• 那条缆绳腰上

    He tied the rope around his waist.


  • 皮带松松地系

    She fastened the belt loosely around her waist.


  • 腰上做了针灸

    I had acupuncture in my lower back.


  • 半山腰上一个休息区我们可以那里歇歇脚。

    There's a rest area partway up the mountain; we could make a pit stop there.


  • 伐木工人腰上踩出了条小路

    Woodmen trod a path on the mountainside.


  • 我们山谷高呼回声霎时间腰上清晰地返回。

    We shouted in the valley, and in an instant the echo came from the hillside with great distinctness.


  • 为了防止跌落还会牢牢地一条绳索

    For protection in the event of a fall, one has a rope firmly tied to a harness around the waist.


  • 有一原来酒店几乎被绿色完全包围了。

    The greenery has completely overwhelmed the ruins of an old hotel on the mountainside.


  • 我们最难任务还是告诉男人们他们的

    Our hardest task continues to be persuading men to confront the fact that their waistbands have risen.


  • 接着拿了条铁链子捆在腰上没有机会逃跑

    He then secured a chain around her stomach so she had no chance to escape.


  • 搂着一个女人肩膀,那个女人的胳膊挎在腰上

    He's walking with his arm around a woman's shoulder, her arm around his waist.


  • 高中太快了,结果她要安全别针长裙别在腰上

    She lost weight so rapidly in high school that she used safety pins to cinch her long skirts around her waist.


  • 宣判的时候,斯双手特·塞利身边

    Skilling had stood with his hands clasped below his waist, with Petrocelli at his side while being sentenced.


  • 警察赶到时候,这位妇女失去了意识腰上还别着一瓶伏特加

    When the officers arrived, she had lost consciousness with a bottle of vodka tucked into her waistband.


  • 认识的人知道,我的有旧,而且身高在一米

    My acquaintances all knew that there was an old trauma on my back and I was taller than 1.90 merter.


  • 8月9日架单引擎飞机腰上5名罹难者其中之一

    On August 9th he was one of five people killed when a single-engine plane hit a mountainside.


  • 为了增加效果练习时候可以在一个杠铃或者脚踝夹个哑铃

    For added benefit, tie a weight plate around your waist or grasp a dumbbell between your ankles or knees while performing this exercise.


  • 2002年他们尸体这座山的半山发现但是犯人一直没有找到。

    Their bodies were found halfway up the mountain in 2002, but no one was ever charged with a crime in connection with their deaths.


  • 必须要把救生圈腰上或者触手可及的地方,要不然他就会沉下去。

    he must have it around his loins, or his hand upon it, or else he will sink.


  • 我们医务室针头镀层剥落,而且都倒钩,经常的肉钩下来。

    In our team clinic the injection needle used was with a broken coating and a barbed surface so it often hooked the muscles on my back out.


  • 直起身子,双手:“埃克,你怎么难道喜欢的菜?”

    Mom straig htened and put her hands on her hips.“What's the matter, Ike!Don't you like my cooking!”“Sure


  • :“告诉的那条是从哪里的呢? ”?

    One day a village boy came up and asked, "Tell me, where did you come at this golden chain about your waist?"


  • 史前穴居人把编织绑在选择伴侣手腕脚腕使精神在他的控制之下

    Pre-History: The caveman tied cords made of braided grass around his chosen mate’s wrists, ankles, and waist, to bring her spirit under his control.


  • 戈代加讷尔位于泰米尔纳德邦帕拉尼700英尺腰上这个山村悠久的殖民历史

    Nestling 700ft up in the Palani Hills of Tamil Nadu, this little hill-station town has plenty of expat history.


  • 裤子小小的手工刺绣美国国旗口袋的黄铜钮钉标志鬼魂魅影

    It has a small American flag hand-embroidered on the waistband. A subtle logo on the pocket is like a ghost, or phantom, of the brassy original logo.


  • 半山腰上可不是突然意识到出发该平时多练习慢跑引体其他什么的地方时机也不对。

    The middle of a route is not the time or place to suddenly realize that it might have been a good idea to do some jogging, pull-ups, or other conditioning before setting out.


  • 着又又气表情巴掌,下不去手系着一条白围裙。

    There was a look of consternation on her face; she looked like she wanted to slap me but couldn’t bring herself to do it.


  • 蓝色粗斜纹棉布裤扎腰上有点了,就像穿西装,以致记不住工作服应该放在什么地方

    His blue jeans are hiked up a bit too high on his waist, like he's been wearing suits too long to remember where dungarees belong.


  • 带着从超市购买大袋生活用品抱着小的、手里着当时只有5岁的老大,身心疲惫地走进厨房

    I struggled into the kitchen with a bag of groceries, a baby on my hip and a 5-year-old in tow.


  • 带着从超市购买大袋生活用品抱着小的、手里着当时只有5岁的老大,身心疲惫地走进厨房

    I struggled into the kitchen with a bag of groceries, a baby on my hip and a 5-year-old in tow.


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