• 不到时间里,单个发电站的发电能力千瓦上升到了兆瓦其中许多水力发电站

    The capacity of individual power stations, many of them hydro plants, rose from a few kilowatts to over a megawatt in less than a decade.


  • 黑暗模式用户体验专家哈里·布努2010首创,这术语是“操纵用户界面,影响用户决策能力做法统称

    First coined in 2010 by user experience expert Harry Brignull, "dark patterns" is a catch-all term for practices that manipulate user interfaces to influence the decision-making ability of users.


  • 2016一项研究发现用户们“一致看好”Giraff机器人增强交流减少孤独感能力

    A 2016 study found that users had a "consistently positive attitude" about the Giraff robot's ability to enhance communication and decrease feelings of loneliness.


  • 谷歌赛车仅仅超越了驾驶能力

    Google's cars have surpassed his driving ability in just a single year.


  • 1992全国销售得最好汽车,这足以说明福特公司营销人员非凡的能力

    That the Escort is still the nation's bestselling car in 1992 says a lot for the power of Ford's marketing people.


  • 20世纪90通货紧缩期,当时公司大大丧失了他们提价能力

    The 1990s was a period of disinflation, when companies lost much of their power to raise prices.


  • 事实上一岁孩子的语言能力他们发生的事情的记忆有关

    Verbal abilities of one year olds are, in fact, related to their memories for events one year later.


  • 几十里,人工智能将会超越许多我们认为自身独有能力

    In a few decades, artificial intelligence will surpass many of the abilities that we believe make us special.


  • 表现不好影响不仅仅学生找到工作能力

    The consequences of doing poorly in the ninth grade can impact more than students' ability to find a good job.


  • 掌握所分析材料所需读写能力至少需要学习时间。

    At least three years' study would be necessary to achieve the literacy competence necessary to grapple with the material she analyzes.


  • 到2005美国城市地区计算机能力达到100%,欧洲日本紧随其后。

    Computer competence will approach 100% in US urban areas by the year 2005, with Europe and Japan not far behind.


  • 几十公共卫生专家接受了一观点目前为止,还没有能够证明女性阅读能力本身能提高孩子生存几率

    Experts in public health accepted this idea decades ago, but until now no one has been able to show that a woman's ability to read in itself improves her children's chances of survival.


  • 几十来,婴儿期遗忘为什么会发生这个问题一直使心理学家们十分好奇尤其是大量证据表明婴幼儿可以表现出令人印象深刻记忆能力的情况下。

    The question of why infantile amnesia occurs has intrigued psychologists for decades, especially in light of ample evidence that infants and young children can display impressive memory capabilities.


  • 1935能力测试引入

    Competency tests were introduced in 1935.


  • 2010三月一个叫做美洲豹(Jaguar)的CrayXT5计算机处理能力创下新的纪录

    In March 2010, the new record for processing power goes to a Cray XT5 computer called Jaguar.


  • 接下来张宇李强的帮助下努力学习积极参加各种活动锻炼自己能力

    During the following three years, Zhang Yu made great efforts to study and took an active part in different activities to develop her abilities with the help of Li Qiang.


  • 例如现在澳大利亚英格兰大学莱斯利·罗杰斯在20世纪70研究小鸡记忆学习能力

    For example, in the 1970s, Lesley Rogers, now at the University of New England in Australia, was studying memory and learning in chicks.


  • 特里·莫菲特论文介绍时期自我控制能力几十状况之间联系发表美国科学院院报》上。

    Terry Moffitt's paper on the link between childhood self-control and adults' status decades later is published in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


  • 一般来说1960以来,女性有偿劳动市场上取得成就越来越大,因此她们越来越可能自己的能力而不依靠父母生活

    Generally, young women have had growing success in the paid labor market since 1960 and hence might increasingly be expected to be able to afford to live independently of their parents.


  • 时间主修英国文学,到头来却发现自己并不入学具有就业能力常见的。

    It's very easy to spend four years majoring in English literature and come out no more employable than you were before you went in.


  • 了提升自己的能力,那一里,我每天睡觉不超过5个小时。

    To improve my ability, I didn't sleep for more than five hours a day during that year.


  • 74%受访者表示,他们2015房地产盈利能力预期为“良好极好之间”。

    Seventy-four percent of the respondents surveyed report a "good to excellent" expectation of real-estate profitability in 2015.


  • 我们没有原因创造达芬奇,不仅需要天生的能力还要1450佛罗伦萨

    We aren't, and the reason is that to make Leonardo you need more than his innate ability. You also need Florence in 1450.


  • 该机的首次飞行测试2011进行,攻击能力测试采用模拟的方式进行。

    The first flight test will take place in 2011 and weapons capabilities will be simulated.


  • Oshkosh已经提供了超过20核心能力

    Oshkosh has provided the core of this capability for over 20 yeas now.


  • 市场已经银行流动性偿付能力担忧

    For almost a year the markets had worried about Banks' liquidity and solvency.


  • 动物实验表明新型胶原蛋白血管能力至少维持而没有明显恶化

    The animal experiments suggest the new, all-collagen vessels are capable of lasting at least a year without noticeable deterioration.


  • 战略立足规划研制药物提供战略以及热带寄生虫流行国家加强研究能力方面30记录

    The strategy builds on the programme’s 30-year record of developing new drugs, delivery strategies and enhancing research capacity in countries where parasitic tropical diseases are endemic.


  • 战略立足规划研制药物提供战略以及热带寄生虫流行国家加强研究能力方面30记录

    The strategy builds on the programme’s 30-year record of developing new drugs, delivery strategies and enhancing research capacity in countries where parasitic tropical diseases are endemic.


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