• 雪岩为左宗棠采购军需,自然少不了打交道,与“象”之一庞芸皋多年的商业伙伴,他们合伙蚕丝生意,还一起倒卖军火,他在杭州开了一间庆余堂国药店,就依葫芦画瓢在南浔办了庞滋德国药店。

    As a matter of fact, he had been doing business of silk and munitions with Pang Yunhao-one of the Four Elephants-for over a decade.


  • 根据最近发布富豪排行榜过去一年中国亿万美元富翁101增至130,可能少数几个此类人数确切增加地方之一

    China may be one of the few places where the number of dollar billionaires has actually increased in the past year, from 101 to 130, according to the recently published Hurun Rich List.


  • 美国最大军事基地之一在位于奥斯汀韦科市之间德州中部草原上,占地超过300平方英里(780平方公里)。

    FORT HOOD is one of the largest army bases in America, sprawling over more than 300 square miles (some 780 square kilometres) of nondescript central Texas grassland between Austin and Waco.


  • 继晔帮助起草法律专家之一,该法律是中国朝2020年普及卫生保健服务目标努力的一部分

    Jiye is one of the experts who helped draft new legislation as part of China's drive to provide universal access to health services by 2020.


  • 内塔尼亚要求之一就是巴勒斯坦人必须首先承认以色列犹太人国家,这个要求似乎仅仅是故意防止重启会谈

    One of his demands, that the Palestinians must first recognise Israel as a Jewish state, seems intended merely to prevent talks restarting.


  • 当今中国具影响力国宝级民族器乐演奏家之一,堪称“中国当代第一人”。

    China's most treasured influential performer of folk music, Chen Jun has been called “the first contemporary Erhu player”.


  • 排行榜,最富有年轻人39岁腾讯创始人之一马化腾

    The richest youngster, according to Hurun, is Ma Huateng, the 39-year-old co-founder of Internet giant Tencent.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是巴萨现在的主教练瓜迪奥拉位列曼联队中的教练人选之一一起还有英格兰国家队的教练法比奥·卡佩罗斯希丁克、马丁·奥尼尔阿瑟纳·温格

    Ironically Barca boss Pep Guardiola is one of those who will be on United's radar along with the likes of England boss Fabio Capello, Guus Hiddink, Martin o 'neill and Arsene Wenger.


  • 此外巴勒斯坦担心一旦他们一点内塔尼亚让步可能会有损占以色列国内阿拉伯公民权利,而他们占了以色列人口的五分之一

    Moreover, the Palestinians fear that, if they gave in to Mr Netanyahu on this score, that might undermine the rights of Israel's Arab citizens, who make up a fifth of Israel's population.


  • 哈利·迪尼世人过最为出色的魔术师之一

    Harry Houdini was one of the best magicians the world has ever seen.


  • 先生我们学校最好老师之一

    Mr Hu is one of the best teachers in our school.


  • 本周讲演上,亚拉巴马州众议院议员兼此项法案发起人之一麦克巴特表示理解某些条款将会遭到废除。

    In a speech this week Mike Hubbard, the speaker of the Alabama House and a sponsor of the bill, said that he understands that parts of the law may be struck down.


  • 实现这个目标兴奋不已。所以作为奖赏全家去了夏威夷旅游二在那儿我拥有了一张属于我的梦想之一照片——海豚在瓦游泳

    It was an exciting goal for me to reach, so I took my family to Hawaii as my reward, I have a included picture of me living one of my dreams, swimming with the dolphins and a Wahoo.


  • 现在成为中国流行乐器之一

    Erhu now has become one of the most popular instruments in China.


  • 此外还是国会党的主要改革者之一本月索尼任命出国治病期间照看党内事务,拉尔便是其中之一

    He is also a leading reformer in the Congress party and one of the four people nominated by Sonia this month to keep an eye on party affairs while she is abroad for medical care.


  • 很多年后人们往回看将意识·阿依中国重要艺人之一

    In years to come people will look back and see that Ayi Jihu was one of China's important artists.


  • 当今中国具影响力国宝级民族器乐演奏家之一,堪称“中国当代第一人”。

    China's most treasured influential performer of folk music, Chen Jun has been called "the first contemporary Erhu player".


  • 就是其中之一

    One of these is Hu Bing.


  • 中国传统民族乐器具代表性弦乐器之一

    Erhu, One of the stringed instalments, is the most representative one in the Chinese traditional folk musical instrument.


  • 戈·沃尔夫欧洲浪漫主义后期杰出德奥艺术作曲家之一西方音乐史上占据重要地位

    Hugo Wolf is one of the most outstanding German artistic composers in the later period of European Romanticism, in the history of Western music occupies an important position.


  • 事实上,近代接近尾声之时有人开始关注这些诗人诗歌,即为最早研究近代诗人学者之一

    While Modern Age drew to its end, its poets verses started to attract the attention of some people and Hu Xiansu was one of the earl.


  • 可以说中国成功、最完美杰作之一入选20世纪华人音乐经典

    We can say that it is the Chinese traditional music of the most successful, one of the most perfect masterpieces, selected for the 20th century, classical Chinese music.


  • 可以说中国成功、最完美杰作之一入选20世纪华人音乐经典

    We can say that it is the Chinese traditional music of the most successful, one of the most perfect masterpieces, selected for the 20th century, classical Chinese music.


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