• 过去几十年里随着我们目睹着一一个发明突破之后接踵而接下来其它一切东西都将要被杀片甲不留。

    And while we have been seeing invention after breakthrough over and over in the last couple of decades, this next ten years is going to blow everything else out of the water.


  • 永远成不了一个美的希拉里再次有了笑容,切尔西斯坦福大学表现依旧出色,我还在自己热爱工作而且春天就要来临了。

    I would never be a perfect person, but Hillary was laughing again, Chelsea was still doing well at Stanford, I was still doing a job I loved, and spring was on the way.


  • 唯一线希望陪审团拒不接受事件解释无比混乱官方说法将之脑后。

    The only glimmer of hope is that the jury refused to accept the shambolic official version of events at face value, and threw it out.


  • 给她的婴儿取名珠儿”,是因为这孩子极其昂贵,是花费全部所有的,是这做母亲唯一财富

    But she named the infant "Pearl, " as being of great price- purchased with all she had- her mother's only treasure!


  • 英国膨胀面目全非,世界最大国家之一澳大利亚却缩无足轻重的地位

    Britain bulges beyond recognition while Australia, one of the world's largest countries, is relegated to pipsqueak status.


  • 一如其他科技公司苹果同样遁交了大量产品专利申请有些产品推出大幅修改,有些什消失无影无纵。

    The company, like other technology manufacturers, have filed numerous patents on products that either change drastically before they actually hit the market or that disappear altogether.


  • 电视脱口秀男主持,一个是冉冉升起政坛星星,近期黎巴嫩的璧人佳期,但是他们塞浦路斯登记处才能共连理。

    WHEN a stellar Lebanese couple—a television talk-show anchorman and a rising female politicianrecently got married, they had to tie the knot in a registry office in Cyprus.


  • 小到电视脱口秀,大国际峰会,贝老频频失态,可意大利人民却表现格外包容——不把这些放在心上。

    Enough Italians appear to forgive, or at least overlook, his innumerable gaffes-whether on television talk-shows or at international summits.


  • G7达成协议通过抛售日元干预日元升值,卓有成效日元打压81.46进行交投欧元上升1.4089美金,其他主要货币也都走

    The agreement by the G7 group of nations to intervene in the Yen by selling yen had the effect of taking it down to trade at Y81.46, the euro at $1.4089 and other leading currencies strong.


  • 孩子们穿着厚厚的防雪服,僵硬如同海星围栏跌跌撞撞地走来走去,开心极了,全然不惧周围蜂拥而驯鹿

    Small children, stiff as starfish in their snowsuits, toddle blithely inside the corral, unfazed by the reindeer stampede around them.


  • 都是中的军长能抵一百人,的能抵一千人。

    These were of the sons of Gad, captains of the host: one of the least was over an hundred, and the greatest over a thousand.


  • 本月早些时候手机银行业务公司Clair Mail再次筹1,380万美元,融资额提高3,410万美元。

    Mobile banking company ClairMail raises another $13.8 million earlier this month, bringing the total funds raised to date to about $34.1 million.


  • 充满竞争全球市场上,铬浏览器一岁时只百分之二三,微软IE占有大多数份额火狐第二

    At a year old, the browser holds a mere 2 to 3 percent share of a contested global market, in which Microsoft's Internet Explorer has a majority share and Firefox comes in second.


  • 1999年2002年景德镇市福堡大酒店(餐饮钻石五星),担任执行总经理

    From 1999 to 2002, he took the post of executive general manager in Fudebao Hotel (Five-Star Diamond Restaurant) of Jingdezhen City.


  • 扣除前段送交集中保管上市公开销售股数之其馀股票部分,则自上市买卖开始日起届满年后全数领回

    The share certificates other than those referred to in the preceding sentence and those for public offering may be taken back after the lapse of one full year from the listing date thereof.


  • 尼克松自始终表现旁观者而不是主角

    Through it all Richard Nixon moved as if he were himself a spectator, not the principal.


  • 是迦中的军长小的一百的能抵一千人。

    These Gadites were officers of the army; the least was a match for a hundred men and the greatest for a thousand.


  • 弗朗西斯科·科罗娜现在美国中部堪萨斯西大峡谷

    Ten years later, Francisco Vasquez DE Coronado had marched as far north as the central American state of Kansas and west to the Grand Canyon.


  • 即使没有抗药性的患者,花上星期症状开始消退

    Even for those who are not, it usually takes two to four weeks before the symptoms begin subsiding.


  • 交战国占领者占领区域行使职权包括公共私人所有运输工具并且攫获与规制运转

    The belligerent occupant exercises authority over all means of transportation both public and private within the occupied district and may seize them and regulate their operation.


  • 几个开始撰文探讨上大学的支出与回报问题,随后电邮便源源,很多家长表示如今在巨额学费支票上签字时三思了。

    Parents are thinking harder, too, about why they sign big tuition checks, based on a steady stream of email I have received since writing about the college cost-to-value equation a few months ago.


  • 父母我的支柱现在仍然是。只有他们自始支持不管0分还是40

    My parents are my backbone. Still are. They're the only group that will support you if you score zero or you score 40.


  • 业界素有“石材奥林匹亚”之称STONETECH(上海石材展)于2009年2月1518上海国际博览中心举办

    STONETECH 2009 Shanghai, the Olympia of stone industry, will be held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre from Feb 15th to 18th, 2009.


  • 酞菁活性炭云母钛珠光颜料,制蓝色蓝黑色的珠光颜料。

    A blue or bluish black pigment has been prepared based on the technology of coating the phthalocyanine blue and active carbon on the mica-based pearlescent pigment.


  • 往往先告诉他们,中国孩子并非他们想象那样美国孩子不同,他们也会教室,随性而玩耍奔跑叫喊

    They horse around outside of class, play and run and scream whenever they feel like it. I will say they are different in two small ways though.


  • 如果孩子开始比较早,810以下的每次1520分钟足够了,可以他们厨房定时器然后进行两个小时视线游戏

    If your children are early readers, 15 or 20 minutes at a time is enough for children under ages 8 to 10. They can use a kitchen timer. Then take an hour or two for distant vision play.


  • 如果孩子开始比较早,810以下的每次1520分钟足够了,可以他们厨房定时器然后进行两个小时视线游戏

    If your children are early readers, 15 or 20 minutes at a time is enough for children under ages 8 to 10. They can use a kitchen timer. Then take an hour or two for distant vision play.


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