• 自顾自演讲可能人与人之间传播信息方法糟糕的种。

    A one-way presentation is one of the worst possible ways of transferring information from person to person.


  • 爆炸推动之后它们似乎违反万有引力自顾自加速分离

    Having been impelled apart by the force of the Big Bang, the galaxies, in defiance of cosmic gravity, are picking up speed on a dash toward eternity.


  • 第二醒来的时候,威尔伯听到只母鹅转动着脖子,自顾自的咯咯笑着。

    The second time Wilbur woke, he heard the goose turning on her nest and chuckling to herself.


  • 常常自顾自琢磨着,时间啊快跑吧! 赶紧让我结束这样的一生吧!

    You are the only one longing for the hours to pass till your time comes.


  • 他们确实认真,更自顾自的过着日子,不太顾及那些表面变化琐碎外界事物

    They do live more in earnest, more in themselves, and less in surface change, and frivolous external things.


  • 菩提树是印度人尊奉神树,喜欢为自己制造更多的生存空间,自顾自的生长而穿过道路有时还会它的竞争对手死。

    Revered by many Indians, the peepul has a habit of making roomfor itself, poking up through roads, sometimes smothering its rivals.


  • 相反如果演讲者拿出复杂流量图谱并且一头扎那些细节不加任何解释自顾自讲起来,那么听众的思考过程费劲儿了。

    Conversely, if the speaker puts up a complicated flow chart and dives right into the detail without explaining what it’s about, the thinking task will be too challenging.


  • 虽然冷漠疏远成为整个国家通病,但是1829岁美国青年似乎更深地沾染了自顾自习气,从而使者几代人明显地区分开来

    While apathy and alienation have become a national plague, the disengagement seems to run deeper among young Americans, those 18 to 29, setting them clearly apart from earlier generations.


  • 每次治疗后都希望能有所好转每次都是失望而归。次,一位荣格分析心理学家竟沙发上“自由联想”的时候自顾自酣睡了起来。

    He hoped to feel better after each visit, but rarely did, even after a session with a Jungian analyst who fell fast asleep during his patient's "free association" on the couch.


  • 亚利桑那州——亚利桑那当局表示他们抓获一个刚刚抢劫了当地银行得手后大摇大摆附近一家餐馆用餐男人,男人抢来买了啤酒披萨自顾自的大快朵颐。

    YUMA, Ariz. -- Arizona authorities say they have arrested a man who robbed a Yuma bank then went and spent some of the stolen money on beer and pizza at a nearby restaurant.


  • 音乐响着,跳舞(好吧有些女生场馆一边自顾自)。

    Dance music, but no one was dancing (well, some of the girls were by themselves on the other side of the gym).


  • 正如我们度过每一天,如果我们无视身边发生一切,只是自顾自闲逛那么我们轻而易举现实中耗尽自己的生命。

    As we go about our day, it's easy to become consumed by our own reality walking around with blinders on completely unaware of what's going on around us.


  • 之后引入一个房间,房间里面其他陪审员自顾自地说话,消磨等待验尸的时间。

    He is directed to a room in which the other jurors are talking among themselves as they wait for the inquest to begin.


  • 但是如果人们没有下意识审视观点,你可以自顾自重复,而听众自然熟悉观点从而更相信。

    But if people aren't motivated to scrutinise your arguments carefully then repeat away with abandon-the audience will find the argument more familiar and, therefore, more persuasive.


  • 不是自顾自话的权威专家,而是帮助客户完成工作时,他们看起来信任

    Yet when I present myself not as a soliloquizing authority, but rather as a resource to help clients get their job done, they seem to trust me more.


  • 如果关心你自己的话,那你的雇员只能自顾自,把生意扔一边儿了。

    When all you care about is you, employees have no choice but to only care about themselves and not your business.


  • 科莱特阻止莎非的这种不洁行,莎非不理自顾自清洁脚趾

    Klaette want to stop this dirty act Sopho, Sopho not Care for him, just keep clean toes.


  • 母亲吃惊是,她的儿子竟然坐在钢琴面前,自顾自地弹着闪烁,闪烁,小星星》。

    In horror, the mother sawher little boy sitting at the key- board, innocently picking out Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.


  • 后悔件很可怕的东西,让人上瘾那些经常感到后悔人会变得更加悲天悯人,自顾自

    Regret can be a terrible addiction. Those who suffer from it so often become bitter and full of self-pity.


  • 我站在那里自顾自考虑事情的时候,只鹰俯冲下来头顶上。

    I was just standing minding my own business when an eagle swooped down and landed on my head.


  • 前些日子,和女儿游乐园玩。周末的游乐场一个巨大的澡堂每个人都自顾自,似乎没什么交集。

    Some days ago, I took Daughter to Amusement Park, which is something like a huge bathhouse at weekends, and where everyone just cared about themselves without any communication at all.


  • 知道今晚回音,我一直在盼着这个回音,我等得着急但是可以肯定一定的事丢在脑后自顾自了。“”

    She knows I'm waiting for that answer tonight, that I must have it, that I'm worried, and I just know that she's gone gallivanting without a thought for me.


  • 需要接受无法时刻保持整洁的房子收拾屋子时候孩子自顾自玩得更起劲。

    You need to accept that the house will sometimes be untidy, that once in a while dinner will be takeout, and that the kids will sometimes have to entertain themselves while you recharge and regroup.


  • 需要接受无法时刻保持整洁的房子收拾屋子时候孩子自顾自玩得更起劲。

    You need to accept that the house will sometimes be untidy, that once in a while dinner will be takeout, and that the kids will sometimes have to entertain themselves while you recharge and regroup.


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