• 脉冲管道安装有强流毫微秒脉冲化聚装置

    A ns pulse beam device is installed at pulse beam current piping.


  • 论述光学渡越辐射脉冲能谱进行测量的理论方法

    The method of measuring the energy spectrum of a high current and short pulse beam using optical transition radiation is presented in the paper.


  • 含有(脉冲)系统加速器粒子动力学进行模拟LEADS程序特色

    To calculate the accelerator dynamics process to contain the buncher (pulse beam current) system is a new characteristic of LEADS program.


  • 月球探测器上激光高度计(LOLA)的工作原理为:发射激光脉冲利用光学镜片分为光线,当光线到达月球表面会自动反射至激光高度计上。

    The lunar Orbiter laser Altimeter (LOLA) works by sending a laser pulse through an optical lense that splits it into five beams that are each scattered back after they strike the lunar surface.


  • 一个复杂系统,可以同时发出192激光,去年十亿分之时间内,产生能量达到100万焦耳激光脉冲使之成为有史以来能量最强的激光器。

    It's a complex 192-beam system that last year generated a pulse with a megajoule of energy in a few billionths of a second, making it the most powerful laser ever built.


  • 森林调查期间,从一架飞机负载的激光雷达上扫射出一发出大约一秒7万次脉冲的红外光树冠层上穿过。

    During a forest survey, an aircraft-borne lidar sweeps a beam that fires about 70, 000 pulses a second over the canopy.


  • 森林调查期间,从一架飞机负载的激光雷达上扫射出一发出大约一秒7万次脉冲的红外光树冠层上穿过。

    During a forest survey, an aircraft-borne lidar sweeps a beam that fires about 70,000 pulses a second over the canopy.


  • 激光脉冲可以改变电子状态使得绿色显示密度分布

    A laser pulse can modify the electron s state so that it has the density distribution shown in green.


  • 激光脉冲可以改变电子状态使得绿色显示的密度分布

    A laser pulse can modify the electron's state so that it has the density distribution shown in green.


  • 这个频率梳理装置产生一系列非常短,空间上平均分布(就好象齿一样)、频率上广泛分布脉冲产生

    The frequency comb is generated by a laser that produces a series of veryshort, equally spaced pulses of light (like the teeth of a comb) across a broadspectrum of frequencies.


  • 脉冲激光这些细胞上后,迅速产生了一条“绚丽的绿光”,此时激光可直接肉眼观察。

    When they shone pulses of light at the cell, it duly produced a "beautiful green" laser beam detectable with the naked eye.


  • 只要恰当地控制粒子照射时间恒星有效成为调频电台——以“造父变星脉冲基础载波宇宙广播。

    Time the beam right and the star could be turned, in effect, into an FM transmitter-broadcasting to the universe on the underlying carrier-wave of the Cepheid's pulsation.


  • 根电极连接蟑螂腿上(标配);每当蟑螂抽动时,神经元便会发出尖峰脉冲并转化为滴答的声音。

    Connect two electrodes to the leg of a live cockroach (included); every time the bug twitches, its neurons emit an electrical spike that translates into a loud click.


  • 这个传统起搏器产生脉冲对右侧房室进行调节时,脉冲发生器会检测动作,并发射一脉冲用以刺激左侧房室。

    When the conventional pacemaker generates a pulse to pace the right hand side of the heart, this is detected by the pulse-generator and a pulse is sent to stimulate the left hand side of the heart.


  • 陡峭山坡雪崩一样入射脉冲最初仅仅释放少数的电荷载子(charge carrier),这些电荷载子再轮流释放其他的载子,直到原始信号放大很多

    Analogous to a snow avalanche on a steep mountain slope, an incoming light pulse initially frees just a few charge carriers which in turn free others until the original signal is amplified many times.


  • 这些地球射线使得磁星灯塔一样,据记录脉冲间隔8.7

    Like a lighthouse, these beams sweep past the Earth and are registered as pulses separated by 8.7 seconds.


  • 脉冲旋转时,辐射天空,就灯塔的地平面扫视那样

    As the pulsar rotates, this beam sweeps the sky in the same way that a lighthouse beam sweeps around the horizon.


  • 银河系手枪军民两用标准远程武器,它能发射被称为能量凝聚光基能量脉冲

    The standard ranged weapon of both military personnel and civilians in the galaxy, the blaster pistol fires cohesive bursts of light-based energy called bolts.


  • 同步信号触发波形发生器,生成脉冲

    Triggered by the in-phase signal, the waveform generator outputs a pulse burst.


  • 脉冲中子机械选择器产生,选择器不锈钢中间一镉片构成高速转盘

    The neutron pulses are acquired by a rotating chopper, which is a plate made up of a sheet cadmium sandwiched in between two sheets of stainless steel.


  • 对应分子注入脉冲,分子簇”效应引起杂质辐射峰化时间错位

    The shift of impurity radiation peaking relative to the injection pulse is caused by the molecular agglomeration.


  • 采用高频脉冲等离子做为电子管阴极光刻栅极装配工艺热源提高了钎缝质量产品可靠性

    Brazing quality and product reliability are both increased as using high frequency pulse microplasma arc heating process for assembly brazing of cathode and photoetching grid of electron tube.


  • 分析了脉冲X电子模拟引起结构响应的冲量等效性原则

    The equivalence of structural response induced by pulsed Xray with analogues of electron beam and explosion are analyzed.


  • 分析了激光模拟粒子效应试验中激光波长大小脉冲能量脉冲宽度脉冲激光参数阈值能量影响

    Effects of pulsed laser parameters such as laser wavelength, beam spot size, pulse energy and pulse duration on threshold energy in laser simulating Single Event Effect testing are analyzed.


  • 功率脉冲技术核物理技术、电子加速器激光HPM现代科学技术领域都有广泛的应用

    Pulse power with fast rise time technology was applied in many fields such as nuclear physics, electron beam, accelerator, laser, HPM etc.


  • 使耦合充分,必须使电子激光脉冲时间空间完全同步。

    It is necessary that the electronic bunch and laser pulses are synchronic in both time and space.


  • 高速显微摄影技术对脉冲电子轰击金属过程进行了研究,获得了“神龙号”加速器上靶材回喷过程的实验图像。

    The high speed microscope photography has been used to study on the back-ejecta of tantalum target in DRAGON ONE impacted by high intensity current pulse electron beam.


  • 讨论原子耦合受到高斯时间脉冲限制脉冲宽度和光场强度对光场聚与反聚效应影响

    The effect of different pulse widths and light field intensity on bunching and antibunching effects of light field is discussed when the coupling of atom and light field is time-dependent.


  • 脉冲激光脉冲离子辐照条件下,针对不同脉冲作用时间能量密度建立传热模型。

    The heat conduction equations were developed for the pulsed laser beams and pulsed ion beams with the various pulse duration and energy density.


  • 脉冲激光脉冲离子辐照条件下,针对不同脉冲作用时间能量密度建立传热模型。

    The heat conduction equations were developed for the pulsed laser beams and pulsed ion beams with the various pulse duration and energy density.


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