• 白族是一个自己独特文化的民族。

    The Bai Ethnic Group has its own distinct culture.


  • 无论是哪个地方都是拥有自己独特文化生活方式

    No matter where it is, have their own unique culture and way of life.


  • 特奥蒂瓦坎可能发展了自己独特地方宗教作为文化进步结果使城市繁荣成为可能

    Teotihuacán may have developed its own specific local religion as a result of the cultural advances made possible by the city great prosperity.


  • 有着自己独特生机勃勃的文化

    It had a distinctive and lively culture of its own.


  • 或者因为土耳其已不再个受军人统治农业社会,而已成为了一个充满活力,并且有着自己独特公民社会文化国家

    Or it could be because it is no longer a peasant society ruled by its army, but a dynamic nation with a strong civil society of its own.


  • 如果公司的,你要理解无论你之前的经历这里文化有多相近,这个公司有着自己独特有些时候离奇古怪的规定。

    If you’re new to a company, understand that no matterhow similar the culture seems to others you’ve experienced, it isgoing to have its own unique and sometimes bizarre quirks.


  • 如果公司的,你要理解无论你之前的经历这里文化相近这个公司有着自己独特有些时候离奇古怪的规定。

    If you're new to a company, understand that no matter how similar the culture seems to others you've experienced, it is going to have its own unique and sometimes bizarre quirks.


  • 每个文化都有自己独特时尚体系而套装文化服饰的基础。

    While every culture has its own unique set of fashion, suits are integral garments in every culture.


  • 拥有以上管理风格销售副总裁通过雇佣与自己同类”的销售人员,营造独特团队氛围,建立起符合他们经验体系文化

    VPs with each of these management styles build a unique sales environment by hiring their "type" of salespeople and establishing a culture based upon their belief systems.


  • 每个民族都自己智慧每种文化自己观察处理问题独特视角和方法。

    Each nation has its own wisdom and people from each different culture have their own unique perspective and approach to think and behave.


  • 人民历来生活一个统一国家里,几经沧桑创造了自己独特文化亚洲世界文明作出过重要贡献

    The Afghan people have always lived in a unified country, experienced ups and downs, created its unique culture, and made important contributions to Asia and world civilization.


  • 排名理由这家著名在线鞋类零售企业里的确存在着“免费午餐”这说法尽管亚马逊已经收购了这家公司,但它仍然继续保持着自己独特的企业文化

    Reason it rates: There is such a thing as "free lunch" at the famed online shoe retailer, and though Amazon has taken them over, the corporate culture remains pleasantly offbeat.


  • 进入新的工作场所,你会发现不得不去适应独特企业文化每个公司都是与众不同的,而且自己文化

    When you enter a new workplace you find a unique organizational culture to which you have to adjust. Each company is different and each company has its own culture.


  • 一个企业竞争中立于不败之地必须有着自己独特的企业文化

    If a corporation want to become the winner in the marketing competition, the corporation must have its special corporation culture.


  • 每个国家都会自己独特文化习俗,这也使得不可避免地有自己语言习惯

    Every Each country has its unique culture and custom, so it inevitably has its own language habit.


  • 世界各种不同文化都拥有自己独特的庆祝新年传统方式。

    Around the world, different cultures have their own traditions for welcoming the New Year.


  • 孩子们懂得每个民族都自己独特智慧灿烂文化世界科学文明做出过贡献,都应该受到尊重和爱戴

    Let children know that each nation has its own wisdom and splendid culture, have contributed to science and civilization of the world, should be respected and loved.


  • 本真意义表达,并不仅仅在于人通过单纯文化进化过程获得某种独特区分表明自己外在特色

    The demonstrations of man's real meaning does not consist in his acquisition of some particularity by means of a pure cultural process so as to distinguish and reveal his exterior characteristics.


  • 然而很多博物馆如果设计自己独特文化艺术品缺乏技能

    However, while many museums may want to design their own cultural and creative products, most still lack the know-how.


  • 网络学院校园文化建设又有自己哪些独特的方面?

    What are the unique features of the construction of campus culture for the school of network education?


  • 美国黑人女性作家依托着自己独特历史文化背景,凭借女性敏锐的文学感悟构筑起属于自己文学体系

    Because of their subtle sense of art and special culture background, Afro-American women writers have constructed their own literature system.


  • 全世界各式各样面包点心面包店其中许多还有自己独特历史文化

    Throughout the world, there are a variety of breads and pastries sold in bakeries, and quite a few of them have a unique cultural history of their own.


  • 向着自己战略远景,向着有先进独特文化企业不断前进

    Yun is the country toward its own strategic vision, advanced toward the unique culture of the company to continue moving foward.


  • 作为泰国的一个山地民族卡人自己独特语言习俗历史文化

    Being a mountain ethnic group, the Akha has its own linguistic customs, history and culture.


  • 每个地区都有自己独特状况包括文化区位资源等等,这些(独特之处)使得成功模式无法复制

    Each region has its own unique conditions including cultures, locations, resources and so on, which make the pattern of success can not be replicated.


  • 非洲非常多样化大陆每个国家甚至一个自己独特文化的国家一部分。

    Africa is a very diverse continent, with each country, or even each part of a country having its own unique culture.


  • 中国的“大众文化”因为独特历史背景西方的“大众文化不能等同中国自己产生土壤

    The masses culture in China has its distinctive culture history background and its emerging soil, so it can not be equal to the mass culture in the West.


  • 中国的“大众文化”因为独特历史背景西方的“大众文化不能等同中国自己产生土壤

    The masses culture in China has its distinctive culture history background and its emerging soil, so it can not be equal to the mass culture in the West.


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