• 自从40年前我们第一次到达月球后,月球黑暗面一直给我们无尽想象

    The dark side of the moon has captured imaginations since we first stepped foot there over 40 years ago.


  • 他们指出,西方国家长期非洲恩人自居,自从冷战结束,西方便非洲彻底忽视了

    The West, they say, has long patronized their continent, and since the end of the Cold War, has subjected it to outright neglect.


  • 自从1991年,索马里一直被冠名“世界失败国家”。

    SINCE 1991 Somalia has routinely been labelledthe world’s most failed state”.


  • 自从经典计算机开始出现,模拟电子电路促进更快计算机设计一直是任务之一

    One of the tasks of classical computers since their inception as been to simulate electrical circuits to help design faster computers.


  • 据悉,自从对夫妇这种方式结婚后,已经数十新人排队,欲效仿这种不同寻常的婚礼

    Since the pair tied the knot, dozens more couples have been queueing up to copy their unusual ceremony.


  • 妻子之间一直互相取笑为生活的调剂。自从这个实验开始,她就成为多相睡眠先生。

    My wife and I have been poking fun at each other since this experiment began.


  • 自从他们2006年NBA总决赛上2 - 0领先迈阿密,小牛队在季后赛总战绩9胜17负。

    Ever since they surrendered a 2-0 lead to Miami in the 2006 NBA Finals, the Mavs had gone 9-17 in postseason games as they approached this opener.


  • 自从发明望远镜人类先进望远镜也望不到星空尽头时,才无奈地接受一个事实我们过于渺小,如果我们宇宙,那么人类就是一粒尘埃,我们一直在尘埃的目光在审视这个世界。

    Since theinvention of telescope to the mankind’s most advanced telescope no-one hadever looked beyond the end of the cosmos thus unwillingly accepting the factthat we are so tiny.


  • 自从2003年全球牛市开始来,新兴亚洲市场股票美元增加了210%,而同期拉丁美洲的股票平均增加了440%。

    Since the start of the global bull market in 2003 emerging Asian shares have gained 210% in dollar terms, compared with an average of 440% in Latin America.


  • 自从毕业我一直跟随自己在线扑克玩家的身份养活自己并且锻炼直觉

    I've followed my heart ever since I finished school.Making a living as an online poker player helped me practice my intuition.


  • 自从毕业一直跟随自己在线扑克玩家的身份养活自己并且锻炼直觉

    I've followed my heart ever since I finished school. Making a living as an online poker player helped me practice my intuition.


  • 自从亚当夏娃离开伊甸园有没有人,不管何种方式觉得自己在流浪

    Since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, is there anyone who does not, in some way, feel like an exile?


  • 审判提勒作证说,自从1994FBI发现一份为头号目标的反堕胎组织暗杀名单,他多年来都是警方保护度过的。

    Tiller testified during the trial that he spent years under police protection after the FBI discovered an anti-abortion hit list in 1994 that named Tiller as the top target.


  • 那天告诉我的妻子办公室发给我年终奖金用来和一起夏威夷旅行庆祝我们结婚二十周年。自从那天起,我太太一直很高兴。

    My wife has been on a cloud since I told her the other day I would spend my year-end bonus at the office to take us to Hawaii to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary.


  • 便领利百加进母亲拉的棚,娶了妻,并且她。自从他母亲不在了,这才得了安慰

    And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.


  • 自从1991年保罗·斯科尔斯加入俱乐部少年队,他就注定会成为拉福德史最伟大的传奇之一

    Having joined the club's youth system in 1991 Paul Scholes has since become a true legend at Old Trafford.


  • 自从1991年保罗·斯科尔斯加入俱乐部少年队,他就注定会成为拉福德史最伟大的传奇之一

    Having joined the club's youth system in 1991, Paul Scholes has since become a true legend at Old Trafford.


  • 乌拉圭籍裁判员约格·拉瑞自从1999年首次官方正式裁判员身份执法首场国际比赛来,执法比赛罚下球员的场次令人置信地高达70%。

    Jorge Larrionda, of Uruguay, has dismissed a player in an incredible 70% of games he has refereed since making his international debut as an official in 1999.


  • 自从俄罗斯格鲁吉亚八月7爆发武装冲突来,俄罗斯主要上市公司组成的俄罗斯交易系统指数暴跌了将近30%。 如果六月1日算起,这个指数已经下滑了50%。

    Russia's RTS Index of leading stocks has fallen nearly 30 percent since hostilities broke out in Georgia on August 7 and 50 percent since June 1.


  • 自从专业经纪人介入到交易,交易性质即开始发生变化买主卖主丧失了市场一些联系;交易变得越来越复杂,比如说可当前价格买卖将来的货物。

    Once professional brokers got in on the act, though, the nature of exchanges began to shift. Buyers and sellers lost some of their close contact with markets.


  • 自从母亲不在了,这得了安慰。

    So she became his wife, and he loved her; and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.


  • 自从6月份推出来,必应市场份额位数速度增长并占领美国10%的搜索业务,雅虎的市场份额下降18%,损失掉了和微软增加部分相当的市场份额。

    Since its launch in June, Bing's market share has grown by two percentage points to nearly 10% of all searches in America, but Yahoo! 's has dropped by the same amount to 18%.


  • 自从10月日本央行公布第二定量宽松政策,这是第一次预留了5万亿日购买部分资产遏制日元

    That was the second round of quantitative easing unveiled by the BoJ since October, when it first set aside a pool of 5 trillion yen to buy assets to partly rein in the yen.


  • 自从开始使用项目性质(nature)(请参阅参考资料获取文章链接)来,我一直搜索一种选项XM性质分配给任何项目。

    Since I started working with project natures (see Resources for links to the previous articles), I have been searching for an option to assign the XM nature to any project.


  • 自从2008年底英镑兑欧元汇率上升了9%,而且西班牙葡萄牙希腊一些受欢迎的度假地今年实行了降价,鼓励游客前往

    The exchange rate has improved by almost nine per cent since the end of 2008, and some of the most popular resorts in Spain, Portugal and Greece have cut their prices this year to encourage tourists.


  • 自从2008年底英镑兑欧元汇率上升了9%,而且西班牙葡萄牙希腊一些受欢迎的度假地今年实行了降价,鼓励游客前往

    The exchange rate has improved by almost nine per cent since the end of 2008, and some of the most popular resorts in Spain, Portugal and Greece have cut their prices this year to encourage tourists.


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