• 因此船只进入离开重量与船只的重量完全相同

    So when a boat enters a gondola, the amount of water leaving the gondola weighs exactly the same as the boat.


  • 舱时这个门子一定在某处了。

    The door must have bumped somewhere while being loaded.


  • 进行海水系统其他加热器提供热油。

    When carrying on sea water washing, the thermal oil system serves thermal oil to cargo oil tanks, other tanks and the tank washing heater.


  • 护送Gagarin行至太空轻声告诉安全密码是:1-2-5。

    As he escorted Gagarin to the capsule, he whispered the code to him: 1-2-5.


  • 一边走,一边顶部弯曲增加平衡到达驾驶,我了。

    I touch the padded curve of the ceiling for added balance as I walk, and I smile when I reach the cockpit.


  • 通过建立简单数学模型运用相关的数学软件分析总结出压载舱时的规律。

    By establishing mathematical model and utilizing related software, some principles about ballast tank subdivision are summarized.


  • 方法令人满意,起设备传动轮弯头在不穿过吊杆原因使用吊杆不安全。

    The opening hatch cover method also not to be satisfied that using the warping head of cargo gear not through derrick boom open the hatch cover because using derrick boom is not safe.


  • 只鸟属于啄羊鹦鹉巴士在通往米尔福湾的公路边,司机查看行李舱时采取行动。

    The birda parrot of the Kea variety—made its move while the bus was stopped along the highway to Milford Sound on South Island, and the driver was looking through the compartment.


  • 被救地面走出救援深深地拥抱自己妻子然后跪倒在地,双手合十对上帝表示感谢。这一刻,让人十分动容。

    His rescue was a particularly emotional moment as, stepping out of the capsule, he embraced his wife and then knelt in a prayer of thanks.


  • 又有两三位乘客试图坐在那个士兵旁边靠窗座位上他们则启事后,就走开了。舱时一位非常美丽的姑娘匆匆地走进

    Two or three people tried to sit in the window seat beside the soldier, but they too read the notice and went on, When the plane was nearly full, a very beautiful girl hurried into the plane.


  • 集装箱进港如实准确填报各项数据资料,且信息一致

    All information provided when container gate-in terminal is accurate as well as in accordance with S/O data.


  • 然而2006年太空一个叫做“星尘”的探测器回到地球又一次面对这个问题

    Yet this was the problem facing him when a capsule returned to earth in 2006 from a probe called Stardust.


  • 迈克尔·科林斯阿姆斯特朗奥尔德林一起乘返回坠入太平洋曾说:“地球海洋如此壮丽。”似乎无人有异议。

    Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins's thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin "Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth."


  • 迈克尔·科林斯阿姆斯特朗奥尔德林一起乘返回坠入太平洋曾说:“地球,海洋如此壮丽。”似乎无人有异议。

    Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins’s thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin “Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth.


  • 这些垃圾包括废弃航天器卫星、太空碰撞产生的金属碎片丢弃工具

    The rubbish consists of derelict spacecrafts, dead satellites, pieces of metal ejected during collisions and dropped tools etc.


  • 执行第一太空行走的任务,又是碰到空气泄漏,又是碰到材料意外硬化——后者把他压密封几乎丧命。

    He performed the first space walk on his mission, but experienced both air leaks and material unexpected stiffening — the latter of which made cramming himself back in the capsule a very near thing.


  • 五十年前艾伦·谢波德进入墨丘利号太空等待发射升空,所有的一切对于羽翼未丰美国太空计划显得十分残酷。

    Fifty years ago when Alan Shepard climbed inside his Mercury capsule to blast off into space, things were looking pretty grim for the fledgling U.S. space program.


  • 奋进号在离开地球350千米的高空中环绕着27 000英里的速度急速穿过地球的阴影,它打开了负载灯光

    Orbiting 350 kilometers above planet Earth, Endeavour's payload bay is lit up as it hurtles through Earth's shadow at 27, 000 miles per hour.


  • 船员沿用熟悉弧形挡热板的圆锥形状证明月返回最佳形状。

    The crew module borrows the familiar conical shape with a curved heatshield, which has proven to be the optimal shape for missions returning from the moon.


  • 秒钟之后哥伦比亚号进入德克萨斯州左侧轮胎胎压指标开始下降,驾驶中的宇航员注意到了这点。

    Within seconds the Columbia had crossed into Texas and the left-tire-pressure indications were dropping, as observed also by the cockpit crew.


  • 行事节俭引人注目二等廉价酒店食堂就餐

    Be noticeably thrifty: fly coach, stay in cheap hotels, eat in diners.


  • 轮到二等旅客,仓顶行李箱似乎已经满了

    By the time coach travelers are called, the overhead bins seem to be already full.


  • IATA估计“两收入下降25%。

    IATA reckons that revenue from premium passengers fell by 25% in the same period.


  • 2007年太空宾馆这项计划首次宣布,《大众科学》曾做过报道,太空宾馆容纳4名旅客2名宇航员单个分离启程。

    The space hotel, which PopSci covered when it was first announced in 2007, would start out as a single pod capable of holding four guests and two pilots.


  • 2007年太空宾馆这项计划首次宣布,《大众科学》曾做过报道,太空宾馆容纳4名旅客2名宇航员单个分离启程。

    The space hotel, which PopSci covered when it was first announced in 2007, would start out as a single pod capable of holding four guests and two pilots.


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