• 新月时,创造性过程想像力量接收能量爆发

    At new moon, the creative process and powers of imagination receive a burst of energy.


  • 一切都改变了…太阳系附近发现未知能量爆发

    One day, that was all to changeAn unknown energy burst is detected near the Solar System.


  • 研究人员科学杂志报道,两个半月以后能量爆发仍然通过望远镜观测到

    The energy burst is still visible by telescope more than two-and-a-half months later, the researchers report in the journal Science.


  • 这些射线暴通常预示老龄化恒星爆,这些内爆会产生快速能量爆发

    These bursts usually indicate the implosion of an aging star, which produces a single, quick blast of energy.


  • 科学家认为这些圆环结构可能来自超大质量黑洞碰撞产生强大并且大部分显示各向同性能量爆发

    The scientists think that these circles stem from the results of collisions between supermassive black holes that released huge, mostly isotropic bursts of energy.


  • 一杯酒的时候可能随着细胞能量释放产生短暂能量爆发,但感觉更困

    One drink will cause a brief energy burst as it releases cellular energy, but more than one is going to make you sleepy.


  • 因为原来化学分子形成分子的能量反应过程中出来的能量爆发出来形成

    Since the original chemical molecules had more energy than the newly created molecules, during the reaction the extra energy is disposed of in the form of light.


  • 莱文博士BBC新闻透露,能量爆发一个恒星黑洞想到的发生情形是完美吻合的。

    The energy bursts matched nicely with what you might expect when you "throw a star into a black hole", Dr Levan told BBC News.


  • 每次,当失控负面能量爆发,都花费无数之存有的努力才能平衡避免物质出现灾难性后果

    Each time an uncontrolled release of negative energy happens, it takes the efforts of numerous Beings of Light to balance the situation to avoid the disastrous consequences for the physical plane.


  • 宇宙引人注目能量工厂——距离地球数十亿光年类星体伽马射线爆发——中寻找这些物质的来源似乎明智的。

    It would seem sensible to seek the source of these in the universe's most conspicuous energy factories: quasars and gamma-ray bursts billions of light-years away from Earth.


  • 无论何种原因压力使得我们快速爆发能量身体方面发生某些必然变化这种变化模式称作“战斗或逃跑”响应。

    Regardless of the cause, stress sets in motion certain automatic changes in the body that are designed to give it a quick burst of energy.


  • 隐约可见侧面一只急速奔跑;只豹子爆发惊人的能量

    One beast is seen in profile, the other racing away; both burst with frightening energy.


  • 电磁脉冲概念利用能量突然爆发烧毁敌人计算机通信设备

    The idea is to use a blast of energy to fry the enemy’s computers and telecommunications gear.


  • 电磁脉冲概念利用能量突然爆发烧毁敌人计算机通信设备

    The idea is to use a blast of energy to fry the enemy's computers and telecommunications gear.


  • 耀斑爆发将产生大量的粒子,粒子流将挟带大量能量轰击地球磁场

    Solar flares send out bursts of electromagnetic energy that strike the Earth's magnetic field.


  • 如果目标朝向地球那么爆发能量影响我们磁层,向大气层中的分子注入额外能量能量释放时产生,从而形成极光

    If aimed toward Earth, this outpouring of energy can interact with our magnetosphere, infusing molecules in the atmosphere with extra energy that then gets released as light, producing aurorae.


  • 心理学家认为的冲洗会大脑提供克制冲动能量阻止我们在压力爆发

    It is thought that the sugar rush provides the brain with the energy it needs to keep impulses under control, stopping us from lashing out when under pressure.


  • 由于5月24日新月带来能量职业金钱有个爆发

    Your career and money are about to get a big boost, thanks to the energy of the new moon, May 24.


  • 火山爆发蕴藏地球深部炙热能量令人生畏宣泄。

    Volcanoes are awesome manifestations of the fiery power contained deep within the Earth.


  • 慢性地震是把整个地震区域能量释放出去了吗?还是,把能量传递中间地带了呢?积攒部分等待下次的爆发

    Do slow quakes release tension overall in the region? Or do the deep and shallow quakes transfer tension to the middle, "loading" that section for future big ruptures?


  • 紫外线太阳活动有莫大关系:太阳闪焰通过紫外线爆发携带闪焰爆发能量进入太空中。

    Ultraviolet light is strongly linked to solar activity: solar flares shine brightly in the ultraviolet, and it helps carry the explosive energy of the flares away into space.


  • 尽管太阳风暴并不直接伤害人类,但这次1859年的大爆发能量足以熔化铜线电缆

    Though solar storms can't hurt humans directly, the 1859 event was powerful enough to melt copper cables.


  • 我们中的大部分人来说,举重不能爆发足够能量刺激诸如此类骨骼弯曲

    For most of us, weight lifting isn't explosive enough to stimulate such bone bending.


  • 由于质量亏损而产生能量辐射可用解释超新星爆发一些天文现象

    Energy radiation produced by mass defect can be used to explain some astronomical astronomical phenomena such as the eruption of supernova.


  • 除了原子能地热火山爆发能量地面大部分能源直接间接太阳有关

    In addition to atomic energy, geothermal and volcanic eruption of energy on the ground outside, most of the energy are directly or indirectly related with the sun.


  • 确实Cheng预计银河中心激震前沿能量将近超新星爆发产生能量的一百

    Indeed, Cheng expects that the energy of the shock front at the galactic centre is nearly 100 times greater than that created by a supernova explosion.


  • 为了使能量耀斑爆发储存起来,不致过早释放磁场结构必须亚稳定的。

    In order for the preflare energy to be stored without premature release, the magnetic field configuration must be metastable .


  • 一个精力充沛孩子坐在教室里,老师讲课我是远远不够的——我很多能量爆发

    I was a very energetic child, and sitting in the classroom and listening to the teacher was not enough for me-i had a lot of energy to expend.


  • 一个精力充沛孩子坐在教室里,老师讲课我是远远不够的——我很多能量爆发

    I was a very energetic child, and sitting in the classroom and listening to the teacher was not enough for me-i had a lot of energy to expend.


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