• 昨天胜利鼓舞下,该队信心再次获胜

    Buoyed by their win yesterday the team feel confident of further success.


  • 这个获胜看成一个重大胜利

    The team's win was greeted as a major triumph.


  • 这些获胜一齐鼓掌,庆贺自己胜利

    The winners gave themselves a self-congratulatory round of applause.


  • 一如既往地收获胜

    As ever, she had her triumphs.


  • 上周底特律中国业务午餐会上不多听众取得全球胜利我们必须中国获胜

    'to win globally, we must win in China,' Mr. Young told a small audience at the Chinese business luncheon in Detroit last week.


  • 另外我们从小接受的教育获胜代表成功而且如果胜利,那么必定失败

    We've also been raised to believe that success means winning — and if one side wins, the other must lose.


  • 北方本来期望联邦军会马纳萨斯战役获胜他们认为如果联邦军美国内战初期能够取得一次重大胜利,那么南方的邦联会因此而失败

    Northerners had expected to win the battle of Bull Run. They believed the Confederacy would fall if the Union won a big military victory early in the war.


  • 哥伦比亚广播公司这次胜利后面的初选中带来获胜势头。 克林顿解释了为什么认为更多的选民会选择她。

    Speaking to CBS News, she said the victory would give her momentum for the next primaries, and explained why she believes more voters chose her.


  • 有趣,维克的第三解释是:一支队伍获胜时,每个人都希望从中分享胜利一杯羹。

    But most interestingly, Visek's third point is this: When a team is successful, everyone wants a piece of the action.


  • 共和党中期选举日获胜

    Republicans won big on election day.


  • 首战,美国队在加赛中以7 - 6获胜然后开场第二盘中他们破坏了俄罗斯发球局保持了胜利

    Team USA won the opening set 7-6 in a tie-breaker, then built on that momentum by breaking Russia's serve in the opening game of the second set.


  • 活塞3主场比赛获胜2场,但是4场客场比赛全部告负,这使得他们在芝加哥的首场胜利绝对使人振奋。

    The Pistons won two of three meetings at Cobo Arena but lost all four visits to Chicago - making the Pistons’ Game 1 victory at Chicago, 97-88, even more stunning.


  • 由于获胜之前胜利对人民并不抱多少期待所以在事后无需他们感到害怕。

    And just as, before the victory, the victor could place no hope in them, so afterwards he should not fear them.


  • 麦克·哈克爱荷华州胜利加上就算马侃汉普郡也获胜了,克林顿有很多机会

    A win for Mike Huckabee in Iowa and possible victory for Mr McCain in New Hampshire still leaves an open field.


  • 布莱恩兄弟比赛从未丢过他们发球俄罗斯获得发球局之前以6 - 4获得了第二胜利,在最后一局中他们以6 - 2获胜

    The Bryans never lost their serve during the match and went on to win the second set, 6-4, before breaking the Russians twice and winning the final set, 6-2.


  • 这次胜利希腊而言意义非凡因为他们从来不曾重大的锦标赛中获胜

    Their victory was particularly meaningful because Greece had never won a game at a major tournament before.


  • 父亲过世了,伤心,球队想获得一场场胜利来送给他,这也是他们仅能的,但是很可惜他们并没有获胜

    His father passed away and that is very sad. The team fought for him today and that is the best they could do.


  • 所谓波托马河流域初选成就了奥巴马的一连串胜利超过对手29%的得票率弗吉尼亚获胜在马里兰州时这个比例23%,哥伦比亚特区则是轻松的达到了51%。

    The so-called Potomac primary completed his winning streak: he won Virginia by 29 points, Maryland by 23 points, and the District of Columbia by the minor matter of 51 points.


  • 也许要花更多时间获胜利。

    It may take a little more time to re-boot.


  • 获胜决定2010年后十年内可怕还是胜利

    Which prevails will determine whether "the tens", the decade that begins in 2010, prove to be terrible or triumphant.


  • Royal女士获胜使得这场胜利异乎寻常。

    What makes the triumph most unusual is the way Ms Royal won it.


  • 但是支持的共和党人参议院取得的胜利可能会导致能源问题僵局佛罗里达州获胜马尔科·卢比奥(Marco Rubio),他曾全球变暖是否由人类造成提出了质疑。

    But victories by Tea Party-backed Republicans in the Senate such as Marco Rubio in Florida, who questions whether global warming is caused by mankind, could lead to deadlock on energy.


  • 巴马取得8初选党团选举一连串胜利之后,希拉里·克林顿指望以上3获胜挫败奥巴马的锐气。

    Clinton is counting on those three states to blunt Obama's momentum in the wake of his eight straight caucus and primary victories.


  • 但不管是胜利属于那些认为自己能够获胜的人。

    Whatever you are late or early, victory belongs to those who consider themselves to be winners.


  • 决赛获胜之后鲍威尔体育馆运动场上摄影记者包围之中庆祝了他的胜利,他还观众席扔鲜花

    After winning the final, Powell celebrated amid a crowd of photographers on the field of Raul Guidobaldi stadium, throwing a bouquet of flowers into the stands.


  • 独自立田间保护了块田地,杀败培肋舍特人:如此上又使他大获胜

    He stood in the midst of the field, and defended it, and defeated the Philistines: and the Lord gave a great victory.


  • 并不是一定成为失败者胜利而是失败一方承认对方获胜,让美国保持团结部分原因也是为了国家利益

    Not saying that you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country.


  • 并不是一定成为失败者胜利而是失败一方承认对方获胜,让美国保持团结部分原因也是为了国家利益

    Not saying that you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country.


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