没有什么特殊风度足以博得她们良好印象

    Edward Ferras was not recommended to their good opinion by any peculiar graces of person or address. He was not handsome, and his manners required intimacy to make them pleasing.


  • 职业装永远有助于打造良好印象穿着要与应聘工作相协调。不确定时采用保守着装。

    Professional dressing is always helps for good impression. Arrive dressed appropriately for the job. If any doubt then wear a conservative suit.


  • 但是记住打电话表达方式电话你交谈的良好印象关键因素

    But remember, the way you conduct yourself on the phone may be a key factor in making good impressions upon the person you are talking with over the telephone.


  • 现代职场充满潜在陷阱这意味着必须小心创造维护在同事之间良好印象。 。

    Thee modern workplace is full of potential pitfalls, meaning you have to be on your toes to make, and maintain, the right impression with your co-workers and colleagues.


  • 巴斯·杰斐逊1784年继富兰克林之后出使巴黎更加强了富兰克林所造成良好印象

    Thomas Jefferson, when he appeared in Paris as Franklin's successor in 1784, reinforced the favourable impression make by Franklin.


  • 新来职员企图通过谈论显赫的新戚以使公司对他有良好印象不久以后就遭到别人的嘲讽。

    The newcomer tried to impress the company by talking of his distinguished connexions, but it was not long before someone took the mickey out of him.


  • 所以设计结果达到预期可以校内外人员带来非一般良好印象效果基本可以满足学校的需求

    Therefore, the results achieved are expected to be designed to bring non-school personnel, the general good impression of the effectiveness of schools to meet basic needs.


  • 该赞许的就给与赞许,这不仅让帮助的人心里感到高兴,会给你老板留下良好印象,从而考虑你的日后晋升

    Giving credit where credit is due will not only ingratiate you with9 your benefactors10, but it will impress the bosses into considering you for future promotion.


  • 本身已具备了留下良好印象能力因为要保持你的自我,只有你自己才能做得好,谁也代替不了你。

    You already have within you the power to make a good impression, because nobody can be you as well as you can.


  • 如果科尼博士敢于接受直接接触联系风险也许建立许多对话或者至少人留下了积极主动良好印象

    If Dr Thorne had accepted the risk of making direct contact, he might have established more dialogue, or at least a better record for proactivity.


  • 所以不要觉得面试英语测试不只如此,它是制造良好印象表明可以学校做得很好的机会

    So don't think of the interview as a test of your English - it is much more than that, it is an opportunity to make a lasting impression and to show that you will be successful in your new school.


  • 请记住为了炫耀穿衣并不给别人留下良好印象,相反,过度注重自己反而损害自己的商务形象因为你看起来合群

    Remember, dressing to show off will not impress business men or women, and can hurt your professional image if you draw too much attention to yourself because you may not be seen as a team player.


  • 请记住为了炫耀穿衣并不给别人留下良好印象,相反,过度注重自己反而损害自己的商务形象因为你看起来合群

    Remember, dressing to show off will not impress business men or women, and can hurt your professional image if you draw too much attention to yourself because you may not be seen as a team player.


- 来自原声例句

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