• 各种细胞决定反应控制身体生长过程例如呼吸心跳总体水平

    Various clumps of cells in the brain stem determine the brain's general level of alertness and regulate the vegetative processes of the body such as breathing and heartbeat.


  • 不过即使是战机机器人电子反应对比起这个也太迟钝了:追赶欧比旺的战机与另一架追踪安纳金的战机迎头相撞,顿时消失爆炸绽开火球之中

    But even the electronic reflexes of the tri-fighters' droid brains were too slow for this: one of his pursuers met one of Anakin's head-on . Both vanished in a blossom of flame.


  • 模式变化表明刺激通过婴儿中枢神经系统引发某种反应形式

    Changes in the electrical pattern of the brain indicate that the stimulus is getting through to the infant's central nervous system and eliciting some form of response.


  • 第二技术依赖诱发电位;根据它们源头,诱发电位一种可能与特定的刺激相关反应

    The second technique relies on evoked potentials, which are electrical brain responses that may be related to a particular stimulus because of where they originate.


  • 氟化催化下,芳香乙酸乙酯发生克文格尔缩合反应,得到高产缩合产物

    The knoevenagel condensation of aromatic aldehydes with ethyl cyanoacetate proceeds smoothly in the presence of potassium fluoride giving products in high yield.


  • 科学家们已经尝试了各种方法包括基因测试,对激素应激反应的测试,亦或是成像

    Scientists have tried various approaches, including genetic tests, tests that measure hormone stress responses, or brain imaging.


  • 已被重酸钾硬化一些组织细胞硝酸反应

    I let the silver nitrate react with pieces of brain hardened in potassium dichromate.


  • 使我们能够方面功能分离开了,一方面成熟环境影响,另一方面是总是容易抚育学习有所反应的。

    This will enable us to separate the aspects of brain function that are maturational and less influenced by the environment from those that respond most readily to nurture and learning.


  • 能够有效地发挥作用或者冲突非常严重时,人们需要学习一定行为策略更好地应对情绪反应

    When this brain region does not efficiently activate or when the intensity of the conflict is very high, people need to learn behavioral strategies to cope with the emotional response.


  • 研究人员小鼠注入某种良性病毒,这种病毒使细胞膜细胞兴奋有关离子通道对光产生反应

    Researchers have engineered a benign virus that, when injected into the brain, makes the ion channelsthe switches that turn cells on and off—responsive to light.


  • 其它健康影响科学家报告了使用移动电话其它健康影响,包括活动反应时间睡眠模式改变

    Other health effects: Scientists have reported other health effects of using mobile phones including changes in brain activity, reaction times, and sleep patterns.


  • 威胁感知到以后,RAS自动选择相关感觉输入送进较低(也叫“爬虫的”),那里自愿响应不是思考而是作出反应-战斗,逃跑僵硬地呆立不动。

    When threat is perceived, the RAS automatically selects related sensory input and directs it to the lower brain where the involuntary response is not to think, but to react-fight, flight, or freeze.


  • 可检查结果显示,易产生能调节食欲压力少量分子神经肽Y的消极刺激反应身体生理疼痛的反应都比较强烈

    People who produce lower amounts of the brain molecule neuropeptide Y (NPY) had "measurably stronger brain responses to negative stimuli and psychological responses to physical pain," the study said.


  • 他们观看这些刺激性画面时,扫描技术捕捉信号传递反应在仪器屏幕上。结果显示活动都发生在受毒品影响的区域

    Brain scans capture the viewer's reaction to these provocative images and represent it as glowing technicolor splotches of color that represent activation in drug-sensitized brain regions.


  • 位于瑞典首都著名研究中心科研人员同样发现同性恋者异性恋者,与情感反应有关神经回路一样。

    Scientists at the prestigious Stockholm Brain Institute in Sweden also found certain brain circuits linked to emotional responses were the same in gay men and straight women.


  • 外科医生经常会在病人清醒时候用电流刺激肿瘤周围组织,观察病人的反应避免切除那些没有坏死的部分。

    Surgeons often electrically stimulate the area around the tumor while the patient is awake and can provide feeback, so they can avoid damaging critical tissue.


  • 研究结果包括,赢钱前景作出积极反应则对作出输钱反应较明显。

    The primary response to winning, or the prospect of winning, was seen in the right hemisphere of the brain, while the left hemisphere was more active in response to losing, the researchers reported.


  • 结果反应健康相同

    His brain responses were the same as those in the healthy controls.


  • 活动老鼠T迷宫时,它们不得不左转或者转的声波反应

    Brain activity was as rats ran along a T-shaped maze, in which they had to learn to turn left or right in response to a sound.


  • 严重的反应(综合征),可以致命(3%至10%)。

    The most dramatic is reactive encephalopathy (encephalopathic syndrome) which can be fatal (3% to 10%).


  • 三十的时间,医生根据格拉斯哥昏迷评分法(GCS)中列举的身体反应来判断病人功能

    For 30 years, doctors have inferred brain function from patients' physical reactions, based on a checklist called the Glasgow coma scale (GCS).


  • 如果这个矛头直指谷歌脸书微博维基批评来自外行人—一个彻透彻脑的白痴—那么不会什么反应

    If this criticism of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia had come from an outsider-a dyed-in-the-wool technophobe-then nobody would have paid much attention.


  • 项早年研究发现听到那些不寻常的声音时,像(又称岛叶)前额皮层(orbital frontal cortex)许多部位会迅即作出反应努力去弄清意思

    One of his earlier brain studies showed that numerous regions, including the insula and orbital frontal cortex, jump into action when such discordance occurs, trying to make sense of it.


  • 例如通过感受到一种特殊食物气味做出反应使动物这种食物有了认知

    How a brain detects and then responds to the scent of a particular food, for instance, evolves as the animal learns about that food.


  • 研究再一次显示睡眠状态相比,对同水平刺激反应明显增强而这表明突触活动增强

    The studies again showed that, for the same levels of stimulation, responses were stronger following a long period of waking and weaker after sleep, suggesting that synapses must have grown stronger.


  • 科学家希望最终通过比较对照不同化学信号揭示产生反应基本原理

    The scientists hope eventually to compare and contrast different chemical signals to uncover the general principals of brain response.


  • 但是肿瘤残存与正常组织反应增强影像学上很难鉴别

    However, it is very difficult to differentiate tumor residual from benign enhancement on the basis of images.


  • 但是价值发现基因蛋白刺激反应确切作用因为基因环境影响。

    But of potentially more value is finding the exact role that genes and proteins play in the brain in response to stimuli, he says, because genes also are affected by environment.


  • 回顾分析73低血糖反应功能障碍临床资料。

    A retrospective analysis of 73 cases with brain dysfunctions caused by hypoglycemia was performed.


  • 回顾分析73低血糖反应功能障碍临床资料。

    A retrospective analysis of 73 cases with brain dysfunctions caused by hypoglycemia was performed.


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