• 世界强大的X光能量物理学一种副产品

    The world's most powerful X-ray machines are a byproduct of high-energy physics.


  • 物理学运动物体两个特征理解能量系统动力学相关惯性动量

    In physics, moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems: inertia and momentum.


  • 为了目睹这种效应物理学首先需要一个可能的量子光束处于能量最小的“基态”。

    To see such effects, physicists first have to suck out every possible quantum and leave a beam in its least-energetic "ground state".


  • 一原理也即能量守恒物理学宝贵定律之一

    This principle, called conservation of energy, is one of our most cherished laws of physics.


  • 粒子物理学理论预言能量强度观测到的大约120个数量级广义相对论不能解释这个巨大差异

    The theories of particle physics predict the strength of dark energy to be about 120 orders of magnitude larger than what is observed, and general relativity cannot explain this enormous discrepancy.


  • 新的试验有可能帮助搞清楚能量特性,相应地,一些专家号称现代物理学深奥”的问题也将迎刃而解。

    A decade later, a new suite of experiments may pin down the properties of dark energy and solve what some experts are calling "the most profound problem" in modern physics.


  • 物理学中,能量既不能被创造无法被销毁而是仅仅改变了存在的形式

    It certainly doesn't sound right. In physics, energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes form.


  • 计算结果根据超高能量量子引力物理学的假设。

    His calculations relied on assumptions about the physics of ultra-high energies and quantum gravity.


  • 物理学一个基本定律能量不能创造中毁灭只能传递

    There's a fundamental rule in physics that says, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred.


  • 天体物理学中,引力作用描述了在被物质能量弯曲时空如何形成引力机理

    In astrophysics, a gravitational action is the mechanism that describes how gravity can emerge from space-time being curved by matter and energy.


  • 守恒这个来自物理学;,如果说能量守恒

    Well, the word conservative comes from the idea in physics; if the conservation of energy.


  • 18着手这项研究时,小组的研究人员(包括珀尔·马特这个因为致力于能量研究而获得诺贝尔物理学)大多是首次进入气候科学研究

    When embarking on the project 18 months ago, its members (including Saul Perlmutter, who won the Nobel prize for physics this month for his work on dark energy) were mostly new to climate science.


  • 种微粒物理质量越大,就越需要更多能量来证实其存在.于是,物理学者们有了建造一套机器设备愿望,这套机器会费密研究所的加速器的功能还要强大.但是陈旧的重负荷机器的能量范围仍然会存在实际物理质量轻的西格斯介子.

    Hence the desire of physicists to build amore powerful machine than Fermilab's Tevatron. But a really light Higgs mightbe within the old workhorse's energy range.


  • 1902年,一名德国物理学表明电子能量取决于颜色或者频率)时,他们震惊了。

    They were startled in 1902 when a German physicist showed that the electronsenergy depended instead on the color (or the frequency) of the light.


  • 并不孤单——我见过成功地阿诺·施瓦辛格解释物理学

    And I'm not alone - I've witnessed him successfully explain high-energy particle physics to Arnold Schwarzenegger as well.


  • 暗物质能量当前天体物理学许多未解之谜源头出现很多发生在太空和外星的故事

    Dark matter and dark energy, the sources of many current open questions in astrophysics, will figure in many space-based stories and some planet-based ones.


  • 由于激光光束能量强大足以刀片上钻物理学使用穿透刀片数量作为激光能量计量单位

    Because the beam was powerful enough to drill holes in razor blades, physicists measured its power in gillettes, or the number of blades penetrated.


  • 这个标准模型棘手之处在于,它某些物理学家们来说太了,不管怎样,它导致包含极高能量重力工作理论们。

    The stubbornness of the standard model has been too much for some physicists, however, leading to new theories that include gravity and work at extremely high energies.


  • 研究者们认为能量推动宇宙膨胀速度加快但是能量究竟是什么仍然是个未知数——也许当今物理学最大难题。

    The acceleration is thought to be driven by dark energy, but what that dark energy is remains an enigma - perhaps the greatest in physics today.


  • 我们黑洞爆炸超新星极端天体物理学令人难以置信能量联系起来,所以很显然科学家们不能实验室真正地把它们制造出来。

    We associate black holes, Big Bangs and supernovae with extreme astrophysics and mind-boggling destructive energies, so obviously scientists can't really build the genuine article in a lab.


  • 物理学不断接近大统一理论,在尺度上不断减小,在能量上不断加大,在准确性上不断提高

    Physicists approach that much-desired unified theory, working our way to smaller and smaller distances, or higher and higher energies or higher and higher accuracy.


  • 它们碰撞时,它们释放能量强大物理学家们常常会将铅——铅对撞成为“微型宇宙大爆炸”。

    When they collide, they release so much energy that physicists often refer to the lead-lead collisions as "micro-Big Bangs."


  • 能量不能创造也不能消灭,这物理学中一重要定律

    It is a very important law in physics that energy can be neither created nor destroyed.


  • 乙醚提取能量所谓'乙醚物理学',基于宇宙'物质充满著',固定不变、永久运转

    Extracting energy from the aether, and the so called 'aether physics', is based on the cosmos being' all filled with substance ', which is in constant, perpetual motion.


  • 这个新的研究中,物理学家们一种处在极紫外能量范围的强光子X射线激光器发出的闪光照射原子,所用闪光能量可见光能量40

    In the new study, the physicists shot xenon atoms with FLASH, an X-ray laser that USES intense photons in the extreme ultraviolet energy range, about forty times the energy of visible light.


  • 物理学这些本质就是尽可能这些对撞充满能量并且高效使这些粒子质量转换为能量(这爱因斯坦颠补不破方程E=mc2结果)。

    What physicists are basically doing is making the collisions as powerful and as efficient as possible to turn particle mass into pure energy (as a result of Einstein's bedrock equation E=mc2).


  • 物理学这些本质就是尽可能这些对撞充满能量并且高效使这些粒子质量转换为能量(这爱因斯坦颠补不破方程E=mc2结果)。

    What physicists are basically doing is making the collisions as powerful and as efficient as possible to turn particle mass into pure energy (as a result of Einstein's bedrock equation E=mc2).


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