• 孤立儿童个案研究表明他们缺乏坚定自我概念语言能力的缺乏严重阻碍了他们的智力心理发展

    Case studies of children who are isolated from others reveal that they lack a firm self-concept, and their mental and psychological development is severely hindered by lack of language.


  • 漫长系列研究中,心理学家已经证实人们提醒自己会死时,他们就会更加坚定自我价值核心属性

    In a long series of studies, psychologists have shown that when people are reminded that they will one day die, they fixate on attributes they consider central to their self worth.


  • 我们触怒时我们要尽量自我控制,这样我们可以慢慢开始享受良好朋友关系良好沟通坚定自信给我们带来的好处

    When we are triggered we can maintain self-control and begin reaping the benefits of healthy relationships, more effective communication, and unwavering poise and confidence.


  • 对于伊拉克问题,还需要在保持立场坚定(美国必须在2007年全年维持伊拉克驻军)的同时,为所犯的错误诚恳进行自我批评——他还欠美国人和伊拉克人一个解释

    With Iraq, he has to mix resolution-america surely must keep its troops there throughout 2007-with contrition: he owes Americans and Iraqis a frank explanation of the mistakes made.


  • 看到很多团体克服难以想象困难因为他们意识到他们参与其中的乃是超越自我盛举,感受到了团结坚定不移运动豪情。

    I have seen groups of people overcome incredible odds as they became aware they are participating in a cause beyond self and sense the movement of the inexorable which comes from unity.


  • 如此诱惑下,尽管有些坚定还是失去了自我,但仍然很多成功抵抗了诱惑

    Although many a strong man has got lost before such a temptation, still there are a great many who have managed to resist it.


  • 眼睛出卖另一种方式眼神不够坚定的人往往缺乏自我控制能力并且意志薄弱

    Another way the eye gives you away is that a lack of steady eye contact would reveal a lack of self-control and a weak will.


  • 他用坚定信仰从精神上超越自我,让沉重的肉身苦难复活

    He surpasses himself spiritually with firm belief, reviving his heave body from suffering.


  • 事实是,自我没有塑造培养坚定明确个性因此我的生命秋天云彩那样,舒地飘荡着。 ① 五年后,他在自由体诗剧《牺牲》中又运用了这个情节。

    The fact is my self had not yet been moulded and nourished into a strong and definite personality and so my life drifted along as light and easy as an autumn cloud.


  • 那么坚定不移一味自我控制,”,“实在苛刻自己了每种情感痛苦在内心——什么也不表白,不流露,不告诉。

    "With all his firmness and self-control, " thought I, "he tasks himself too far: locks every feeling and pang within — expresses, confesses, imparts nothing.


  • 它们并不需要深奥的研究或者外部指令---那些自我的探索都会自然而然到来只要坚定的生活自我光芒和进化灵性中。

    They don't require esoteric studies or external instructionsthose self-discoveries automatically come with steadfastly living your light and evolving spiritually.


  • 很好的沟通能力为人处事,自我鼓励与对合作精神并存,充满活力,意志坚定并思路开拓

    Good communicative skills, sociable, good mannered, self-motivated, team player, enthusiastic, strong minded and open for new ways.


  • 如果没有坚定目标,在提高自身素质、自我挑战的过程彷徨、动摇

    We will be shaken in the process of self-challenge without a firm aim.


  • 确立正确态度、磨练坚定的意志、完善心智模式、培育健康的情绪情感,是领导干部充善个性达到自我实现,并优秀的人格魅力赢得下属拥戴而实现有效领导、获得成功的重要途径

    Its an important way to achieve self-realization and with personal charm to achieve the effective leadership that establishing a correct attitude, strengthening the will to i.


  • 挑战自我然后采取措施迎接挑战。当感觉实力提高时通过自身努力坚定地走下去

    Challenge yourself, and then do what it takes to meet the challenge. As you feel your strength increasing, resolve to add to it through your own efforts.


  • 真理纯洁自我控制坚定无畏谦卑团结和平反抗者…

    Truth, purity, self-control, firmness, fearlessness, humility, unity, peace, and renunciation-these are the inherent qualities of a civil resister.


  • 坚定报恩信念陆白揭开所有人心里的疑惑,帮助恩人打败宿敌寻回自我最终还是未能摆脱命运束缚

    The firm belief of gratitude all white Lu opened the heart of doubt, help benefactor Xiao ink defeated enemies, bound self recovered, but ultimately failed to escape the fate.


  • 不断超越自我的毅力,扎实学习态度坚实知识理论再加上坚定信念丰富实操经验坚信一定能够成功。

    I believe that I'm bound to succeed with everlasting perseverance, solid study attitude, stable theories and knowledge, Attic faith and rich practical experience.


  • 西方精英近年自我厌恶慢慢地、坚定转变为对中国厌恶。在他们看来,中国所有西式现代性腐朽之物的缩影。

    Slowly but surely, the western elite's self-loathing of recent years is transforming into a loathing of China, which is seen to represent everything that is rotten about "western-style" modernity.


  • 杰克头发瘦高个儿教堂唱诗班的领队,一个意志坚定、极端自我的男孩。

    Jack, a tall and thin chap with red hair, who leads a church choir, is as hard as steel and acutely self-conscious.


  • 还有一句话,相信我们善心力量真实自我们身外,否则我无法如此坚定地信仰它。

    I know that it is my deep and fixed conviction that man has within him the force of good and the power to translate force into life.


  • 还有一句话,相信我们善心力量真实自我们身外,否则我无法如此坚定地信仰它。

    I know that it is my deep and fixed conviction that man has within him the force of good and the power to translate force into life.


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