• 切尔西经理与其怀疑莱彻真实意图倒不如检讨一下自己队员

    The Chelsea manager should really doubt his own men rather than querying Fletcher's intention.


  • 教授温格相信自己队员绝对实力赛季取得成功他们需要就是关注细节

    Arsène Wenger believes his players have the basic qualities to be successful this season - but they need to get the details right.


  • 拜仁主帅海因克斯希望自己队员能够在对阵狼堡拿出气魄战胜对手第一轮的开门黑中恢复元气。

    Bayern Munich coach Jupp Heynckes hopes his players dazzle and intimidate Wolfsburg as they try to bounce back from crumbling to a shock defeat to Borussia Monchengladbach last week.


  • 作为主教练的第一反映庇护自己队员所以看到发生什么,言论或许有点过激了。

    My initial instinct as a manager is always to protect my own players so, without seeing the incident, I spoke perhaps a bit too rashly.


  • 但是卡佩罗非常高兴球队第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克尽管赛前他要求自己的队员在小组赛取得不败的战绩。

    But Capello was delighted with his side's efforts in Dnepropetrovsk, despite wanting his men to go through the qualifying campaign unbeaten.


  • 但是场上我们应该看到UNION自己队员因为任何事情发生冲突不但影响我队而且对手看笑话

    But in the field, we should not see is his players UNION anything because conflict affects not only our team, and let the opponent see the joke.


  • 知道他们(科特迪瓦多哥足协)也非常希望自己队员尽快归队集训,但是这件可以坐下来讨论,商讨大家都接受的结果。

    I'm sure they [Ivory Coast and Togo] will push hard but it's a case of having those discussions and waiting to see what comes back from them.


  • 指责队员没有尽到自己本分

    He accused the team of not pulling their weight.


  • 那些消防队员已把他们自己的安全置之度外

    The firefighters showed a contempt for their own safety.


  • 运动队中,每个队员清晰角色定位,队员很少自己角色感到迷惑不明确

    In a sports team each plays a clear role, and there are few occasions when members are confused or uncertain of their roles.


  • 啦啦队员每年地方、州国家她们自己的比赛

    Cheerleaders have their own contests every year at local, state, and national levels.


  • 视频中,张家城在由几名职业篮球运动员组成的防守队员面前展示了自己的运球技术,并得到了现场观众的热烈欢呼。

    In the video Zhang showed his dribbling skills in front of a defense made up of several professional basketball players, and received a loud cheer from people watching on site.


  • 我们很多队员随着自己俱乐部参加冠军杯淘汰赛阶段经验,这会我们带来帮助的。

    We have a lot of players who have been to the latter stages of the Champions League with their clubs and that should help us.


  • 尽管如此这些事件中没有一起记录最初陆战队员自己起草的军事汇报当中。

    None of this, however, was captured in the initial military account, written by the marines themselves.


  • 巴西国内锦标赛上主场连续失利的巴西帕尔梅拉队员不仅夺冠希望渺茫现在他们甚至开始担心自己身家性命来。

    Palmeiras players, fearing possible violence from their fans, are keeping a low profile after successive home defeats effectively ended their Brazilian title hopes.


  • 针对父母的一对一访谈中,埃尔·格尼博士队员询问父亲每天花费多少小时陪伴自己的孩子

    During interviews conducted individually with mothers and fathers, Dr Alvergne and her team asked questions about how many hours a day fathers spent with their children.


  • 巴基斯坦天赋极佳队员但是比赛训练条件却跟不上;他们需要自己自己创造更好的板球条件。

    Pakistan have some immensely talented players, but they play in a vacuum; they are having to make it up for themselves as they go along.


  • 同样重要的是一些队员自己反对这个宽赦想法

    Just as importantly, some of the players themselves rejected the idea.


  • 他们眼里,就是传奇即使空降生涯故事——“丝绸故事”,队员们这样称呼它们——似乎是从把自己挂到树上这一开始

    He was a legend to them, even if the stories of his jumps - "silk stories", as jumpers call them-tended to begin with a cuss, and a crash, and himself dangling from a tree.


  • 这个故事大学曲棍球队队员查特温说起,总担心自己不到当季销售目标

    The story begins with Chatwin, an ex college hockey player, fearing he won't make his sales target for the quarter.


  • 说过了,你们消防队员每一天都自己生命脑袋上。

    And as I said, you guys put your lives on the line each and every day.


  • 深入地了解,到底是什么东西把这些陆战队员联系在一起,是什么驱使他们风尘仆仆地全美各地赶来纪念自己战友。

    I wanted to know more about what linked these Marines--what compelled them to come from all corners of the country to commemorate one of their own.


  • 周前季前赛中,这名法兰克福队员发现自己机会用身体接触影响埃的身体平衡,并断掉埃辛脚下足球,于是他用全身的力气自己的肩膀向埃辛。

    He had spotted the opportunity to knock an off-balance Michael Essien off the ball in a pre-season fixture two weeks ago and he had slammed his shoulder into him with all of his force.


  • 背负着18公斤食物衣服,实在跟不上比自己一半年龄海军陆战队队员步伐

    He carried 18 kg of food, water and gear on his back, and kept pace - barely - with Marines half his age.


  • 他们乐于就是增加责任他们也有自己的团队的时候,就做出更高水平的贡献,同事相处良好,同时也会表现完善自己队员才能

    They thrive on added responsibility, and when they have a team to manage, they contribute at a higher level, work well with peers, and show a talent for developing team members.


  • 军士长朱莉娅·沃森,女队员的任务不仅仅是派发泰迪药品她们应该利用自己阿富汗妇女身上学到的东西帮助当地开发创收项目、举办学校诊所

    Julia Watson said the women have to move beyond handing out teddy bears and medicine and use what they learn from Afghan women to develop plans for income-generating projects, schools and clinics.


  • 雷德克纳普能够吹嘘自己出色的中场队员贝尔莫德里奇,但需要转会窗口关闭后防线做调整。

    Redknapp, who can boast the excellent Gareth Bale and Luka Modric in midfield, also needs to perform surgery on his defence before the transfer window closes.


  • 自己无烟房间一条湿毛巾放下方阻止烟雾进入房间,麦克布莱德纽约的一名消防队员

    Close yourself in a smoke-free room and place a wet towel underneath the door to prevent any smoke from entering, says Dan McBride, a firefighter in New York City.


  • 她们自己突击队员丈夫倒垃圾尿布——不论他们战场上取得了多么骄人的战绩。

    They still make their spouses take out the garbage, do the dishes and change diapersno matter how impressive their accomplishments in the field of battle is.


  • 团队队员制定自己目标目的每一个进行成功评估关键

    Developing performance goals and objectives for the team and for each individual member of the team is critical to assessing the success of each.


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