• 自我感受良好实事

    Feel-Good Tasks and the Real thing.


  • 世界不会在乎自尊,它指望自我感受良好之前先有所成就

    The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good abut yourself.


  • 最好办法承认现实承认自我感受一个有富有成效方法解决问题

    The best strategy for moving on is to recognize the reality of the situation, acknowledge your feelings and find a way to cope productively.


  • 画家一直尝试一种含蓄而且简洁方式,从单纯图像出发表达自我感受

    The artist always tries to use a simple and implicative way, and expresses his feelings by pure images.


  • 所有这些情形中个体自我感受以及他人对其所形成的看法,二者可能甚为近似

    In all of these cases, an individual's self-perception and how others view that individual are probably very similar.


  • 可以拥有两个不同身份种身份涉及个人自我感受,另一个所涉及的是他人这个特定个人的看法。

    A person can have two different identities, one that involves an individual's self-perception and the way that others see that particular individual.


  • 作为年轻创作者张君钢忠实于自我感受关注生命本身寻求一个自发关于实质的生命体系

    As young creators, Zhu li and Zhang Jungang can follow closely their self-perception, focus on the life itself and try to find a spontaneous life system concerning the essence.


  • 我们变得过度焦虑的时候,注意力不再自由的转移,而是困于一种及其不利的过度在意自我感受的状态

    When we become overly preoccupied with ourselves, our attention no longer flows freely, but becomes trapped by an unhealthy self-focus.


  • 这些购物狂热者只顾满足自我感受他们会花掉属于自己,以致深陷债务泥沼甚至破产蹲监狱

    They just think about satisfying their feelings, so they spend money they don't have. They get deep in debt, and they can even go bankrupt and get sent to prison .


  • 这样信任建立实际自我感受相信之上;不是建立在礼貌言语和社交下压力之上。才是永远能去信任的唯一一种信任。

    This trust will be based on what you actually sense and believe, rather than polite words and social pressure, and that's the only kind of trust you can always trust.


  • 首好的诗可以把这些感受用文字表达出来,带给我们自我理解。

    A good poem can put these feelings into words and bring us self-understanding.


  • 健康锻炼之后感受——种令人眩晕自我成就感真正使感觉更好同时看起来也更好的活动

    The Feeling Aftera Healthy Workout - It’s a giddy feeling of selfaccomplishment; the one true activity that actually makes you feel better andlook better simultaneously.


  • 自我认识智能(自我智能)包括理解自我了解一个人感受恐惧动力能力

    Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart) entails the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations.


  • 例如感受自我价值就是情感需求,以及感到被别人欣赏受到信任,得到理解受到关怀能够倾听,感到有意义等

    And examples of emotional needs is to feel valued, to feel appreciated, to feel trusted, to feel understood, to feel cared for, to be listened to, to feel appreciated, to feel significant.


  • 正如鼻子感知气味器官一样,“道德观念,道德感受器’的作用就是感知并处理自我外界之间固有矛盾。”

    Thus, he writes, "The function of morality, or the moral organ, is to negotiate the inherent conflict between self and others."


  • 深度挖掘自我以及正值中年感受,”Armstrong去年年底时候这样告诉RollingStone杂志的。

    "I want to dig into who I am and what I'm feeling at this moment - which is middle-aged," Armstrong told Rolling Stone late last year.


  • 长期受创伤受害者经常不真实扭曲方式感觉到脱离自我,只感受自己内心的经历现实

    Chronically traumatised victims often feel a sense of detachment from the self, and experience internal states and reality in an unreal or distorted way.


  • 然而如果没有看到发生的微妙变动,你仍被认定观察者(自我),并且保持思维过程中就是为什么不能感受空隙的原因。

    But if you can't see these subtle movements taking place, you will stay identified as the observer (ego), and remain within the thought process, which is why you can't ever experience the gap.


  • 他人处获得没有,但发现自我想从他人感受自我价值成了问题

    There's nothing wrong with seeking love from others. Seeking ourselves, or our sense of self-worth in that love, is the problem.


  • 尽管自我动画形象时不时地展现出她真实内心感受包括女孩麦圭尔”中的她——时而叛逆、时而无礼、时而粗暴,她还是一个可爱有趣女孩

    She is portrayed as a fun teen although her animated alter ego displays her true feelings from time to time including becoming rebellious, disrespectful and rude in the episode "Bad Girl McGuire".


  • 一个整洁干净外表同样能小小地促进我们的心情。因为自我形象提升了我们的感官就会获得极大的轻松,也感受生活快乐

    A neat appearance can also give a small boost your mood, since your self-esteem increases, causing greater lightness in your predisposition and lets you feel the joy of living.


  • 就是内观体验自我实相有系统平静观察,观察自身不断变化身心现象所显示出来的感受

    This is Vipassana: experiencing one's own reality by the systematic and dispassionate observation within oneself of the ever-changing mind-matter phenomenon manifesting itself as sensations.


  • 如果放弃件东西让自我牺牲或是严苛责任意识感受,这就使一直想法不能实现就会你造成困扰

    If you were to give it up in a mood of self-sacrifice or out of a stern sense of duty, you would continue to want it back, and that unsatisfied want would make trouble for you.


  • 阅读中,在学习新的事物中,在不断地丰富自我知识时,感受到了无穷的乐趣

    I find an inordinate amount of pleasure in reading, in learning about new things, in enriching my knowledge as I get older.


  • 事与愿违28年后同学丽莎·杰克1980年所照36照片让我们感受到了一个寻找自我20岁的贝里·奥巴马

    Instead, 28 years later, a series of 36 photographs taken in 1980 by his fellow student Lisa Jack gives a sense of the 20-year-old Barry Obama in search of self.


  • 只要学会倾听内在自我,你给予自我你所需使感受快乐

    As long as you learn to listen to your inner self, you'll be giving yourself what you need and making yourself happy.


  • 良好人际关系技能具有理解他人感受自我意识以及技能。

    A person with good human skills will have a high degree of self-awareness and a capacity for understanding orempathizing with the feelings of others.


  • 彻承认是个自我为中心男子主义者。 他提醒作者其每次遇到的危险时候更加不顾虑作者感受

    Mr Butcher, a self-confessed “ego-driven Alpha Male”, is less sympathetic when reminding us at every turn of the risks he is running.


  • 自我怀疑就是我们自己完成一项事务能力感到不确定的一种感受

    Self-doubt is that feeling of uncertainty about your ability to accomplish something.


  • 自我意识一种能够发觉自己感受想法,以用自己有些感受想法的原因能力

    Self-awareness is the ability to notice what you're feeling and thinking, and why.


- 来自原声例句

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