• 这种形式肺癌肿瘤扩散速度快所以通过手术移除肿瘤的可能性极小。

    With this form of lung cancer, tumours spread quickly so it is rarely possible to remove the tumours surgically.


  • 他们看到了神经胶质瘤大脑深部特征性生长方式,与生长在表面肿瘤相同

    They saw hallmarks of glioma growth in the deep brain that were previously known in tumors described as surficial (on or near the surface).


  • 由于肿瘤存在微转移的可能性知道手术于晚做手术是否带来不同的结果。

    No one can say whether or not having surgery earlier would have made any difference because of the possibility of micrometastases.


  • 临床试验人们帮助医生找到改善健康肿瘤治疗进行的研究性工作。

    Clinical trials are research studies in which people help doctors find ways to improve health and cancer care.


  • 传染性面部肿瘤袋獾迅速蔓延人们相信,其结果是导致这种世界最大食肉动物的数量降低了60%以上。

    An infectious facial cancer is spreading rapidly among Tasmanian devils and populations of the world's largest marsupial predator are believed to have fallen by more than 60% as a result.


  • 破解肿瘤遗传基础找到病人治疗产生反应决定因素,帮助我们发现有针对性方法解决这个问题

    Unravelling the genetic basis of cancer to find out what determines whether a patient will respond to treatment will help us take a more targeted approach to tackle this problem.


  • 自由基(极具化学反应氧分子)聚集,至少某种程度上,使恶性肿瘤的生长如同加了燃料一般。

    The growth of cancerous tumors is fueled, at least in part, by the buildup of free radicals-highly reactive oxygen-containing molecules.


  • 我们试图衡量肿瘤学有关文章比例质量相关性叙述相关的疾病负担

    We aimed to measure the proportion, quality and relevance of oncology-related articles, and to relate this output to their associated disease burden.


  • 研究人员指出肿瘤患病风险相关病毒载量相关性明显低于免疫缺陷程度。

    The cancer risk associated with viral load was lower than that associated with immunodeficiency, the researchers noted.


  • 可能大脑结构性损伤脑中有肿瘤孩子们的情况

    We can have structural damage to the brain, this is what happens with children who have tumors in the brain.


  • 研究人员称:“老鼠接受不同剂量提取物后HE 肿瘤大小记录中剂量依赖性下降此外,还显著提高生存率。”

    Mice received different doses of the extract, with a dose-dependent decrease in HE tumour size recorded, in addition tosignificantly enhanced survival”, said the researchers.


  • 虽然辐射导致癌症,对肿瘤放射性治疗用于治疗癌症。

    Although high doses of radiation can lead to cancer, radiation therapy targeted at tumors is used to treat cancer.


  • 癌症大危害性迥然不同的良性肿瘤具有自限性侵犯不转移特征

    These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited, and do not invade or metastasize.


  • 对罹患不同类型肿瘤患者进行临床试验第一阶段研究小组在2130分钟静脉输液的形式患者施用了针对性纳米粒子剂量

    In a phase 1 clinical trial in patients with various types of tumors, the team gave doses of the targeted nanoparticles four times over 21 days in a 30-minute intravenous infusion.


  • 文教授正在领头研究有关三苯氧胺(一种抗肿瘤使用,该药可以将乳腺癌的危险性减小40%。

    Prof Evans is leading a study into the use of the drug tamoxifen, which may reduce the risk of breast cancer by 40 per cent.


  • 听神经一种非癌性(良性)并且通常生长缓慢肿瘤发生内耳大脑神经上。

    Acoustic neuroma is a noncancerous (benign) and usually slow-growing tumor that develops on the main nerve leading from your inner ear to your brain.


  • 世界各地大多数犬类身上都有发现CTVT科学家认为它与澳大利亚濒危动物身上见到的一种传染性的、更加致命肿瘤相似

    Found in most canine breeds throughout the world, the scientists think CTVT is very similar to the transmissible but more fatal cancer seen in the endangered Tasmanian devils of Australia.


  • 提高精确性之后就能使用准确放射剂量更好的肿瘤进行定位。

    The heightened accuracy allows for a more precise radiation dose and a more targeted area for treatment of the tumor.


  • 关于接触射频的潜在长期风险流行病学研究主要是查明脑肿瘤移动电话使用之间的相关性。

    Epidemiological research examining potential long-term risks from radiofrequency exposure has mostly looked for an association between brain tumours and mobile phone use.


  • 对于年轻女性来说,直接放射性疗法化疗药物导致卵巢停止排卵意味着她们怀孕希望已经肿瘤一道,被癌症治疗连根除了。

    In young women and girls, direct radiation and chemotherapy drugs can stop egg production by the ovaries-meaning that along with the tumor, hopes for pregnancy are often eradicated.


  • 检查发现肿瘤如下特征无痛性结节表面光亮蜡样,质硬不活动,有珍珠般光泽边缘卷曲且有扩张血管。

    On examination the tumor may have the following characteristics: painless nodule, shiny and waxy, indurated, firm and immobile, pearly, rolled border, and small telangiectatic vessels.


  • 这种几纳米大小的药物载体颗粒可以量身定做“,使靠近肿瘤环境条件下释放出携带的药物,从而减少对机体的附带损伤

    Such particles can be tailored to release their payloads only when the surrounding environment indicates that they are near a tumour, thus reducing collateral damage.


  • 生殖性肿瘤可能就是人类寿命延长社会文化演变产物。

    Reproductive cancers may be a function of longer lives and changing cultures.


  • 第二,山中所使用基因中,至少有一种认为诱发癌症事实很快证明,诱导性万能干细胞发育而成的小鼠有极大概率罹患肿瘤

    Second, at least one of the genes Yamanaka used was known to trigger cancer, and indeed it soon became clear that mice grown from iPSCs frequently developed tumors.


  • 当时肿瘤生产激素,是功能性肿瘤,其致死率远远远远低于功能性肿瘤。

    This means the tumor was -even then - clearly still producing hormones, proving it was a functional one, which is far less deadly than the nonfunctional ones.


  • 首先乔布斯患有神经内分泌肿瘤被称为胰岛细胞,不是95%高致病性的胰腺癌

    First, Jobs's neuroendocrine tumor, also called an islet cell tumor, put him outside the 95 percent of pancreatic cancer victims who have highly fatal adenocarcinoma.


  • 这种并发症危险性肿瘤位置有关。

    The risk of this complication is related to the location of the liver tumor that is treated.


  • Craig团队鉴定这种蛋白可以通过去除分解肿瘤细胞表面一种侵袭性抑制肿瘤细胞的扩散

    The regulatory protein identified by Dr Craig's team inhibits the spread of cancer cells by removing and breaking down an invasive enzyme on the surface of cancer cells.


  • 动物实验表明皮肤黏膜局部施用总量1g亚硝胺时,诱发局部全身性肿瘤尤其是肝脏肿瘤

    Animal experiments showed that local application of the skin and mucous membrane of about 1g total N-nitrosamines, it will induce local or systemic tumors, especially liver cancer.


  • 动物实验表明皮肤黏膜局部施用总量1g亚硝胺时,诱发局部全身性肿瘤尤其是肝脏肿瘤

    Animal experiments showed that local application of the skin and mucous membrane of about 1g total N-nitrosamines, it will induce local or systemic tumors, especially liver cancer.


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