• 木糖醇作为一种产品最先19世纪芬兰桦树提取,之后作为影响糖尿病患者胰岛素分泌的安全甜味而在欧洲普及

    Xylitol as a product was first derived from Birch trees in Finland in the 19th century and was popularized in Europe as a safe sweetener for diabetics that would not impact insulin levels.


  • 高血压受损胰岛素敏感性糖尿病两个主要危险因素通过每日巧克力二者发生几率可以降低

    Hypertension and impaired insulin sensitivity are two major risk factors for diabetes; both have been shown to be decreased by a daily dose of dark chocolate.


  • 咖啡抗氧化其中包括一系列混合物。 通过实验室老鼠进行试验调查表明,它们能增加老鼠胰岛素敏感性

    "Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, including a group of compounds called quinines that when administered to lab rats, increases their insulin sensitivity\" he tells WebMD.


  • 45护工曾强迫3喝下洗涤,给2注射了过量胰岛素,其他人是被迫致命的药物致死。

    The 45-year-old man confessed to killing 3 victims by forcing them to drink household cleaners, an additional 2 with an overdose of insulin and the rest with a deadly mixture of medications.


  • 糖尿病患者服用胰岛素增敏同样发生阿尔采默病的风险

    And diabetics who take pills that help their bodies use insulin better have a lower risk of Alzheimer's.


  • 国际糖尿病》:二甲双通常看作胰岛素增敏改善胰岛素抵抗方面,二甲双胍和吡格列酮区别哪些

    International Diabetes: metformin is often viewed as an insulin sensitizer. What is the difference between metformin and pioglitazone with regard to improving insulin resistance?


  • 多囊卵巢综合症常用治疗之一胰岛素增敏有时可以恢复生殖能力

    One of the most common treatments for PCOS is insulin sensitizers, which can sometimes restore fertility.


  • 另外我们发现运用胰岛素胰岛素分泌可能导致胰腺癌危险

    In addition, we see some increased risk of pancreatic cancer associated with the use of insulin and the use of insulin secretagogues.


  • 胰岛素目前治疗2糖尿病一类主要口服降糖药,是非肥胖部分肥胖2型糖尿病一线治疗药物。

    Insulin secretagogues presently is not only a kind of major oral hypoglycemic drugs but also the first-line treatment for non-obese and obese type 2 diabetic mellitus(T2DM).


  • 安慰14%相比,服用吡格列酮组肝脏胰岛素敏感型改善了48%。

    Insulin sensitivity in the liver improved by 48 percent in the pioglitazone group, compared to 14 percent in the placebo group.


  • 男性同时服用髓利尿TZD、糖皮质激素胰岛素伴活动受限和下肢截肢的其骨折风险增加具有统计学意义。

    Exposure to both loop diuretics and TZDs, glucocorticoids, and insulin and limited mobility and lower-extremity amputation were associated with fractures in men.


  • 采用生物效放射免疫分析两种方法对微粒胰岛素含量进行测定

    The contents of INS MP were measured by the method of the insulin biopotency and radioimmunoassay(RIA).


  • 目的探讨胰岛素罗格列酮糖尿病患者肾脏保护作用

    Objective:To explore the protecting function of insulin increasing sensitivity agent rosiglitazone on kidney of diabetic patients.


  • 研究探讨软饮料中的人工甜味人类葡萄糖胰岛素GLP- 1作用

    In this study, we examined the effect of artificial sweeteners in a commercially available soft drink on glucose, insulin, and GLP-1 in humans.


  • 利拉鲁肽种GLP - 1受体激动用餐促使胰腺分泌更多胰岛素

    Victoza is in a class of medicines known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists that help the pancreas make more insulin after eating a meal.


  • 胰岛素抵抗以及缬沙坦作为选择性at 1受体阻断这种作用机制中什么作用呢?

    Do you think insulin resistance plays a major role in this effect? And what is the role of the AT1 receptor selectivity of valsartan in this effect?


  • 目的比较胰岛素注射(诺30R)单用和联合阿卡波糖治疗2糖尿病的疗效。

    Objective To compare the effects between biphasic insulin injection(Novolin 30R) alone and its therapeutic alliance with acarbose on type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).


  • 目的研究目的探讨人工甜味人类葡萄糖胰岛素胰高血糖素样(GLP)- 1影响

    OBJECTIVE the goal of this study was to determine the effect of artificial sweeteners on glucose, insulin, and glucagon-like peptide (GLP) -1 in humans.


  • 受体阻滞掩盖胰岛素治疗过程用药过量引发的低血糖症状谨慎服用。

    Blockers can mask the course of insulin therapy because of drug overdose-induced hypoglycemia symptoms, it is necessary to take caution.


  • 不过其他研究发现那些同时患有炎症糖尿病的人,胰岛素似乎降低炎症,炎症疗法也能提高胰岛素敏感性

    Other studies have shown that in patients who have inflammation and diabetes, insulin-sensitizing drugs seem to reduce inflammation while anti-inflammatory therapies improve sensitivity to insulin.


  • 精炼碳水化合物兴奋导致身体产生过多需要胰岛素,最终会使血液中的血糖水平较低

    Eating or drinking refined carbs and stimulants can lead to the body producing more insulin than it needs, which can then lead to low glucose levels in the blood.


  • 结论R2可能胰岛素吡格列改善肝脏胰岛素敏感性重要作用机制之一。

    Conclusions The increased expression of R2 mRNA may play a important role in pioglitazone-induced insulin sensitivity amelioration.


  • 结论:上述胰岛素喷雾急性鼻粘膜纤毛毒性。

    CONCLUSION: This nasal insulin spray has no damage to the nasal mucosas of rats.


  • 目的研究胰岛素口腔喷雾人体代动力学药效动力学特征

    Objective To study the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the Insulin Buccal Spray.


  • 除此以外结果不够明确胰岛素调节变得有希望。

    Beyond that it becomes less clear; the modulators of incretin axis appear to be promising.


  • 结论饮用黄芪明显降低饲料肥胖大鼠血清mda胰岛素水平

    ConclusionTaking of the water decoction of Huangqi can reduce the level of MDA and INS in high grease forage fat rats.


  • 目的研究危重病人营养支持期间胰岛素注射配置最佳时间方法

    Objectives: the study was designed to investigate the best method and time of venous infusion of insulin in the period of nutrition support in critical care patients.


  • 相比之下,给予安慰需要迅速增加胰岛素注射

    In contrast, a group given a placebo needed rapidly increasing amounts of injected insulin.


  • 目的观察胰岛素二甲双治疗2糖尿病,降低血浆胰岛素水平、改善胰岛素敏感性后血压影响

    Objective To investigate the effects of insulin increasing sensitivity agent(Metformin) on blood pressure in type 2 diabetic patients.


  • 目的观察胰岛素二甲双治疗2糖尿病,降低血浆胰岛素水平、改善胰岛素敏感性后血压影响

    Objective To investigate the effects of insulin increasing sensitivity agent(Metformin) on blood pressure in type 2 diabetic patients.


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