• 日本,学生在考试丼似乎是一种传统。

    In Japan it seems to be a tradition for students to eat Katsudon before a test.


  • 这位曼联后卫带领下球队淘汰赛首轮主客场两奥林匹亚克斯。

    The former Reds defender guided his team to home and away victories over Olympiakos in the first knock-out round.


  • 中国队表现出色,一直领先,古巴队后来迅速调整状态,连扳3局,最终中国队2-3憾负,而古巴队则取得小组赛三连

    China did very well in the first 2 sets, but Cuba made some quick adjustments and took the next 3. Eventually China lost to the 3-time Olympic champions.


  • 上周六温布利以1;0斯托克城举起足总杯特维斯有机会超越东家曼联留在曼城的动力。

    After lifting the FA Cup at Wembley following last Saturday's 1-0 victory over Stoke, Tevez said the chance to overhaul former club Manchester United could yet persuade him to stay at City.


  • 26的一个周六阿列克谢·帕基特诺夫俄罗斯方块游戏程序的最后几个代码时,根本想不到这个不起眼视频游戏成为俄罗斯引人入出口产品

    When Alexey Pajitnov put the finishing touches on Tetris 26 years ago Saturday, he had no way of knowing his modest video game would become Russia's most entertaining export.


  • 这部学术性较强,情节引人入作品根据工人党武装分子采访记录他们从未出版过的日记创作完成的。

    Her scholarly, gripping account is based on interviews with, and the unpublished diaries of, former PKK militants.


  • 四川德阳6月18号:李万看着震后工厂废墟,不唏嘘。40参与工厂的兴建,并之付出一生精力

    DEYANG, SICHUAN, June 18 (Xinhua) — li Wansheng chokes up as gazing at his work of life dedication lying in the ruins of the factory he helped build nearly 40 years ago.


  • 特别引人入的是情人节之化装舞会几十十分流行参加舞会

    Special fascinating are the nocturnal masquerade ball of Valentine's Dayses. This at several decade ago very popular. Attend the dancing party of into.


  • 澳大利亚漂亮1 - 0巴西队。年轻的卡娅·西蒙替补上场后攻入一个戏剧般的终场入球。

    Australia signed off with a fine 1-0 result against Brazil. Teenager Kyah Simon came off the bench to dramatically hit a stoppage-time winner.


  • 曼联经理显然知道英格兰打算48小时刚举行完巴西2 - 0苏格兰的酋长球场与加纳比赛的消息。

    But the United manager is obviously aware that England will tackle Ghana in a sell-out friendly, 48 hours after Scotland were beaten 2-0 by Brazil at the Emirates Stadium.


  • 凯尔特人常规赛实现了NBA历史上球队战绩最大转变他们赛季常规赛战绩取得联盟最佳的6616负,比一个赛季多出42场比赛。

    The Celtics had the biggest turnaround in NBA history during the regular season, as they finished a league-best 66-16, a 42-win turnaround from a season ago.


  • 现年33岁刘传妻子经营着早点不久一个周五,他奔向上海北边蜂莲花有限公司C

    On a recent Friday, the 33-year-old, who runs a breakfast stand with his wife, wheeled a shopping cart into the aisle of a c.


  • 弗朗西斯·威尔逊对她作的研究微妙精细、引人入——,这部作品已经英国面世;在美国,进入了人们的视线

    This subtle and intriguing new study by Frances Wilson, which came out in Britain a year ago and is just being published in America, is changing that view.


  • 解放地主自己几十亩地称呼现在已经变成高楼大厦而且没有一个万

    "Wangshengwei" was a name used by a landlord for his land before liberation, which has now turned into skyscrapers. There is no such village called "Wangshengwei".


  • 中国奥林匹克110冠军世界110米栏冠军刘翔星期日举行的田联钻石联赛上海赛中终结了美国选手奥利弗18

    China's former Olympic and world 110-metre hurdles champion Liu Xiang ended American David Oliver's winning streak of 18 finals at the Shanghai Diamond League meeting on Sunday.


  • 上周末终于撞上开和的一场了,3:0客场汉诺威96,托尼帽子戏法,出发心情着实舒畅了许多。

    Finally last weeked the big triumph came, 3:0 won Hanover96. Toni had a hat-trick. Now I can take a relieved breath before leaving.


  • 丰田中心老大再一次展现给大家值得纪念第四,单节得到了13比赛结束投出了一记超远距离三分,给与火箭队致命一击,帮助球队105-100战对手。

    Kobe Bryant again unfurled a memorable fourth quarter, scoring 13 points and putting a final dent in the Houston Rockets with a late, long three-pointer in a 105-100 victory Tuesday at Toyota Center.


  • 2004年底潘功任命负责工商银行IPO重组工作

    At the end of the 2004, Mr. Pan was tapped to lead ICBC's restructuring ahead of its IPO.


  • 杜兰特加入了73球队,里面有着明星球员,一个超级巨星,联盟教练,球队的攻防体系已经成型,显然勇士效果更好。

    KD just jumped into a 73 win team with 2 All stars and one superstar and a top 5 coach in the league and the offensive and defensive system was already in place of course it's working better.


  • 几十就读了《丑小鸭故事,几十年后发现还是那么引人入激动

    Several dozens years ago have gone study "Ugly duckling" the story, after several dozens years reads again discovered it that fascinating, let the human be excited.


  • 他们轻松取得场比赛今天他们所要面对的是只有1023负的熊队。

    They won the first two games handily, and today they get 10-23 Memphis.


  • 尽管这场比赛中一度落后过,但还是完成3的开局。他们平均对手29

    The Lakers improve to 3-0 despite having to come from behind for this one. Their first two victories came by an average of 29 points.


  • 最终太阳打出联盟最佳62,一个赛季他们仅仅赢了29场比赛

    The Suns won a league-best 62 games, compared to 29 wins of the season before.


  • 最终太阳打出联盟最佳62,一个赛季他们仅仅赢了29场比赛

    The Suns won a league-best 62 games, compared to 29 wins of the season before.


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