• 巨大肿瘤形能来表现常见的。

    A large mass-like pattern is an uncommon finding.


  • 疤痕可以菲薄萎缩性的,也可以形成肿瘤样的过度生长。

    Scars may be thin and atrophic, or the fibrous elements may develop into neoplastic overgrowths, as in keloids.


  • 结论中枢神经系统炎性脱髓鞘ctMRI可以肿瘤样的典型性表现不易鉴别,容易造成误诊

    Conclusion CNS inflammatory demyelinating disease could have some atypical representation on CT or MRI image, they were made easily the misdiagnosis.


  • 它们可不附加任何基因诱导胚胎细胞,然后变为胰岛素分泌细胞,加里卡诺说此方法其它方法更少诱发恶性肿瘤

    They can be coaxed into an embryonic-like state without any additional genes, and after becoming insulin-producing cells, they produce less cancer than other methods, according to Gallicano.


  • 寄生虫癌细胞依赖宿主获得营养成分,也是扼杀肿瘤的这种治疗手段如此有效的原因。

    Just as parasites do, cancer depends on its host for sustenance, which is why treatments that choke off tumors can be so effective.


  • 丹麦哥本哈根肿瘤流行病学协会研究人员通过中枢神经系统研究发现长期使用手机的人群不使用手机人群癌症发病率几乎

    Researchers led by the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Copenhagen found cancer rates in the central nervous system were almost the same in both long-term mobile phone users and non-users.


  • 还说可能会阻止损坏细胞肿瘤失控般地增长

    This would prevent damaged cells from growing uncontrollably as tumors, she said.


  • 检查发现肿瘤如下特征无痛性结节表面光亮,质硬不活动,有珍珠般光泽边缘卷曲且有扩张血管。

    On examination the tumor may have the following characteristics: painless nodule, shiny and waxy, indurated, firm and immobile, pearly, rolled border, and small telangiectatic vessels.


  • 飞利浦公司已经开发出一种新的药剂,这些药剂预先封装可生物降解聚合物胶囊中,这种胶囊就像制导导弹一能够直达肿瘤

    Philips has developed a way for drugs to be encapsulated in bubbles made of biodegradable polymers that can be delivered to a tumour like a guided missile.


  • 如果肿瘤在哪里有多大都孩子可能什么长期影响很大关系。

    If there is a tumor, where it is and how large it is can have a lot to do with what kinds of long-term effects a child may have.


  • 而进一步的确诊带来坏的消息卡梅隆患的是第三脑室囊肿,一个罕见致命肿瘤

    The news got worse: Cameron had a colloid cyst-a rare, potentially fatal brain tumor.


  • 肿瘤变异分子许多,如果能阻止1-2个癌细胞的生长能像试图某个十字路口障碍物就能让曼哈顿交通堵塞一,癌症就可以被抑制生长。

    There are so many aberrant molecules in a tumor that blocking just one or two is like trying to stop all traffic in Manhattan with a roadblock at a single intersection.


  • 肿瘤侵袭破坏皮质软组织蔓延,可见伴有钙化的不规则肿瘤组织。

    The tumor erodes and destroys the bone cortex, extending into soft tissue where irregular tumor bone with calcification is seen.


  • 结论磁共振良性肿瘤肿瘤样病变有效辅助诊断方法

    Conclusion: MRI, as an auxiliary method, is effective in the diagnosis of benign tumors and tumor-like lesions of bone.


  • 发现的肿瘤仇恨腐蚀人格吃掉生存的部分

    Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity.


  • 目前研究已经表明不是所有肿瘤细胞生长都是只有一部分能够引起疾病

    Recent research has suggested that not all cells in a tumor are created equal and that only some are capable of causing trouble.


  • 结果上颌骨良性肿瘤肿瘤病变多为类圆形边界清楚骨质溶解,硬化呈膨胀性生长邻近软组织肿块

    Results: Most of the benign tumor and tumor-like diseases in maxillary bone revealed round like, well defined bony destruction with sclerotic rim, expansive growth and no surrounding soft tissue mass.


  • 第一实验里,小鼠使用的T细胞不同靶点肿瘤细胞则是

    In the first set of experiments, the t cells were varied in two groups of mice while the target tumor cells were uniform.


  • 问卷答案显示另一种担心年轻肿瘤医生因为他们老同事更珍视自己的空闲时间,因而未必接待病人

    There is also concern that younger oncologists may not see as many patients because of questionnaire answers indicating they value their free time more than older colleagues.


  • 什麽遗失一小永远硬币大小?为什麽肿瘤永远都是葡萄柚大小的?

    Hodgins : Why are missing pieces always the size of quarters? Why are tumors always the size of grapefruits?


  • 目的探讨各种影像学检查原发性腹膜后肿瘤肿瘤病变的诊断价值

    Objective: to discuss imaging diagnostic value of primary peritoneum tumor and tumor - like lesion.


  • 结论MRI颅底骨性良性肿瘤病变诊断具有一定价值尤其能够进行精确定位诊断。

    Conclusion: MRI to diagnosis between the skull base source benign tumor and lump kind pathological changes value having certainly, can proceed the accurate fixed position diagnosis particularly.


  • 肿瘤晚期可以很大具侵袭性的形式肺癌可以间皮瘤一致命性的。

    The tumors can grow quite large and in its late stages and most aggressive forms, lung cancer is just as deadly as mesothelioma.


  • 神经胶质肉瘤一种少见原发性肿瘤新生的神经胶质细胞和肉瘤样的梭形细胞混合组成。

    Gliosarcoma is a rare primary brain tumor that is composed of neoplastic glial cells mixed with a spindle cell sarcomatous element.


  • 常见的原发恶性肿瘤鳞状细胞其次是起源于唾液腺腺癌。

    The most common primary malignant tumor is squamous cell carcinoma, with the second most common being adenoid cystic carcinoma arising from the salivary glands.


  • 其它肿瘤肉瘤的发生凋亡机制有关。

    As the other tumors, the osteosarcomatous genesis is correlated with apoptosis mechanism.


  • 其他颅内脑膜瘤一术前栓塞可以有效减少出血甚至可以使肿瘤缩小。

    As with other intracranial meningiomas, preoperative embolization may be efficacious in limiting blood loss, and may even produce a reduction in size of the mass before surgery.


  • 其他颅内脑膜瘤一术前栓塞可以有效减少出血甚至可以使肿瘤缩小。

    As with other intracranial meningiomas, preoperative embolization may be efficacious in limiting blood loss, and may even produce a reduction in size of the mass before surgery.


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