• 22岁的伊赛Meet Eater第三次重生使用的一种更加不敏感植物品种调整自动控制程序从而可以降低水位

    Isai, 22, said Meet Eater's third incarnation was a "much more water tolerant" plant species and he had adjusted the automatic program to lower the water levels.


  • 浮球开关可以根据所需水位变化自动控制启动停止专人看管

    Float switch according to the required water level changes, automatic control of pump start and stop, do not need special care.


  • 具有燃烧压力水位自动控制功能

    With firing, pressure and water level automatic control functions.


  • PLC根据所采集的流量水位温度条件自动控制的台数,确保清水供水系统正常运行

    According to the flux, water level, temperature, etc, PLC sends out command to start or stop pumps, and keeps the system in normal operation condition.


  • 介绍应用FIX软件实现热电厂锅炉温度水位自动控制

    The automatic control of boiler's drum level and steam temperature is realized by applying FIX software.


  • 本文介绍水池水位采用自动控制便于操作节约能源

    The article introduces the automatic control of water level in acid water pool and its ease of operation and economize on energy.


  • 锅炉上部设有膨胀水箱水位自动控制运行安全可靠简化了繁杂报批手续

    An expansion tank is equipped at the top, water level can be controlled automatically, it works without pressure, so it's safe and reliable, tedious report and endorse procedures are simplified.


  • 系统适用高层楼宇自动供水地下水位控制等情况。

    The designed system is available for the automatic water supply requirement of high buildings and the control of underground water.


  • 叙述锅炉温度水位微机自动控制系统原理系统管理维护方面运行经验

    The principle of microcomputer-based temperature and level control system is given and its operational experience in management and maintenance is introduced.


  • 利用计算机技术、单片机技术通讯技术,结合地下水位预报模型,开发研制井灌区无线自动控制系统

    The computer and modern telecommunication technologies are applied to develop a wireless automatic control system for multiple well for irrigation to realize reasonable utilization of ground water.


  • 这种热水器应该配置控制逻辑电路,当出现水位太低状况时,能够自动关闭加热元件电源

    The unit shall be equipped with control logic that shuts down all electricity to the heating elements in the event of no water or low water levels in the tank.


  • 凝结水本身重力流入平衡通过自动控制排水保持罐内一定水位形成水封

    Solidified water flows into balance jar upon itself gravity. Keeping certain water level in the jar through an automatic controlled discharge valve, which forms a water seal.


  • 实用新型主要用于蓄水池水塔水位自动控制

    The utility model is mainly used in the auto water level control of water tank or water tower.


  • 中心控制计算机通过光缆水位流速仪器发送控制指令并进行监测,实现潮流自动监测。

    The center control computer observes the tidal discharge by sending orders to the water lever and velocity instruments through the optical fiber cable automatically.


  • 格栅运行按设定的时间间隔运行,也可根据格栅前后水位自动控制

    The grate will be, at intervals, performed according to the settled time or to the automatic control of pressure head between fore and after-grate.


  • 模糊控制通过洗衣机初始状态学习,自动调整选择合适检测零点修正水位判定参数

    By studding the initial state of washer, the fuzzy controller automatically adjust and select the appropriate zero point of detecting cloth weight, and correct the judgment parameter of water level.


  • 水箱含有浮球自动补水装置可用测量控制水位从而有效地客户节省时间并提高工作效率

    Automatically fill the tank with float water plant, used to measure and control the water level, so as to effectively serve customers save time and improve efficiency.


  • 采用分立元件电路实现水塔水位自动控制设计一种低成本、实用价值水塔水位控制

    Using discrete components circuit towers to achieve the level of automation, design a cost-end, high practical value of the water tower water level controller.


  • 水位下降后开关控制打开进水口水池汪水,实现自动补水

    When the water level drops, the main valve is composed of a floating ball switch control to open the water inlet to the water tank, automatic replenishment.


  • 配备液位控制机构水位自动添加水位到达时,自动停止

    Standard equipped water level control mechanism, automatically add water when water is not enough


  • 装置不仅实用性广,而且能够实现水位自动控制,同时具有自动保护自动声光报警等功能

    The device can also provide with functions of automatic protecting and alarming of light and sound.


  • 用户要求提供特殊电压,进行水位自动控制配有自动保护装置控制

    According to user requirements to provide special voltage pump type, the water level automatic control, and is equipped with automatic protection device and the control cabinet.


  • 对于水利灌溉自动控制系统中的关键问题水渠水位灌溉水量控制本文进行了深入研究

    In this paper, we research on the water level control in depth which is the key question in the irrigation automatic control system.


  • 因此油水界面检测实现储油罐水位自动控制重要环节

    Therefore, the detection of oil-water interface is the important link to realize the auto-control of water level in oil tank.


  • 因此油水界面检测实现储油罐水位自动控制重要环节

    Therefore, the detection of oil-water interface is the important link to realize the auto-control of water level in oil tank.


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