• 英格兰传统中锋一是个身强体壮的目标球员——布莱恩·格兰维将之形容“球门前头有勇无谋的公牛”。

    In England, the center-forward tended traditionally to be a big target-man figure – what Brian Glanville characterized as "the brainless bull at the gate".


  • 瑞克曼其他进程到达一半研究小组成员谈判者优秀谈判者之间差异做了一些研究。

    Nilrikman and others of the halfway research group have done some research into the differences between average and good negotiators.


  • 莱特闪电打开马厩喊道:“汉赛我们得救了!”

    Gretel, ran like lightning to Hansel, opened his little stable, and cried: "Hansel, we are saved!"


  • 鲸鱼们似乎都喜欢韦德海豹,他们11英尺黑鳕鱼海豹都更难捕获。

    The whales prefer weddell seals, which can be up to 11 feet long, rather than the more aggressive crabeater and leopard seals.


  • 汤姆已经奇迹恢复常态,还说电视的观众喜欢这样东山再起的故事

    Tom Shales said that I had recovered miraculously and that people who watch television love this kind of comeback story.


  • 个月曾提到卷入冲突泰米儿童蒙受“难以想像地狱”的处境。

    Four months ago Elder spoke about what he called the "unimaginable hell" suffered by Tamil children caught in the conflict.


  • 对于法雷来说不够,在离此处东北方向一百英里地方,如同蝴蝶一个玻璃圆顶的蝴蝶圣殿正在比斯附近绿野当中显现

    But that's not enough for Farrell. A hundred miles northeast of here, a glass-domed temple to winged insects is emerging from a green field near st Albans, like a butterfly from its chrysalis.


  • 高级助理哈密布拉德肖处与我公用办公室但是离开这里会组织两三次会议。

    My executive assistant shares my office at Hamilton Bradshaw in Mayfair, but I can normally do two or three meetings from here before I leave.


  • 大巴观光客,虽然经常顺便看看·威克城堡布伦海姆都不是来看其中有些看到斯特拉福德竟然一家剧院甚至惊讶不已

    The sightseers who come by bus-and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side-dont usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.


  • 努力遏制伊斯狂轰滥炸发球的当口,第二盘德约科维奇击坏了球拍第四盘抢七中违规受到处罚

    Struggling to contain Isner's booming serve, Djokovic smashed his racket in the second set and received a ball violation penalty in the fourth set tiebreaker.


  • 然而李约瑟所在剑桥学院凯斯学院,仍然信任学识给予格外的自由免去学术工作,使得他能致力于写书。

    Needham’s Cambridge college, Gonville and Caius, however, retained its faith in his scholarship and gave him extraordinary freedom from normal academic duties to pursue his book-writing.


  • 而言干细胞始终在不停地肤质自身同时变异其他细胞费舍

    Normally, stem cells keep making copies of themselves while also differentiating into other cell types, Fisher said.


  • 接着回忆滑向温情有趣苦乐参半画面,一切恰如其分的汇集,就弗雷多眨眼淘气,让人不可抗拒的受到震撼。

    Then the recollections steal in on him, an irresistible tumble of warm, funny, bittersweet vignettes, all fitted together and as sly as one of Alfredo's winks.


  • 如果西奥·科特状况良好闪电速度必将搅得曼联今夜不得安宁,尤其是曼纽·阿德能够中间形成一个攻击点时。

    If Theo Walcott is fit, then his lightning speed will ensure a turbulent evening for United, especially if Emmanuel Adebayor is available to provide a focal point through the middle.


  • 与此同时尽管委员会之间争吵不休,资金匮乏圣保罗还是矗立了起来就像当初的沙特雷恩依旧忠于柏拉图几何对称

    Meanwhile, in spite of wrangling committees and money shortages, st Paul's rose, with Wren holding fast, as they had at Chartres, to Plato and geometry.


  • 由于时间重活欠缺足够食物照顾伊克巴比一的孩子矮小

    Due to long hours of hard work and insufficient food and care, Iqbal was undersized.


  • 新的建筑河岸边雨后春笋涌出,过几就会雕像揭幕

    New buildings are sprouting up along the Banks of the Vardar river and a fresh statue is unveiled every few weeks.


  • 尽管即使偿还赔偿总额中的其中一部分都是天方夜谭,赔偿的裁定也显示法院确信,即,科维得独自魔鬼交易行为负全责

    Although Mr Kerviel has no hope of repaying even a fraction of this sum, the damages award signals the court's belief that he alone was responsible for his rogue trades.


  • 算术天文几何本来就是中世纪学校部分标准课程这些课程引起了教皇贝特的热情本身就是非同一的,也不是闻所未闻

    Arithmetic, astronomy and geometry were a standard part of the curriculum in medieval schools, making Gerbert's enthusiasm for these subjects unusual, but not unheard of.


  • “阿缪施瓦茨美国的贡献史诗的。”莱因哈特如是说。

    “What Friedman and Schwartz did for the U.S. was heroic, ” says Ms. Reinhart.


  • 阿戴结婚退出舞台,贵妇的生活时,阿斯泰到了好莱坞,工作越加努力,之后成为全世界公认敬仰电影明星就是的人生。

    When Adele retired into an aristocratic marriage, he moved to Hollywood, worked even harder, became a film star recognised and admired the world over…and that’s all.


  • 对于伯特而言,时间电梯都是不起作用的,公车升降机坏了或是司机根本不知道如何应对残疾人

    According to Talbot, the elevators didn't work half the time, bus lifts were broken and drivers were not educated in dealing with the disabled.


  • 曼德自从政策宣布以来,顾客们打进咨询电话如潮水

    Lord Mandelson said that since the announcement of the scheme in the Budget there had been "a flood of enquiries from customers".


  • 康涅狄格州米德敦一家天然气发电厂发生爆炸,形成如同地震一冲击波,影响达数英里

    An explosion rocked a natural-gas power plant Sunday in Middletown, Conn., sending earthquake-like shock waves miles away.


  • 不过里根奥尼之间暴风雨对话的结果总是一个更为平衡各方利益的方案

    But from the stormy dialogue between Reagan and o 'neill came a more balanced program than either man might have authored alone.


  • 本季裸色时尚趋势使人青春亮丽,就像造型美”·卡戴珊姐妹肯达·詹娜一样,为指甲泼洒霓虹灯亮丽色彩

    Rejuvenate this season's nude runway trends like modeling beauty and Kim Kardashian's little sis Kendall Jenner with a splash of neon color.


  • 本季裸色时尚趋势使人青春亮丽,就像造型美”·卡戴珊姐妹肯达·詹娜一样,为指甲泼洒霓虹灯亮丽色彩

    Rejuvenate this season's nude runway trends like modeling beauty and Kim Kardashian's little sis Kendall Jenner with a splash of neon color.


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