• 每一别墅中包括卧室按摩浴室,一间太阳浴浴室以及另外两间普通。其中有的浴室可以直接面对美丽的大自然

    Each villa has two bedrooms, a Jacuzzi, a private sun terrace and two bathrooms: one inside, one open air.


  • 佛罗里达国际大学perFORM [d]ance小屋一栋经典海滩别墅,以被动式太阳能设计自然通风飓风设计为特色

    Florida International University's perFORM [d] ance home is a classic beach bungalow that features passive solar design, natural ventilation and a hurricane resistant design.


  • 象征意义上建筑物本身来看,这栋拥有充足自然光线空地别墅自然完美结合的。

    Symbolically and physically, the Villa's connection with nature is uninterrupted, offering ample natural light and open Spaces.


  • 度假生活这个类似于小树的奇异别墅造型源自原始自然建筑理念

    For your life and health resort, the trees like exotic villa style house, from the most primitive nature of the architectural concept.


  • 山庄灌木丛中点缀了30木屋别墅自然社会的完美结合

    Villa in the bush, more than 30 buildings decorated wooden villas, is the natural and social perfect combination.


  • 一幢幢欧式风格别墅精心摆放自然山水间,构筑了世外桃园

    Each European style villa put in the natural landscape exquisitely, constructs a world outside garden.


  • 这座别墅能用棱角锐利的线条散发出超现代感觉艺术品配饰中却有着对比鲜明的自然色调优雅线条。

    The home may exude an ultra modern feel with sharp and angular lines, but there are contrasting elements of natural tones and elegant lines in the artwork and accessories.


  • 代尔度假别墅提供26豪华别墅37度假套房每个设想自然环境和谐共存。

    Andara resort and villas offers 26 luxury villas and 37 resort suites, each conceived to exist in perfect harmony with the natural surroundings.


  • 别墅覆着接的涂可回收红柳桉树,随着时间的流逝会被自然风化

    It is clad in lapped and oiled recycled jarrah and is left to weather naturally over time.


  • 为了增加自然环境别墅包围地中海要素中

    To increase the natural environment, the house is surrounded with Mediterranean essences.


  • 这座别墅位于巴西利亚一个居民区内尽管城市中心,仍自然有巨大互动

    The house is located in a residential area of Brasilia that despite being in the city center, provides great interaction with nature.


  • 总体结果花园景观引入室内别墅突显出明显结构方案以及大量自然大型整体空间

    The overall result is a house that brings the gardens and landscapes into its interior, highlighting its apparent structural solutions and large and integrated Spaces with generous natural light.


  • 独栋别墅亲近森林海洋附近自然保护区带来自然完全接触这里典型生活方式。

    Life here is typical for an average detached house, and the proximity to the forest, sea and a nearby nature preserve entail close contact to nature.


  • 因此我们任务建造融入自然别墅

    That's why our task was to create a house that is merge with nature.


  • 立面玻璃构成有助于内部区域创造透明度别墅提供一种自然感觉

    The two fronts are made of glass, helping to create a transparency to the interior area and also providing a sense of nature to the house.


  • 来到这里木屋别墅,观无敌海景标识牌设计本地野生海鲜纯天然野菜,一种回归自然感觉油然而生,心身彻底放松。

    Come here, live wooden villas, view Seaview, signage design local wild seafood products, natural vegetable taste Qiniang Shan, a return to nature feeling Wells up, allowing you to relax mind and body.


  • 别墅造型依照地面自然坡度完美地坐落山上,很容易使人们回忆起坐落于自然中的古罗马剧场。

    The Villa shape, follows the natural slope of the ground and it is lying perfectly on the hill, in a shape the reminds of an amphitheater, surrounded by nature.


  • 建筑师所有花园丰富自然美景带入别墅

    The architects wanted to bring into the house all this gardens and abundant nature.


  • 项目重在运用相对稀少元素重视空间自然创造中性基础使别墅能够进一步延伸并和居住者共处

    It focuses on the use of relatively few elements, the appreciation of space and natural light, creating a neutral base, which enables the house evolve and become together with its members.


  • 运潮减河,继温榆河、潮白河之后成为河岸别墅自然发祥源头。

    Yunchaojian canal, after Wenyu canal and Chaobai canal, becomes natural headstream place of bank villas along three great canals.


  • GVA利用别墅海拔地理优势,宽阔的空间以及空气自然流通减少空调使用

    GVA utilized the high elevation of the villas, generous space and air circulation in their design so that the natural sea breezes would reduce the need to use air conditioning.


  • 为了保护原有土生树木使建筑自然相合,别墅中央设计一个天井,这样室内就看到

    In order to preserve the existing tree - a native tree, and to fit architecture with nature, the design of the house has a light court in the central of the house to capture the tree.


  • 建筑的独特来自于“天空别墅概念——在高层庭院融入自然人工环境

    The most unique feature for this project comes from the idea of "sky villa", which brings the encounter of nature and manmade environment within a courtyard above the ground.


  • 减少冷却负荷一个更高位置俯瞰这个绿色屋顶使别墅完全融入自然环境

    This reduces the cooling load and seen from a higher situated area, this green roof makes the villa to blend into the natural environment due.


  • 自然法人购买住宅别墅其他商品房产产权购买者所有。

    In the case of residential houses, villas or other commercial building property purchased by natural persons or legal persons, the building property right shall belong to the purchasers.


  • 经济实惠岛屿呈现给令人心醉神迷自然许多私人别墅自己厨师保安人员家政人员。

    It can be the most affordable island which offers you true ecstatic beauty of nature and many private villas that come with their own chefs, security and housekeeping staffs.


  • 为了让每个房间保有宽敞空间自然穿透光线,建筑师将每间公寓假想为交互相层舍,宛如空中别墅

    With the generosity of space and the natural light penetrating therooms, we started to think of each , apartment as a house stacked on top of otherhouses, like a villa in the sky.


  • 晚上间接照明分散别墅各处,更加强这种自然元素作为项目精髓的特色。

    At night the indirect lighting details scattered throughout the house enhance this natural element as "mother" of the project.


  • 别墅建筑不同于一般居住建筑,别墅产品地段自然环境每户占地面积等方面有着更多依赖性

    Unlike common residential buildings, villas are more dependent on the location, natural environment and floor area of each household.


  • 别墅建筑不同于一般居住建筑,别墅产品地段自然环境每户占地面积等方面有着更多依赖性

    Unlike common residential buildings, villas are more dependent on the location, natural environment and floor area of each household.


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