• 如果在这些外形背后存在一种可以用我们的经验描述意义那么怎么才能让自然中出来,进入我们人造世界中呢?

    If there is an empirical meaning behind form then, how does it manifest across the natural and into the man-made world?


  • 只要所有生理学以及解剖学参数吻合,这些新的部分需要精确复制品那样具有自然骨骼结构外形

    So long as all the physiological and anatomic parameters are met, these new parts need not look anything like precise replicas of the natural bone structure.


  • 江西馆外形类似于一个巨大青花瓷容器描绘出江西作为无数人才丰富的自然源之乡的特殊魅力

    The pavilion, resembling a huge blue and white porcelain container, depicts the peculiar charm of Jiangxi as home to a myriad of talents and natural resources.


  • SammyHarkham自行出版的最新漫画Crickets #3”|板球 #3|卡通外形现实背景营造出随和自然派风格。

    Sammy Harkham’s latest comic book, “Crickets #3” (self-published), is drawn with an easy-going naturalism that combines cartoony figuration with realistic settings.


  • 现在我们bugbear来指令人讨厌事物,让人心烦的事。最初,bugbear认为一种自然生物,有着外形专门捕食小孩

    Now we think of a bugbear as something annoying, a thing that bugs you, but originally a bugbear was thought to be a supernatural creature in the form of a bear that specifically preyed on children.


  • 自然鞋底外形提供健康行走环境

    The natural foot shape promotes a healthy walking environment.


  • 此外,游客可以体验地震火山爆发陨石撞击等这些塑造地球外形自然现象。

    Visitors will also have the chance to experience earthquakes, eruptions and meteor strikes which helped shape the earth.


  • 这间宅地表居住者房屋毫无相似之处,而是在钟乳石中心雕刻出来的,有着自然岩石外形,高高洞顶如同巨大无比的黑色毒牙

    Not a house like those known to surface dwellers, this abode was carved into the heart of a stalactite, a natural rock formation that hung from the cavern's ceiling like an enormous ebony fang.


  • 房屋独特外形就像是山脉的轮廓,这样容易融入到了自然环境中

    Unique shape of the house reflects mountain lines and can be easily integrated into the natural environment.


  • 如果自然保持在位置——停靠槽嵴侧面义齿上,那么一个正确伸展外形的义齿,易于患者应用

    If the tongue naturally maintains a position resting against the ridge or existing denture, then a correctly extended and shaped denture will be easier for that patient to use.


  • 建筑外形灵感来自蚕茧洋葱贝壳这些自然形状

    Inspiration for the building's shape comes from natural forms such as cocoons, Onions, and seashells.


  • 层石纹路清楚,有层次外形千姿百态。适用驳岸美化自然建造奇异园林景观

    Melaleuca stone lines clear, level and form strange things. Applies to stack Hill revetment and beautify the natural construction of exotic garden landscape.


  • 韩国济州岛——世界自然遗产这座火山突起,犹如一个外形完美,满“郁郁草丛”做馅料的馅饼

    Jeju island, South Korea - a World Heritage site, this volcanic island rises out of the sea in a perfectly shaped pie, filled with a meringue of lush grasses.


  • 结果本组150患者半个月内消肿,经6~12个月随访外形自然严重并发症,115例非常满意35例满意,无不良反应的发生。

    Results 150 patients in this group swelling disappeared in the half month, 6 to 12 months of follow-up, natural shape, no serious complications, 115 patients are very satisfied, 35 satisfied.


  • 线条大家熟悉不过了,人们画笔描绘对象的时候,首先想到就是勾勒外形线条自然成为第一绘画语言

    Lines so familiar to everyone, and the people pick up the brush to describe an object, the first thought is the outline shape of the line will naturally become the first painting of human language.


  • 假牙还要衬托唇部这样您的面部外形自然了。

    It will be made to support your cheeks and lips, so that you can keep the natural shape of your face.


  • 外形上,塑造自然平面手指可以流畅轻松地移动更容易抓住半音

    It's outer form, with it's naturally moulded planes enables a fluent relaxed finger movement and simplifies the semitone grip.


  • 中国花鸟画再现自然对象外形目的思想情感意趣生命现象的高级形式反映在作品中。

    The Chinese flower and bird paintings aim at imagining the life phenomena of thought, emotion, interest, charm, and so on rather than reappearance of natural objects' figures.


  • 魅力轻松姿态出现,有时虽随意不乏完美得体常常自然优雅的体态出现,主要源于自信沉稳头脑更少来自于青春靓丽的外形

    It reveals itself also in a sense of ease, in casual but perfect manners, and often in a physical grace which springs less from an accident of youth than from a confident serenity of mind.


  • 这种台面具有重量强度外形美观、价格优点,而且可提高石材利用率节约自然资源

    The table-top has the advantages of light weight, high intensity, beautiful appearance and low price, the stone availability ratio is raised, and the natural resources are saved.


  • 紧凑美观外形完全符合自然或是气候要求相关的室内或是户外AP安装

    The compact, aesthetically pleasing enclosures are robustly constructed to fully comply with the physical or climate-related requirements of indoor or outdoor AP installations.


  • 紧凑美观外形完全符合自然或是气候要求相关的室内或是户外AP安装

    The compact, aesthetically pleasing enclosures are robustly constructed to fully comply with the physical or climate-related requirements of indoor or outdoor AP installations.


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