• 研究优化控制自动化立体仓库拣选出库总体调度中的应用

    This paper has studied optimizing control methods used in the overall dispatch of the automatic space warehouse working in the picking output mode.


  • 文章重点放在自动化立体仓库内部设计运作管理研究

    The focal point of the article is placed on inside design and the studying of management for operation of the three-dimensional warehouse of automation.


  • 入库货位分配系统影响自动化立体仓库运行效率关键因素之一

    The in-warehouse goods allocation system is one of the key points to improve the efficiency of AS/RS.


  • 运用排队论方法解决某烟厂烟叶自动化立体仓库agv调度问题

    It introduces the queuing methods to resolve the scheduling problems of AGV in a tobacco automatic warehouse.


  • 自动化立体仓库堆垛机作业待命影响存储系统反应时间一个决定性因素

    In automated highrise warehouse, the dwell point location of narrow-aisle stacker crane is a critical factor which affects the whole systems response time.


  • 其中阐述了自动化立体仓库设计堆垛机作业循环时间数学计算进行了推导

    Have explained among them in the three-dimensional design of warehouse of automation, the mathematical measurement of time of homework circulation of the stacker has been derived.


  • 自动化立体仓库调度系统规则按作业任务调度货位调度两个原则进行考虑

    The rule of the scheduling system of AS/RS is divided into two parts, these are mission scheduling and storing unit scheduling.


  • 建立自动化立体仓库管理系统分析模型,并给出部分用例图以及交互图。

    A analytical model was established for automatic solid warehouse management system, included user diagram, class diagram and interaction diagram.


  • 利用ADAMS软件建立了考虑绳索柔性自动化立体仓库巷道式堆垛机的简化模型

    A simple modeling method of a laneway stacker crane in automatic stereoscopic warehouse is introduced using ADAMS with ropes and flexible beams considered.


  • 自动化立体仓库一种信息储存管理于一体技术机电一体化产品越来越受到重视。

    Automatic warehouse is an electromechanical product of high-technology, which is a combination of information, storage and management, and has been raising more and more attention.


  • 自动化立体仓库管理信息系统用来管理仓库员工库存工作时间订单设备应用软件系统。

    The automatic warehouse management information system is a kind of application software that can manage staff, stock, working hours, order form and facility in warehouses.


  • 各个发达国家不惜重金开发研制效率更高自动化立体仓库成果累累特别是日本美国德国

    Each developed country spares no high price to develop efficiency in the higher three-dimensional warehouse of automation; the achievement is innumerable, especially in Japan, U. S. A. and Germany.


  • 介绍北京印钞厂自动化立体仓库基本情况,重点论述工程所采用的方案技术以及应用情况

    The paper introduces the basic condition of AS/RS in Beijing Bill Printing Factory, discusses the new scheme, new technology and its application in the project.


  • 第三部分提高篇——实现自动化立体仓库管理控制基本功能基础上,对货位优化问题进行了研究。

    The third section relates on improvement- discusses slotting optimization on the basis of completion of control and management on automatic high-rise warehouse.


  • 根据作者数十立体仓库实地调研,结合自动化立体仓库故障的特点,构建了故障自诊断系统总体结构

    Combing the fault feather of high - rise warehouse and according to the investigation and study of tens of them, the whole structure of its fault self - diagnosis is established.


  • 分析企业自动化立体仓库货架布局一般库区分配策略的基础上,提出了基于映射的货品-货位耦合库区分配策略。

    According to analysis of automated warehouse layout in enterprise, a section assignment policy named goods-location coupling was proposed based on general section assignment.


  • 自动化立体仓库作为现代物流技术领域内出现一种新型仓储方式工业生产高密度货物存储发挥着日益重要作用

    Nowadays, as a new storage pattern in the field of material flow technique, automated storage and retrieval system plays a vital role in the industrial producing and high density storage.


  • 自动化立体仓库阐述PLC编程中,控制对象众多工艺流程较为复杂,如何采用面向对象的控制思想进行PLC编程。

    Taking as an example the automatic stereoscopic warehouse, the paper explains the PLC programming with object-oriented ideas when there are many objects and complicated technological processes.


  • 本文实际开发自动化立体仓库项目为依托,针对自动化立体仓库调度中的一些问题开展了相应研究工作提出了一种合理的立体仓库调度策略

    The thesis does some research work on several problems related to scheduling of automated storage (SAS) and presents an efficient strategy on SAS based on the real SAS project.


  • 介绍了可编程控制器(PLC基本结构立体仓库工作流程论述了PLC控制自动化立体仓库达到仓储技术全面自动化的制作流程及设计思路。

    The paper introduces the basic structure of PLC and the working process of AS/RS, discusses how to apply PLC in AS/RS control in order to promoting the all-round automation of warehousing technology.


  • 利用微机飞机外胎重力立体仓库进行管理控制使仓库控制和管理上实现了自动化

    Microcomputer is used to manage and control the gravity cubical warehouse for storing plane tyres to realize automatic management and control.


  • 利用微机飞机外胎重力立体仓库进行管理控制使仓库控制和管理上实现了自动化

    Microcomputer is used to manage and control the gravity cubical warehouse for storing plane tyres to realize automatic management and control.


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