• 星辰和谐致中运行

    The stars move in harmony and concord.


  • 西洋蓍草协助人们学会交融与一致中彼此生活在一起

    Yarrow assists humans in learning to live with one another in communion and community.


  • 在研究人员对不同纤维性能顺序排列意见不反映出来

    This is reflected in disagreement between workers as to the ranking order of soilability of different fibers.


  • Theyliveinthecountry一句动词复数形式live复数主语they

    In the sentence 'They live in the country', the plural form of the verb 'live' is in agreement with the plural subject 'they'.


  • Tomlikesjazz一句,动词单数形式likes主语Tom一

    In 'Tom likes jazz', the singular verb 'likes' agrees with the subject 'Tom'.


  • 法语形容词必须性上名词

    In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.


  • 一项罕见裁决美国最高法院推翻弗吉尼亚州州长罗伯特·麦克唐纳腐败罪判决。

    In a rare unanimous ruling, the US Supreme Court has overturned the corruption conviction of a former Virginia governor, Robert McDonnell.


  • 一些行业营销使得局面变得混乱:这些行业正是产品消费获取了利润。

    The water is muddied by lobbying from the industries that profit from consumption of obesity inducing products.


  • 这些观察结果我们6示的

    These observations match what we have illustrated in Figure 6.


  • 科学家们认为,一情境关键推手南极西部冰层块跟巴西(面积)差不多大小的冰原,厚达7000英尺。

    Scientists agree that the key player in this scenario is the West Antarctic ice sheet, a Brazil-size mass of frozen water that is as much as 7000 feet thick.


  • 虽然获胜感觉很棒,但所有参赛者认为应所有比赛遵循公平竞争宗旨。

    Although winning is a great feeling, all the competitors agree to observe the spirit of fair play in all of the games.


  • 年轻人老年人一个关键问题上达成了一两个群体绝大多数人都认为,与相比,现代年轻人开启新生活更加困难

    Young and old converge on one key point: Overwhelming majorities of both groups said they believe it is harder for young people today to get started in life than it was for earlier generations.


  • 浪漫爱情有关消极情绪——害怕失去失望嫉妒——在不同文化相当的,积极情绪随着文化差异有不同的表现。

    Although the negative emotions associated with romantic lovefear of loss, disappointment and jealousyare fairly consistent across cultures, the positive feelings can vary.


  • 苏铁雄球果结构花粉传播相当,花粉一些较大球果释放出来

    The structure of cycads male cones is quite consistent with the wind dispersal of pollen, clouds of which are released from some of the larger cones.


  • 这些绘画作品旧石器时代晚期人们认为艺术经济重要性有关观点

    The paintings are consistent with the idea that the art is related to the importance of hunting in the economy of Upper Paleolithic people.


  • 机构BEA表示雷暴搏斗的过程飞机上仪表上得出的航速读数

    The agency, BEA, said the plane received inconsistent airspeed readings from different instruments as it struggled in a huge thunderstorm.


  • 大多数企业环境管理者认为一个特定行业,环境法规所有竞争者影响

    Among the myths taken as fact by the environmental managers of most corporations is the belief that environmental regulations affect all competitors in a given industry uniformly.


  • 我们化石燃料的依赖如此之深,已经排放大气的二氧化碳又是如此多,以至于许多专家认为,目前情况全球变暖不可避免的。

    Such is our dependence on fossil fuels, and such is the volume of carbon dioxide already released into the atmosphere, that many experts agree that significant global warming is now inevitable.


  • 即使如此这些赞美依然一点点瑕疵因为语言独特成就敬畏依然隐藏着一种简单但却非常重要不一

    Even so, there is just one flaw in all these hymns of praise, for the homage to languages unique accomplishment conceals a simple yet critical incongruity.


  • 一观点相一孩子大约时,父母孩子越来越多地参与到对过去事件讨论

    Consistent with this view, parents and children increasingly engage in discussions of past events when children are about three years old.


  • 一观点相一孩子大约时,父母孩子越来越多地参与到对过去事件讨论

    Consistent with this view, parents and children increasingly engage in discussions of past events when children are about three years old.


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