• 中医说,开窍耳朵包含了所有脏腑反射区,联系全身器官相当于人体的一个缩影所以搓揉耳朵,不失为一种好的养生方法

    TCM, kidney, ears on the strictest contains all the organs of the body and contact each organ, equivalent to a microcosm of the human body, so often rub ears, is a good health preservation methods.


  • 结论:(1组织炎症介质浸润病理改变表现中医症状外邪症状、内郁症状为主;

    Conclusion:(1)Chinese medical etiology of Wai Gan has a great effect on the pathological change of inflammatory infiltration in the renal tissue.


  • 结论颗粒明显改善功能降低il - 8ET含量,降低中医症状积分,提高生活质量延缓慢性功能衰竭进程

    Conclusion Jianshen Granules can improve renal function and quality of life, decrease the serum levels of IL-8 and ET, symptom integral, and delay the process of CRF.


  • 中医进而阐明本病两个主要证型——阳衰弱,之经所引起

    Chinese medicine practitioners to clarify the two main Syndromes disease - liver and kidney weak cold stagnation, mining intrusion caused by the liver and kidney.


  • 针对新世纪《中医眼科学》教材侧重滋养补益肝分为阴血补肝阳气个方面。

    Tonifyinjg the liver and kidney could be divided into two categories, namely, nourishing the Yin and blood, strengthening the Yang and Qi.


  • 中医认为热风燥、脾胃湿热、不足主要病因

    The Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM) considers its etiology as blood heat , heat-wet in spleen and stomach, the deficiency of kidney and liver.


  • 中医认为它健脾中和补血

    Chinese medicine that can of Invigorating Qi and strengthening spleen, regulating stomach and blood and strengthening kidney.


  • 中医理论此症一定见解根据不同型,选择相应治疗加以调理,

    Chinese medicine theory to a certain ideas vitreomacular traction syndrome according to different classification choose corresponding to regulate the treatment of liver and kidneys such as AIDS etc.


  • 中医眩晕是以头晕目眩为主症的疾病,病因病机包括痰浊中阻阳上扰、肝火上炎、气血两虚、瘀血阻窍等。

    Vertigo in TCM means dazzle and swirl. The pathogeny of it includes: sputum, wind, fire, deficiency of qi and blood, deficiency of liver and kidney, ecchymosis .


  • 中医先天之本,发之

    TCM, kidney is innate, its China in the root of hair, renal for.


  • 中医认为溃疡性结肠炎发病脾胃密切相关,其中以脾胃最为重要

    Traditional medicine think that the reason of ulcerative colitis is related to the spleen and stomach, liver, kidney, etc, and the most important is the spleen and stomach.


  • 汉代中医即将命门(上腺)理论用于诊治

    TCM applied the theory of kidney and life gate (adrenal gland) to diagnosis and treatment before the Han Dynasty.


  • 生理、病理、 相关病理产物病的范围等探讨中医病的内涵外延提出中医学科展望

    This paper studies the connotation and extension of Chinese medical nephropathy and its prospects from the perspectives of the physiology, pathology, pathogenic products and scope of kidneys.


  • 尿酸血症损害归属中医“关格”、“劳”、“溺毒”等范畴

    The renal impairment caused by hyperuricemia belongs to the categories of Guange, Shenlao, Nidu.


  • 方法:对中医辨证属于气阴虚证3 5慢性患者的活检病理类型进行分析。

    Methods: In terms of Chinese medicine, the renal biopsy pathological patterns of 35 cases of deficiency of both energy and Yin of chronic nephritis were analyzed.


  • 李祥云教授根据中医精亏于主生殖理论进行用药及机理探讨,认为诸多妇科疑难之不孕症与“虚血密切相关。

    On the basis of his profound theories and rich clinical experience, professor Li Xiangyun argues that female infertility is linked to kidney deficiency and blood stasis;


  • 中医辨证分疗效最好,脾阳虚最差无统计学差异P >0 .0 5 )。

    The effects were the best in type of wind attacking the kidney and the worst in type of deficiency of spleen-yang and kidney-yang. but the difference being not significant( P >0.05).


  • 中医辨证分疗效最好,脾阳虚最差无统计学差异P >0 .0 5 )。

    The effects were the best in type of wind attacking the kidney and the worst in type of deficiency of spleen-yang and kidney-yang. but the difference being not significant( P >0.05).


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