• 机械式自动变速器控制系统处理机、换档规律控制规律、机械式变速器、传感器、作动器液压源等组成。

    The mechanically automatic transmission control system mainly consists of microprocessor, shift pattern, control pattern, mechanical transmission, sensors, actuators and hydraulic power.


  • 公司开发新型传感技术拓展了人们视野,相比之下,传统控制系统自从自动变速器诞生的那天起压根儿没有产生过脱胎换骨的变化

    Our innovative sensing technologies allow us to look beyond traditional controls that haven't changed dramatically since the introduction of the automatic transmission.


  • 详细论述了一个用于机械式自动变速器(AMT)控制系统解析冗余故障诊断方法

    The paper stated in detail an analytical redundancy fault diagnosis method of automated mechanical transmission (AMT) control system.


  • 台架上对某离合器到离合器自动变速器控制系统进行了试验研究

    An experimental study on the control system of a clutch-to-clutch type automatic transmission is conducted on test bench.


  • 本文介绍了几种典型汽车自动变速器锁止离合器电子控制系统分析了输入输出控制策略

    This paper introduces some typical electronic control systems for vehicle automatic transmission's lock-up clutch, and analyses the input, output and controlling tactics of the systems.


  • 介绍了电控自动变速器控制原理、基本组成及其部件工作原理以及性能检测方法故障诊断方法。

    The electrically-controlled automatic transmission control theory is discussed including the working principle and its components, detection methods, performance and fault diagnosis.


  • 研究具有机械式自动变速器履带式车辆起步时离合器结合控制问题。

    The control of the clutch engagement for an automatic mechanical transmission in the process of a tracklayer getting to start is studied.


  • 但是自动变速器里,齿轮需要滑动,所有齿轮相互之间保持啮合状态,换挡通过行星齿轮控制实现的。

    In an automatic transmission, however, the gears are never physically moved and are always engaged to the same gears. This is accomplished through the use of planetary gear sets.


  • 本文介绍日产风度轿车RE4F04A自动变速器主要传感器电磁阀各种开关控制单元及其控制电路检测方法

    This paper introduces the detecting means of the main sensors, solenoids, all kinds of switches and controlling unit about RE4F04A automatic transmission used in Nissan Cefiro sedan.


  • 介绍电控自动变速器类型基本组成控制原理及电控自动变速技术发展趋势

    In this paper, electronically controlled automatic transmission type, the basic principles of composition and control, electronically controlled automatic transmission technology trends.


  • 针对自动变速器模糊控制换挡过程中的换挡循环问题,设计一种新的模糊控制策略

    In order to avoid shift cycle in the process of fuzzy control for automatic transmission shift, a new fuzzy control strategy was designed.


  • 建立了离合器自动变速器系统仿真模型,对双离合器自动变速器动态特性进行了分析,并开发了换挡控制

    The simulation model of the dual clutch automatic transmission is created, the dynamic characteristics of the dual clutch transmission is analyzed and a gear shifting controller is developed.


  • AMT是在原有齿轮式机械变速器基础加装电脑控制系统实现起步、选挡、换挡自动控制

    AMT realizes the automatic control of vehicle starting, gear-position selecting and gear-shifting via adding computer control system on the traditional mechanical transmission.


  • 发明涉及车辆变速系统自动变速器控制设备控制方法

    The present invention relates to a gear shift system, a controller of an automatic transmission and and a control method thereof.


  • AMT传统手动变速器基础融合现在计算机技术各种控制理论,基于驾驶员意图实现自动换档自动变速系统

    Based on the traditional MT, AMT is an auto shift gears system just for the driver's purpose, which integrates modern computer and all kinds of control technology.


  • 提出了无级自动变速器汽车起步控制策略使汽车起步过程,实现了发动机低速稳定运行缩短起步时间,减少了起步的冲击

    Control strategy involved in this paper, which can make motor stably running at low speed in starting process can decrease initiative time and initiative attack.


  • 分析了典型自动变速器锁止离合器实际控制方法档位变化趋势

    Also, it analyzes the real control methods over the typical lockup clutch of the automatic transmission and points out the changing trend of shift gears of the automatic transmission in the car.


  • 建立了离合器自动变速器起步换挡动力学模型利用线性二次型最优控制理论研究离合器接合分离规律

    The starting and shifting dynamics models for double clutch transmission (DCT) are built, and linear quadric optimal control theory is used to study the engaging and disengaging laws of clutch.


  • 本文电控自动变速器工作原理进行简要介绍,重点对电子控制系统进行分析针对信号采集及其控制部分进行研究。

    This paper introduces the work principle of AMT, analyses its electronic control system, and researches its collection of signal and control part.


  • 本文详细阐述自动变速器离合器工作原理运作,由此引出现阶段应用于离合器控制技术手段

    The article describes the principle and operation methods of the new type's clutch in which the centrifugal-force canceling mechanism is adopted.


  • 最后优化结果应用于某式双离合器自动变速器制定系统综合控制策略

    Finally, the optimization results applied to a dry double-clutch transmission, developed a system of integrated control strategy.


  • 提高传动效率节能角度出发,提出用PLC(可编程序控制器)和HMI(人机界面)控制自动变速器(4d180型)的全新控制方案。

    In view of saving energy and enhancing transmission efficiency, a new PLC and HMI based shift control to 4d180 hydraulic torque converter is proposed.


  • 本文建立重型汽车自动变速器动力系统三维模型以及虚拟仿真控制系统已重型汽车斯太尔王的AMT动力系统得到了验证

    The 3-dimensional model and virtual emulation control system of AMT dynamic system in heavy duty trucks built in the paper is validated on Steyr-King series heavy duty trucks.


  • 离合器自动变速器起步控制关键问题——离合器控制进行研究

    A study on clutch controlthe key issue in start control of dual clutch automatic transmissionis conducted in this paper.


  • 最后部分典型故障双离合器自动变速器起步换挡模型进行仿真验证了所提出故障诊断容错控制策略有效性

    Finally, simulations for some typical faults are applied on a DCT starting and shifting model, and the effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis and tolerant control strategies is verified.


  • 最后部分典型故障双离合器自动变速器起步换挡模型进行仿真验证了所提出故障诊断容错控制策略有效性

    Finally, simulations for some typical faults are applied on a DCT starting and shifting model, and the effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis and tolerant control strategies is verified.


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