• 博物馆必须公共

    The new museum must be accessible by public transportation.


  • 增长才干时刻准备同一条思路变得越来越见识更加有信心…你能通研究学习变得有见识。

    This is along the same vein as building competence and getting prepared … by becoming more knowledgeable, you'll be more confident … and you become more knowledgeable by doing research and studying.


  • 如果件事我们觉得指望的,就是慌乱的电话打911时得到快速有效回应

    If there's one thing we think we can count on, it's that a frantic call to 911 will bring a swift and effective response.


  • 虽然很多公司都在投入精力女性人才道里输送人才,但确保一路最高层努力却很少

    While many companies are devoting energy to priming the female talent pipeline, less effort is going towards ensuring it flows all the way to the top.


  • 罗勃博士正在日本富士计算机公司进行协商,这家公司目前正在开发每秒完成一万万亿计算计算机。

    Dr Noble is in negotiations with Fujitsu, a Japanese computer firm that is developing a machine capable of performing some ten thousand trillion calculations a second.


  • 如果掌握这个简单工具,你变成那个让人“不堪忍受”的万事

    If you can master this simple tool, you'll be the most insufferable know-it-all in your crew.


  • 第四美国想靠疯狂钻井机们致富的话,它们八达的管道如蜘蛛网般所以输送天然气市场上

    And fourth, in America wildcat drillers, if they strike it rich, enjoy access to a spider's web of existing pipelines, so they can get their gas to market.


  • 狩猎一整天没有什么比抱著一瓶冰镇啤酒狂饮更过瘾了。

    After a long day hunting, there's nothing like wrapping your paw around a cold bottle of beer.


  • 设计入围富士2011年设计大赛块太阳电池板白天笔记本提供持续不断的电力。

    The design, which has been shortlisted in Fujitsu's 2011 design competition, calls for two solar panels that are able to provide a continuous charge throughout the day.


  • 星运希望充分利用所学,并将应用于过去如果的话,呵呵)。

    This is the universe's way of allowing you to take full advantage of what you've learned & re-apply it to the past... (if that makes sense hehe)...


  • 一般人们辨别出哪些真正的“万事”,哪些人只是不懂装懂。

    People in general can tell when someone truly knows what they're talking about and when they are just trying to be a know-it-all.


  • 辉瑞公司的Chantix研发成功,并五月美国食品药物管理局验证说这种药物帮助吸烟者禁烟

    Pfizer released Chantix, a drug the Food and drug Administration (FDA) approved in May of that year to help smokers quit.


  • 美国旧金山本周二过了一手机辐射法,这项法令规定出售手机店铺必须在销售的手机旁边11以上大小的字体标注手机的辐射吸收率指数 (Specific Absorption Rate (SAR):标示手机辐射被人体吸收的程度的种衡量指数)。

    Under the new rules, stores will be required to show the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of radiation next to phones they sell with a clearly readable 11-point or larger font.


  • 安事件”因征地补偿问题引发,其背后酝酿情绪则当地村民征地拆迁滋生的贪腐行为的痛恨。名受访村民认为,2008以前的征地拆迁近期之间,每户得到的拆迁款落差近40万。

    The money each household can get from the recent demolitions was 40,000 yuan less compared with the years before 2008, several local villagers told Caijing reporters.


  • 每一提升掌握更多声调音调运转宏大的音乐自己召唤来更充实更多实现之梦想的时候,改变

    This too will change as each masters more sound, tone and movements in the field through continued ascension allowing for greater music to call a fuller and more fulfilling dream unto yourself.


  • 深港这样计划旨在进一步敞开大门同时保持国家自由化速度控制

    Programs like the Stock Connect are aimed at opening the door wider - but also at retaining state control over the pace of liberalization.


  • 科技蓬勃发展当今世界,希望自然重新相连。

    In a world of rapidly booming technology, Pantone hopes to reconnect people with nature.


  • 传统滤波方法图像高频部分滤除,虽然达到降低噪声的效果,破坏图像的细节

    The traditional low-pass filter method can restrain the high frequency part and decrease noise but may destroy image detail, and other methods also have other defects.


  • 位于二楼两层玻璃幕墙保证行人周围直接看到体育馆里活动

    A double height glass façade on the second floor ensures pedestrians and neighbours a direct view of the activities in the sports hall.


  • k TF被连接聪明KTF终端机的时候,这个机器计算机经由rs485

    This function can be used when the KTF is connected to the SMART KTF terminal or to the machine's computer via the RS485 communication port.


  • 尽管这种行为并不怎么打动人,但生物学方面非常说得

    Unappealing though such behaviour may be, it seems to make excellent biological sense.


  • 实验结果表明传统振动频值更好的反映发电机组的故障发展趋势

    The results of experiments proved that it can show the fault trend better than the traditional analysis of vibration amplitude.


  • 结论心络胶囊改善血管内皮提高冠状动脉血流储备运动耐量减少心绞痛发作。

    Conclusion Tongxinluo capsule can improve vascellum endothelial function, enhance coronary flow reserve and exercise tolerance and reduce the paroxysm of chest pain.


  • 结果氯氮平和维思显著改善记忆注意执行

    Results: Both clozapine and risperidone can significantly improve memory, attention and executive function.


  • 结果氯氮平和维思显著改善记忆注意执行

    Results: Both clozapine and risperidone can significantly improve memory, attention and executive function.


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