• 这样一来,送风空调室内分层高度可能会有所的升高致使下送风空调房间的温度效率降低。

    And then, it needs to increase the supply air flow rate to ensure indoor thermal comfort, while it may bring about the rise in indoor thermal stratification height.


  • 如果出于日常维护网格一部分加以循环利用,没有副本的情况致使一些缓存数据丢失

    If the parts of the grid were cycled for routine maintenance, then this would result in some cached data being lost if there was no replication.


  • 社会文化经济条件致使青少年更易感染艾滋病毒环境有效的艾滋病毒预防战略应当着眼于解决这些不利因素

    Where social, cultural and economic conditions increase the vulnerability of young people to HIV infection, an effective HIV prevention strategy should aim to address these factors as well.


  • 年前深水地平线钻井平台爆炸致使上百原油流入墨西哥湾,在灾难性事件发生后玛丽尝试没有石油生活

    About a year ago, following the Deepwater Horizon oil rig catastrophe that released millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, Mary Richert decided that she wanted to live a life free of oil.


  • 连续两个交易日上涨之后英国股市周三(美国股市周三也暴跌),致使消除救助计划不确定性需求更为紧迫

    After two days of gains, U.K. stocks slumped Wednesday — as U.S. stocks did lateradding urgency to the need to remove uncertainty from the plan.


  • 正常情况球速大约136mph左右,而这次,球速只有126 mph,致使正手的网。

    It reached Roddick at 126 mph instead of his average of around 136 and the forehand service return went into the net.


  • 由于债券价格收益率是成反比的,国债价格周五致使10年期国债收益率周四收盘时的4.04%提升至了4.09%。

    Treasury prices fell Friday, bringing the yield on the benchmark 10-year note up to 4.09%, from 4.04% at Thursday's close. Bond prices and yields move in opposite directions.


  • 4月切萨皮克能源公司宾州一个天然气外溢,致使有毒液体流入附近小河,该公司的破裂法采气被叫停。

    In late April a big company, Chesapeake Energy, suspended its fracking in Pennsylvania after one of its natural-gas Wells blew out and spilled toxic drilling fluid into a nearby creek.


  • 未婚妻JenniferLopez来到一家商店手表修一他们受到影迷聚众包围,致使整个商业街被迫关闭。

    When he and fiancee Jennifer Lopez dropped into a shop to get his watch repaired, they were mobbed by onlookers, and the shopping mall had to be closed.


  • 两个因素综合作用情况前者的作用往往完全后者所抵消,反而会使有效切割能量减小致使切割能力降低

    In the two factors of the combined action of cases, the former action often is completely offset by the latter, it makes the cut of the effective energy decreases, and the cutting capacity reduction.


  • 医生误诊致使苏珊失明一个没有阳光的世界里,她为此而恼火,绝望与自怜

    Due to a medical misdiagnosis, Susan had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self pity.


  • 比较高温度,自动变速器燃烧,导致失去润滑性能并氧化致使整个变速器沉积物

    At higher temperature the transmission fluid burns loosing its lubricating qualities and becomes oxidized leaving deposits all over inside the transmission.


  • 种情况致使摩尔物质升高温度单位所需要热量不相同的。

    The amount of heat per mole necessary to cause the rise of temperature is different in each case.


  • 情况由于无法进行直接观测,又缺乏可靠物理测试技术致使岩体裂缝面的分布规律没有得到解决。

    Since there was no technique to observe directly under three-dimensional situation and no reliable physics exploiting technology, the three-dimension distribution law of crack face was not found yet.


  • 我国元制公司机关构造由于制度安排缺陷,致使公司监事会监督职能弱化

    Under the duality corporate organizational structure in China, corporate financial supervision of the Board of Supervisors functions poorly due to the defects in the present system.


  • 事实表明结构在外激作用结构可能会发生飘浮致使连接部结构吊索部分产生松弛

    Facts indicated that under external loads suspension structure might float, so that parts of the slings which connected the main cable with the below suspension structure might be relaxed.


  • 公平选择机制有效运用教育资源提升教学质量致使学生有所助益

    By using the educational resources efficiently and raising the educational quality under an equal educational selection mechanism, students can get more benefits.


  • 材料疲劳断裂主要是因为试样交变应力作用产生滑移最后致使位错塞而导致的。

    The main reason for the fatigue fracture of material is that the specimens under action of alternating stress engender slip, finally resulting in dislocation stacking.


  • 星期五晚上列车伦敦开往苏格兰,致使汽车筑堤

    The train was traveling from London to Scotland when it derailed Friday night, spilling cars down an embankment.


  • 1990年代末,公司发现自己非常困难情况致使威胁生存

    In the late 1990s the company found itself in a very difficult situation, which threatens its very survival.


  • 第一体重过轻或者体重超重患儿本身就可能在一些特殊的状况或者存在其他疾病这些原因可能致使他们容易诱发感染性致死。

    First, children who are underweight or overweight might have other underlying conditions or illnesses that make them more predisposed to dying of infection.


  • 温度,通过套袋使CO_2浓度升高、O_2浓度降,致使鸭梨褐变溃烂

    High CO_2 and low O_2 could induce Browning of 'yali 'pears under ditch storage temperature.


  • 相互间磨合困难,相处困难,致使矛盾升级婚姻失去和谐幸福忍无可忍情况离婚

    Mutual break-in difficult, difficult, cause contradiction upgrade, the marriage without harmony and happiness, in the unbearable circumstances and divorce.


  • :“过去依靠生活费,如今手术后遗症绞痛的毛病,致使不能出门工作了。”

    "I used to earn some money selling fish but now the post-surgery stomach cramps prevent me from going to work," she said.


  • 黄飞鸿误食西药致使耳失聪准备佛山医治,巧遇张敏饰)父女铁父女的帮助,黄很快得到了恢复

    Huang Feihong swallowed the medicine deaf, ready to return to Foshan for treatment, by iron Yan (Aman Chang) and his daughter, father and daughter in iron help, yellow was quickly restored.


  • 黄飞鸿误食西药致使耳失聪准备佛山医治,巧遇张敏饰)父女铁父女的帮助,黄很快得到了恢复

    Huang Feihong swallowed the medicine deaf, ready to return to Foshan for treatment, by iron Yan (Aman Chang) and his daughter, father and daughter in iron help, yellow was quickly restored.


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