• 用途用于航空合金特种合金添加剂

    Uses: used in aviation alloys and special alloys additives.


  • 合金由于密度导热性良好航空航天领域得到了广泛的应用。

    Because of low density and good thermal conductivity, Al-alloy is widely applied in aerospace domain.


  • 航空发动机燃机精铸真空无余量空心涡轮、导向叶片复杂结构件。多种热处理炉用料盘,夹具等耐热合金钢精铸件。

    The no machining directional solidification hollow turbine blades, hollow guide vans and complex structure parts used in aero engine and gas turbine made by vacuum precision investment casting.


  • 高温合金一种高性能材料广泛应用航空航天原子能等行业目前开始石油化工等民用工业应用

    Super alloy is a high-performance material which has extensively applied to aviation, spaceflight, atomic energy industries, and currently began to use in oil and chemical civil industry application.


  • 用于生产航空材料受力厚7050合金锭的铸造工艺进行研究

    The casting technology of 7050 alloy bilits is researched. that are used to produce slabs for air materials.


  • 某些金属合金例如合金,其密度用于航空航天节约燃料

    Some metal alloys, such as those based on aluminum, have low densities and are used in aerospace applications for fuel economy.


  • 这些特种合金材料主要应用航空航天、军工、核电能源等重要领域。

    These special alloy materials have been found numerous applications in aviation, spaceflight navigation, arms industry, nuclear power and energy sources.


  • 项目目标——开发一种喷涂工艺,应用航空材料合金部件检领域。

    Program objectives - Develop cold spray technology in repair and overhaul of metallic alloy parts in aero materials.


  • LC4合金航空航天等工业得到广泛应用,在航空工业中主要用于飞机大梁、隔框、接头重要承力件

    LC4 alloy have been used on aerospace industry and others widely, and it is used on main load-carrying structure of airplane, for example girder and bulkhead and junction etc.


  • 研究这些合金晶粒细化和超塑性能,采用超塑性等温锻造方法制造复杂形状航空锻件具有重要意义。

    Therefore, it is of great significance to research the superplastic properties of these alloys for using superplastic isothermal forging to manufacture complex aviatic forge pieces.


  • TC4合金焊接结构应用航空工业一种重要结构。

    The welding between TC4 titanium alloy and steel is an important application in aviation industry.


  • 合金具有良好的高温超低温性能,而广泛应用于航空航天飞行器、轻型装甲以及汽车某些零部件等民用领域。

    Al-Cu alloy is widely used in aeronautical and space aerocraft light armor vehicle and some parts of automobile owing to its excellent high temperature and super-low temperature mechanical properties.


  • Z采用表面阳极化航空合金温度一致性极佳降低运动部件质量,减少测量机高速运行时的惯性。

    Cross beam and Axis Z are made of surface-anodized aerometal to improve thermal stability and reduce moving mass for faster setting.


  • 试验数据表明激光冲击有效地提高航空合金疲劳断裂性能

    The test data show that laser shocking can improve effectively the properties of aviation aluminium alloys against fatigue fracture.


  • 介绍全世界可生产航空级铝合金厚板的企业。

    The plants of global producing aluminium alloy plate for aviation are introduced.


  • 采用合理平均试验验证了模型有效性进一步研究航空合金数控加工变形提供可靠边界条件

    The milling force model is validated according to cutting experiments and it can offer a reliable boundary condition for the further study of NC machining distortion of aviation aluminum-alloy.


  • 合金轻型结构金属材料航天航空汽车电子工业、生物材料上有广阔应用前景。

    Magnesium alloys are new structural light metal materials and used widely in the field of the aviation, spaceflight, automobile, electronic products and biomaterials.


  • 随着合金交通运输、航空航天等行业广泛应用合金机器人MIG焊技术这些领域应用日趋普遍

    With the wide application of aluminum alloy to transportation and aircraft, it has become more and more popular for the use of robotic pulsed-MIG welding for aluminum alloy.


  • 针对航空发动机滑油系统合金部件工作环境特点,结合外场出现滑油系统故障分析返厂大修某发动机统计资料发现微生物引起腐蚀主要原因。

    It is found that microbe can reduce magnesium alloy corrosion with analyzing its environment, the breakdown of its working system and the statistical data of repaired engine.


  • 研究加载负荷试样表面粗糙度测量偏差修正航空贵金属合金丝材薄片显微硬度测量影响

    The effect of load specimen surface roughness and test deviation amendment on microhardness of aeronautical noble metal (alloy) wires and sheets was studied in this paper.


  • 7075合金薄板厚板产品应用遍及航空航天结构当中,其中适中韧性腐蚀性强度结合材料所必须具有的。

    Alloy 7075 sheet and plate products have application throughout aircraft and aerospace structures where a combination of high strength with moderate toughness and corrosion resistance are required.


  • 从理论实验两方面研究7050航空合金因素本构模型参数温度相关性

    To investigate the correlation between parameters of "single factor" constitutive model and temperature for 7050 aviation aluminum-alloy, theoretic analyses and material experiments were employed.


  • 高强合金是常温强度最高合金航空航天、汽车轻型轨道交通工业部门有着及其广泛应用

    High strength aluminum alloys have the highest strength in room temperature which has very wide range of engineering applications, including aerospace, automobile, light railway traffic etc.


  • 同时晶须增韧陶瓷刀具不同速度切削航空合金GH761切削温度进行了测量。

    The temperatures of whisker ceramic tool JX-1 when machining air-nickel based alloy GH761 at a range of speeds were measured.


  • 合金强度腐蚀性等特点航空航天领域得到了广泛的应用。

    Because of their excellent high specific strength and corrosion resistance, titanium alloys are widely used in aerospace industry.


  • 合金重要航空材料

    Titanium alloys are important aeronautical material.


  • 简述合金应力持久性能研究过程及其航空行业标准国家军用标准中的应用情况。

    The research of high stress endurance property of titanium alloy, and application for Aeronautical department standard and national military standard were described.


  • 分析了TC 11钛合金杂质元素含量对应用等温锻造工艺生产航空发动机件的性能影响

    In this paper, the effect of the contents of the impurity elements such as oxygen, iron, nitrogen in TC11 titanium alloy on the performance of aircraft engine disk by isothermal forging was analysed.


  • 利用该项技术可望解决航空航天用大尺寸合金零件切削加工技术难题

    By means of THT, problems on machining large-scale titanium alloy parts for aeronautic and astronautic applications could be solved.


  • 合金广泛应用于航天工业中,军事航空领域中占有更为重要地位

    Titanium alloys are widely used in the aerospace industry, and they occupy a more important place in the military aerospace region.


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