• 项财产妻子能够,靠的是上帝神秘恩赐。黄。

    The other was his wife, and he could only attribute her to the mysterious kindness of God.


  • 希望福克斯能够选派掌管这个组织

    She hoped that Fox could be drafted to run the organization.


  • 身体怎么样能够旅行吗?

    Is she well enough to travel?


  • 朱迪斯能够模糊地记得母亲当时正躺沙发上

    Judith could vaguely remember her mother lying on the sofa.


  • 能够做到宽恕吗?

    Can you find it in your heart to forgive her?


  • 总是能够指望明智忠告

    He had always been able to count on her wise counsel.


  • 当时能够镇定自若慌张

    She was able to keep her head and not panic.


  • 能够保持冷静多项长处之一

    The ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths.


  • 能够最后讲出真话似乎使感到轻松。

    Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to relieve her.


  • 梅林能够给予安慰温暖

    Merlin could supply her with comfort and warmth.


  • 渴望成为自己主人能够帮助别人而不是被别人帮助

    She longed to be her own master and be able to help others instead of being helped by them.


  • 不会看出产生好的影响,能够管住他呢?

    Could it be possible that she sees that I may be able to do him good and control him?


  • 泰勒本应该能够收到信息学习

    Taylor was supposed to be able to learn from the messages she received.


  • 希望能够牙买加人放下武器

    She hopes to inspire the Jamaicans to lay down their weapons.


  • 应该能够说服愚蠢决定未来后果

    She or he should be able to convince you of stupid decisions and future consequences.


  • 驳倒了批评者的看法,证明自己能够胜任项工作

    She confounded her critics and proved she could do the job.


  • 卖力地干着,为的是一切能够及时就序。

    She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time.


  • 依然能够吸引崇拜观众

    She can still pull in adoring audiences.


  • 知道过去所以能够控制

    What she knew about his past gave her a hold over him.


  • 作为名记者总是能够捕捉新闻

    As a journalist, she has always had a nose for a good story.


  • 着脚才能够顶层搁架

    She had to stand on tiptoe to reach the top shelf.


  • 更加钦佩因为能够容许让他们嘲笑从不回击

    I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.


  • 先是座位下面希望在自己能够离开高速公路停下来之前,一直呆在那里

    She said the snake first slid back under the seat, and she hoped it would stay there until she was able to get off the highway and stop.


  • 如果能够更多发言将对国家欧洲有利

    She would do her country and Europe favor if she were to speak out more.


  • 克拉拉希望独自行走并且海蒂能够扶着

    Clara hoped then to be able to walk alone, with Heidi for her guide.


  • 梦想希望有一能够参加奥林匹克运动会

    Her dream is to join the Olympic Games one day!


  • 我们想要一切——能够信任照料人员、一个熟悉环境持续支持好的食物——这些是我们在琳达第一生育时办法提供给的。

    Everything we wanted for hertrusted care providers; a very familiar environment; continuing support; good foodwere things we needed but didn't have the first time Linda gave birth.


  • 经过三个周末辛勤工作莎莉设计变成了一真正的能够运行卡丁车成了蓝色

    Over three weekends of hard work, Sally turned her design into a real, working go kart and painted it light blue.


  • 开始着手构建一些装置来帮助解决这个问题:遥控潜水器。这个装置能够在水里移动,发现位于海底的塑料。

    She got to work building something that could help solve the problem: a remote-operated vehicle, or ROV. Her ROV can move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.


  • 开始着手构建一些装置来帮助解决这个问题:遥控潜水器。这个装置能够在水里移动,发现位于海底的塑料。

    She got to work building something that could help solve the problem: a remote-operated vehicle, or ROV. Her ROV can move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.


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