• 舞台戏剧在表演上生动灵活那个方面

    I love the live aspect of theatre.


  • 舞台戏剧教育方面格林绝大多数年轻演员更多地近距离见到过众多的顶级男女演员。

    In terms of a theatrical education, Grint has seen more leading men and women close up than most young actors.


  • 来自田纳西州少女纽约一个戏剧夏令营舞台

    The adolescent girl from Tennessee was standing on the stage of a drama summer camp in New York.


  • 玛雅安吉20世纪70年代首次戏剧将奋起》搬上舞台

    Maya Angelou first staged the play "And I Still Rise" in the late 1970s.


  • 戏剧上了百老汇舞台

    His play is on the boards on Broadway.


  • 即便是过去备受瞩目、拉斯维加斯舞台一样具有戏剧舞台效果科技新闻发布会,喜好也发生了改变。

    Even the technology press conferences, which have been high-profile in the past and reached a level of drama and theatrics fitting for a Las Vegas stage, have a different bent to them.


  • 叶芝扮演了一种不自然的舞台身份需要服装同样戏剧神话化的方式看待他人

    Yeats takes on self-consciously staged identities, requiring costumes, and he sees other people in similarly theatrical and mythic terms.


  • 我们上中学的时候,很明显,我哥哥更喜欢冥想,而我是一个天生的表演者,更喜欢戏剧,即使在舞台下也是这样。

    By the time we got to middle school, it was clear that my older brother preferred meditation, while I was a born performer who preferred the theatrical, even when off stage.


  • 如,歌剧演唱家在舞台上既不跳舞也不说话;现代戏剧中并没有唱歌或跳舞的角色;在舞剧中,舞者既不说话也不唱歌。

    An opera singer, for example, neither dances nor speaks on stage; there are no singing or dancing parts in a modern play; in a dance drama, the dancer doesn't speak or sing.


  • 后来假发去演了个戏剧,我几个朋友甚至都不出舞台的是

    Later, when I wore the hairpiece for a play I was in, some friends of mine didn't recognize me on stage.


  • 舞台屏幕职业他们知道,用何种表情表达规定的情感看到他们电影戏剧中或痛哭流涕或坠入爱河或是与世长辞,我们深信不疑。

    Professionals of stage and screen, they know how to express an emotion when called upon to act it.We believe them when we see them cry or fall in love or die in a movie or play.


  • 三个小时的演出之间,安排一次中场休息,这部简单突出作品仍然舞台保持着高度的戏剧冲突性。

    With just one intermission, it lasted nearly three hours. Yet it held the stage with mostly sure dramatic pacing in this simple, striking production.


  • 作为作者个人的倾向众多竞争国家舞台的剧本中寻找叙述,这无疑是我和戏剧打交道留下的后遗症。

    My own idiosyncratic bent as a writer, no doubt a legacy of my years spent in the theater, is to look for a narrative in the many competing dramas unfolding on the national stage.


  • 莎士比亚一样许多戏剧作品不断被重新搬舞台改编用在新的媒体上,是因为所写主题触及人生百态,不时间空间改变而有所不同。

    As with Shakespeare, many of Shaw's plays are continually restaged or rewritten into new media because Shaw wrote on many themes which touch on the human condition, independent of time and space.


  • 斯庇斯在雅典公元前 6年)第一舞台上表演诗歌因此术语“泰斯庇斯的“来说一个戏剧表演者诞生

    Thespis, of Athens (6th BC) was the first person to speak lines as an individual actor on stage, thus the term “Thespian” to refer to a theatrical performer was born.


  • 在那里,到了灯光舞台设计方面戏剧知识,日后成为好莱坞影星制片人导演编剧奠定基础

    There, he learned various aspects of theater from lighting to set design, laying the foundation for his Hollywood career as a movie star, producer, director and writer.


  • 照明舞台设计在那里学到了戏剧各个方面进军好莱坞,并最终成为电影明星制作人导演编剧打下坚实基础

    There, he learned various aspects of theater from lighting to set design, laying the foundation for his Hollywood career as movie star, producer, director and writer.


  • 整个创作班底为裁剪服装,设计舞台布景——一首歌曲都像一部戏剧作品。

    She has a whole team of people working on her sartorial creations and stage setsevery song's a theatrical production.


  • 早稻田戏剧博物馆门楼上嵌刻着莎士比亚名言世界一个舞台”。

    On the front arch of the Waseda Theater Museum carved a famous line of William Shakespeare-All the world is a stage.


  • 有名演员参演、布景适度场景变化的优秀戏剧演出效果非常(百老汇舞台管理的薪酬奇高)。

    Strong plays with well-known actors, modest sets and few scene changes are doing very well (Broadway stagehands are especially expensive).


  • 沃德精华作品中最让人激动的生涯”,是一部幽闭恐怖症的戏剧,讲述了命里注定婚姻舞台搭档格特鲁德劳伦斯(Gertrude Lawrence)参与了剧中的表演。

    The high point of Coward's prime wasPrivate Lives”, a claustrophobic drama about two doomed marriages in which he starred with his stage partner, Gertrude Lawrence.


  • 舞台参加出演戏剧包括《海鸥》、《第十二夜》特洛伊女人》。

    On stage, he appeared in plays like The Seagull, Twelfth Night, and Trojan Women.


  • 认为是英国戏剧舞台出色的悲剧演员。

    She is regared as the best tragedian on the English stage.


  • 那时巴特沃斯则一位颇有前途剧作家剑桥大学时就显露出非凡戏剧想象力,在校期间凯瑟琳·怀特·霍恩的烹饪著作改编舞台

    Mr Butterworth was a promising playwright, the singular quality of his dramatic imagination being evident at Cambridge University, where he had adapted for the stage a cookbook by Katharine Whitehorn.


  • 菱艳》开始流传下来的宝贵传统芭蕾舞剧舞台背后戏剧生活提供了样本。

    In the venerable tradition of "the Red Shoes," the ballet provides the template for the offstage drama.


  • 馆长罗基沃诺夫·德米特里俄罗斯国立戏剧学院舞台艺术管理教研室教授同时还担任俄罗斯《舞台杂志主编

    Director Dmitry Rodionov is a Professor of the Teaching and Research Section of Stage Art Management, and chief editor of the Russian magazine "the Stage".


  • 那时候热情舞台上,一心只想斯特拉特福莎士比亚戏剧

    I was completely stage-struck and my youthful passion was going to see Shakespeare in Stratford.


  • 另外斯特两部戏剧上了舞台

    In addition, two of Hurston's plays have been produced.


  • 古往今来,世界舞台上演出所有戏剧主角始终各国人民

    Of all the plays that have been put on the big world stage, the people in the world have always acted the leading roles.


  • 古往今来,世界舞台上演出所有戏剧主角始终各国人民

    Of all the plays that have been put on the big world stage, the people in the world have always acted the leading roles.


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