• 结果显示自动联想可以预测决定

    The results show that automatic associations can predict decisions.


  • 流程完成以后预测模型自动显示

    After the process completes, the predictive model is automatically displayed.


  • 但是相对手工流程明显优势一旦自动化流程通过测试校验可以确保流程所有步骤执行结果是预测的。

    But the significant advantage over manual processes is that, once tested and verified, you can be sure that steps of the process will predictably be executed in the same fashion.


  • 自动完成功能根据用户通过IME输入的文字笔画来预测单词

    The AutoComplete feature predicts the word based on the strokes the user enters in the IME.


  • 情节公司职员摇着水晶这个可以预测免费的多力多球抛向了一个自动贩卖机以便让同事们多少就拿多少多力多滋。

    Pitch: An office worker shakes a crystal ball, says it predicts free Doritos, and hurls the ball at a vending machine so co-workers can grab all the Doritos they want.


  • 上面中的自动人行道属于确实实现了的预测尽管我们大多数没有中人那样悠闲

    The moving sidewalk is one of those predictions that actually did come true, though not many of us ride them for leisure as the people in this picture seem to be doing.


  • DesignStudio自动识别出预测标称自动提供用于目的设置(同一个选项卡中)。

    Design Studio recognizes automatically that you want to predict a nominal value column and automatically offers you those Settings (in the same TAB) available for this purpose.


  • 判断自动质量一个基本标准就是,设置一系列的确认以让结果代码各种错误变得可以预测

    One basic criteria to judge the quality of automation is by having a stock of the verification points that the script contains to catch predictable as well as unforeseen errors.


  • 虽然他们做出如此乐观预测就业岗位增长可能仍将温不火,因为很多公司设法在不增加很多人手的情况,通过提高效率自动化水平增加产量

    Despite the upbeat forecasts, job growth may remain modest because many companies are finding ways to increase production through greater efficiency and automation, without adding many workers.


  • 团队证明IBMSPSSModeler通过动态计算置信度在需要生成警告提供自动实时故障预测能力

    The team demonstrated that IBM SPSS Modeler provides the capability to automate failure predictions in real time by calculating confidences on the fly and generating alerts when needed.


  • 但是一新途径首次通过机器学习算法自动分析案件文本预测法庭判决结果

    But the new method is the first to predict the outcomes of court cases by automatically analysing case text using a machine learning algorithm.


  • Node - Jake构建工具的构建和打包自动预测方式进行。

    Build tools like Node-Jake allow you to automate build and packaging so they happen in a predictable way.


  • 日语yomi输入自动完成(Japanese Yomi Auto Complete Library)——为了文字输入域中提供自动完成功能应用程序必须根据已经输入的文字预测用户输入的文字。

    Japanese Yomi Auto Complete Library - to provide the AutoComplete feature in a text input field, an application must predict the word the user wants to enter based on those characters already typed.


  • 准确预测冷轧机架出口带钢厚度对于完善自动厚度控制系统提高产品质量具有重要意义

    Precisely forecast strip thickness at the exit of cold tandem mill's each stand has very important significance for perfect automatic gauge control system and improve quality of product.


  • 模糊预测控制应用列车自动驾驶系统充实了模糊预测控制理论,又实现列车运行过程品质控制提供了一种方法

    The application of fuzzy prediction control to ATO system not only enriches the theory of fuzzy prediction control, but also offers a new method for train operation with high quality.


  • 麦肯锡全球研究院近日发布份报告预测2055年,半数人工工作可能通过采用技术而实现自动化。

    About half of the work carried out by people has the potential to be automated 2 by 2055 with adaptions to technology, a McKinsey Global Institute report predicted.


  • 对数累积损伤模型作为失效判据,已在某口径自动弹簧疲劳寿命预测得到满意应用

    Used as a fatigue failure criterion, application of the model to the fatigue life prediction for the feeding spring of a medium calibre automatic naval gun proved to be comparatively satisfactory.


  • 文中提出了一种自动选择平滑系数指数平滑预测实例表明效果良好。

    Furthermroe, we provide an exponent smoothing method for automatically choosing the smooth coefficient. The effect is validated by the prediction examples.


  • 超短期负荷预测将成为AGC自动发电控制)实用化基础同时也是动态经济调度电力市场运行所需的基本信息。

    Short-term load forecasting is the foundation of Auto Generation Control (AGC). And it is needed in running and economic distributing of power system.


  • 针对注塑机炉温闭环自动控制实现问题,提出一种模糊预测控制算法

    A fuzzy predictive control algorithm was proposed for closed loop automatic control of stove temperature of injection mould.


  • 程序采用动态描述方法存储裂解规则自动进行各种结构类型化合物预测

    A dynamic method is used to describe the fragmentation rules, and the program can predict mass spectra automatically for compounds of various kinds of structures.


  • 控制器根据预测精度自动调整控制器参数使控制器系统响应具有适应性

    Furthermore, This controller can automatically adjust controller parameters according to the precision of grey prediction, which makes the controller adaptive to the response of systems.


  • 针对显微镜下两层物体大规模图像采集问题,提出基于图像边缘预测快速自动对焦算法

    Aiming at the problem of large-scale microscopy images acquisition of two-layer object, an auto-focusing algorithm was proposed based on image edge and adjacent area forecasting.


  • 机制根据移动节点相关预测信息自动生成动态策略切换前作准入控制资源准备

    On the basis of the prediction information of the mobile node, the mechanism produced dynamic policies automatically to do admission control and prepared resources for handoff before it happened.


  • 国际货币基金组织经济学家下调全球经济增长预测值,部分原因是美国自动减支计划而立即削减预算的举措拖累了经济。

    IMF economists trimmed their projection for global growth a bit, partly because of the drag in the us from the immediate budget cuts under sequestration.


  • 样本获取过程中,采用设置故障来获取对应样本,而不是等待故障发生,使得自动测试系统可以预测故障并提早解决故障。

    During the carrying of sample, the system gets sample by setting fault, not by waiting for the appearing of fault, which makes the system forcast fault and solve it in advance.


  • 样本获取过程中,采用设置故障来获取对应样本,而不是等待故障发生,使得自动测试系统可以预测故障并提早解决故障。

    During the carrying of sample, the system gets sample by setting fault, not by waiting for the appearing of fault, which makes the system forcast fault and solve it in advance.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定