• 主体个数为标准,请求冲突可以分为自权冲突冲突两类。

    From the right state, conflict of right of claim can be divided into static conflict and moving state conflict.


  • 另一纠纷就是斯匹卑尔根之争,俄罗斯宣称1920年开始有用那里的开矿,俄挪威挪威拥有那里大陆架地区。

    Another dispute is around the island of Spitsbergen, on which Russia has had mining rights since 1920. Norway says it owns the continental shelf around it.


  • 出售一些公司,把所获现金再加上得印度最大IT企业——咨询服务公司的收入用以加强剩下公司的控制

    He sold stakes in some companies and used cash from the sales and revenue from Tata Consultancy Services, India's largest IT firm, to shore up control of those that remained.


  • 大多数使用混合平台集群中,较好的选择使用签名证书编写CHAD出口或者提供专有名称撤销访问功能。

    In most clusters with a mix of platforms, the choices are to use self-signed certificates, write a CHAD exit, or live without the ability to revoke access per distinguished name.


  • 如果访问完全基于签名证书,则信任存储区中删除证书公钥将撤销访问

    If access is based entirely on self-signed certificates, deleting the public key of a certificate from the trust store revokes its access.


  • 专利申请或者专利转让登记之生效

    The assignment shall take effect as of the date of registration.


  • 研究人员发现一种方法制造出可进行电脑文件数据这赋予人们大的控制处理储存于网页个人数据。

    Researchers have found a way to produce self-destructing computer documents and data, giving people more control over personal data stored on the web.


  • 1969年设立出现以来,“特别提款”在国际货币基金组织成员国其它国际性组织用来作为一个计算单位

    The SDRs have been used as a unit of account among IMF members and other international organizations since introduction in 1969.


  • 伦敦2005年获得奥运会申办起,交通公认为是伦敦潜在的软肋。

    Ever since London was awarded the Games in 2005, transport has been considered a potential Achilles heel.


  • 债务人行为发生年内没有行使撤销撤销消灭

    Such cancellation right is extinguished if not exercised within five years, commencing on the date of occurrence of the obligor's act.


  • 日本于23年前实现平等工作以来,日本女性一直有事业放在工作之前,如今的变化却标志着这一趋势正在反转

    The trend marks a reversal for women who put careers over families after Japan implemented equal labor rights 23 years ago.


  • 瑞典寻求居住雇人员富人最有可能归属的类别数量2005年以来严重下滑去年降到不足500人。

    Sweden said the number of those seeking residency who are self-employed -- the most likely category the wealthy fit into -- has fallen sharply since 2005 to less than 500 last year.


  • 瑞典寻求居住雇人员(富人最有可能归属的类别)数量2005年以来严重下滑去年降到不足500人。

    Sweden said the number of those seeking residency who are self-employed — the most likely category the wealthy fit into — has fallen sharply since 2005 to less than 500 last year.


  • 这次动乱是卡扎菲1969年掌以来对其统治严峻挑战

    The unrest represents the most serious challenge to Mr Qadhafi's rule since his seizure of power in 1969.


  • 1974年该国法律少量为“个人使用量”的判决下放个案分析上。

    Its laws have, since 1974, left it up to judges to determine what amount constitutes "personal use" on a case-by-case basis.


  • 19世纪起,不公情绪滋长,进而妇女联结成为组织,争取投票.称之为妇女参政者.

    There was a growing sense of injustice and from the mid-19th century onwards groups of women joined together to campaign for the vote. They were known as suffragists.


  • 虽然马来西亚国家石油公司现在仍需同跨国公司就马来西亚国内的开采展开竞争,但同时成为行业管理者起,也获得相应回报。

    Although it now competes with multinationals for drilling rights in Malaysia, it also awards them-since it doubles as the industry regulator.


  • 近两年一直忠实服务于公司的RG先生,起由本公司授予签名谨此告知

    We have the honor to inform you that we have this day accorded Power of Procuration to Mr.R.G., who has faithfully assisted us for the last two years.


  • 以后就一直保持格拉斯伯格矿山的开采特许

    It has maintained the Grasberg concession ever since.


  • 黄日新正在拍卖其胶囊公寓()的5年专利使用。这种公寓是毕生的心血,2009年4月以来就得到了国际媒体关注

    Huang is auctioning a 5-year patent to his life's work - the capsule apartments (see photo) that have been capturing international media attention since April, 2009.


  • 英国央行货币政策委员会(Monetary Policy Committee)1997年取得利率单独决策以来降息幅度从未超过50基点。

    The central bank's Monetary Policy Committee has never cut its key rate by more than a half-point since it gained independence from the U.K. government in 1997.


  • 这个国家中,一位佐治亚州的年轻牧师除了心中梦想一无所有,带领人们走向拥有投票的乐土。

    This country where a young black minister from Georgia who had nothing but a dream in his heart went on to lead his people to the Promised Land of civil rights and voting rights.


  • 成员综合包括经济性共益经济性

    Member right is a kind of comprehensive right, including the non-economic benefit right and economic individual benefit right.


  • 成员综合包括经济性共益经济性

    Member right is a kind of comprehensive right, including the non-economic benefit right and economic individual benefit right.


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