• 流行观点认为女性更多脂肪储存在腰以下怀孕哺乳提供脂肪储存

    Current thinking is that women distribute the fat below the waist because it's a fat storage depot for pregnancy and lactation.


  • 科学家认为我们首先会自然地脂肪储存周围开始身体可能会开始将脂肪储存在其他地方

    Scientists believe we naturally store fat around the stomach first, but at some point, the body may start storing it elsewhere.


  • 是什么控制脂肪储存位置

    What regulates where you store fat?


  • 酒精主要转化一种醋酸盐物质不是作为脂肪储存

    Rather than getting stored as fat, the main fate of alcohol is conversion into a substance called acetate.


  • 女性倾向于将脂肪储存皮下男性脂肪更加有可能沉淀深层组织

    Women tend to store fat under the skin, while men are more likely to deposit it deeper in tissues.


  • 正是腹部周围脂肪储存过多能量释放出控制新陈代谢胰岛素使用化学物质

    It is around the abdomen that fat stores excess energy and releases chemicals that control metabolism and the use of insulin.


  • 认识神经元参与调解脂肪储存以后可能导致鉴别出在大脑脂肪储存之间关键联系的基因。

    Knowing the neurons involved in the regulation of fat storage could also lead to identifying the genes that allow for the critical communications between the brain and the fat stores.


  • 下一步了解如何使我们发胖,比如是否是通过影响我们大脑改变来自我们脂肪储存其它组织信息增加食欲

    The next step is to understand how it does this, for instance whether it increases appetite by influencing our brain or alters messages from our fat stores and other tissues.


  • 由于我们脂肪储存在在身体不同部位这个方案不够完美,可以提供给一个参考身体构成的大致概念

    Since we all store fat in different areas of the body, this method cannot be considered perfect, but it will provide you with a point of reference and a general idea of your body composition.


  • 任何多余的燃料”,储存焚烧作为脂肪储存这种情况下而是保存燃料准备体力活动第二

    Any extra "fuel" that is stored and not burned is not saved as fat in this case, it is rather saved as muscle glycogen that's ready to fuel up physical activity for the next day.


  • 但实际上作用阻止体重下降,瘦素水平的下降会使人体进入生存模式,这是人体应对食物匮乏脂肪储存下降的不利状况的运转模式。

    Instead, leptin's role is to prevent weight loss, and a drop in leptin levels sends the body into survival mode when food is scarce and fat stores decline.


  • 雷蒙德·克拉森瑞典大学生物学家,这项研究带头人却说,正是这些充足脂肪储存使沙锥能够一口气完成如此长距离飞行

    But it's these ample fat reserves that allow the birds to fly such long distances without stopping, said study leader Raymond Klaassen, a biologist at Sweden's Lund University.


  • 采用这种技术措施储存库中的脂肪能够源源不断用于支持肌肉活动,这是因为AT P这种货币现在能够通过我们身体脂肪储存财库源源不断地产生。

    With this measure, the stored fat can continue to be used to support muscle activity because ATP can now be regenerated through the inexhaustible liquidation of our fat stores.


  • 体内储存大量脂肪

    The pig stores a lot of fat in its body.


  • 我们这种食肉动物利用蛋白质中的肉类中的脂肪锻炼肌肉储存能量

    Carnivorous animals such as ourselves use the carbon in protein and the fat in meat to build muscles and store energy.


  • 由于如此比例脂肪储备喂养过程中会消耗殆尽海豹母亲显然不能生育储存能量维持整个哺乳过程。

    Since such a large proportion of their fat stores is exhausted despite feeding, mother seals clearly cannot support all of lactation using only energy stored before giving birth.


  • 1994年以来,贝尔团队800进行了核磁共振测试,绘制出脂肪分布图”,显示人们储存脂肪位置

    Since 1994, Bell and his team have tested nearly 800 people with MRI to create "fat maps" showing where people store fat.


  • 动物体内大部分脂肪用来储存能量的,但是海豚体内发现这种脂肪存在下颌周围

    Most of the fat that you find in an animal's body is used for storing energy, but this fat, which you find in dolphins, and only in the melon and around the lower jaw.


  • 鸟类皮下脂肪沉积身体储备”的形式储存能量通过测量体重变化可以可靠地估计这些储备的变化。

    Birds store energy as subcutaneous fat deposits or "body reserves"; changes in these reserves can be reliably estimated by measuring changes in body mass.


  • 些驼峰储存脂肪

    These humps store fat.


  • 身体分泌出太多胰岛素会加快热量转化甘油三脂而这就是身体储存脂肪方式

    When your body secretes too much insulin, it accelerates the conversion of calories into triglycerides, which is how your body stores fat.


  • 知道自己的身体这个智能处理所有来自于干粮饱和脂肪它们储存起来作为脂肪储备吗?

    Did you know your body actually has the intelligence to make its own saturated fats from all that dry food and store them as fat reserves?


  • 你们也许说,“它们储存脂肪里!”

    Some of you are saying, "Well, they store water in the fat!"


  • 研究发现吸烟使肌肉减少,让烟民们看上去很瘦实际上脂肪已经储存重要的生命器官周围了。

    The research found smokers lost muscle mass, which gave them the appearance of being thinner, but the fat instead was stored around their vital organs.


  • 调节身体储存脂肪上,胰岛素着相应作用

    Insulin plays a role in signaling your body to store fat.


  • 多余脂肪通常储存躯干大腿因此这些部分的烧毁程度严重

    The excess fat is normally stored in the trunk or thighs, so they usually get burned most severely.


  • 另外意味着身体可能储存脂肪那么你的衣服就会适合了。

    Plus, it also means your body will be less likely to store fat, so your clothes will fit better.


  • 不幸是,另外一个过多摄入脂肪影响结合起来,过多摄入脂肪通过那些储存脂肪细胞会刺激雌激素的产生。

    That, unfortunately, combines with another effect of too much fat, which is that it stimulates the production of oestrogen by cells that are involved in the storage of fat.


  • 事实证明,人体能产生一种独特脂肪组织,它的表现明显不同于其它任何脂肪——不是储存过剩能量,而是实际上燃烧它们

    But it turns out that our bodies also make a unique form of fat tissue that behaves remarkably unlike any other: Rather than storing excess energy, this fat actually burns through it.


  • 事实证明,人体能产生一种独特脂肪组织,它的表现明显不同于其它任何脂肪——不是储存过剩能量,而是实际上燃烧它们

    But it turns out that our bodies also make a unique form of fat tissue that behaves remarkably unlike any other: Rather than storing excess energy, this fat actually burns through it.


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