• 《93号航班》一部明确讲述911事件故事片,这肯定引发情绪化的的争论的。

    United 93 is the first feature film to deal explicitly with the events of September 11, 2001, and is certain to ignite an emotional debate.


  • 对此,加拿大国家粒子核物理实验室主管奈杰尔·洛克说:“费米实验室研究小组发现令人兴奋,但现在就肯定结果还为时过早。 一方面,需要明确的证据来解释一些问题;而另一方面,能解释这种微妙现象的其他替代原因,也能列出一长串清单。”

    "These results are certainly tantalizing," said Nigel Lockyer, director of Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics, TRIUMF.


  • 对话大概内容这样人物——母亲——肯定某事从前一章节我们可以明确知道实际相信是完全相反东西

    In this case, my dialogue showed a character -- the mother -- saying one thing, when we know from an earlier section of the scene that she believes another thing entirely.


  • 不能肯定一旦达到那个非常明确设计明显优势

    I'm not sure that once you reach that point there would be any clear significant advantages to the new designs.


  • 我们并不完全了解生命起源似乎可以明确肯定还有某些必要条件

    While our understanding of how life began is incomplete, it seems clear that there are certain requirements.


  • 虽然这次会议肯定会有激烈的争辩但他们希望这样明确科学结论不但有助于弥合分歧能促成一项条约签署

    With much still to argue over, they hope that a clear scientific lead will both help to narrow the room for disagreement and also galvanise the desire to get a treaty agreed.


  • 这些问题答案如果肯定,那也许暗示需要永久具有明确权威筹划指导委员会是一个规划的机制。

    Affirmative answers to these questions may indicate the need for a permanent steering committee with well-defined authority; this is a program mechanism.


  • 加莱戈斯,世界主要大国对于伊朗迄今为止仍做出答复表示失望明确表示,如果星期二答复不是肯定的,伊朗面临更多制裁

    Gallegos said the major powers are disappointed at the lack of a response thus far, and he made clear that if Tuesday's reply is not positive, Iran can expect more sanctions.


  • 差不多每个人确信明天Apple将会发布平板电脑,但是直到现在没有一个参与其中的人——史蒂夫·乔布斯合作的数百家商业伙伴——明确肯定这件事。

    Most everyone is certain that Apple will reveal its tablet device tomorrow, but no one involved - from Steve Jobs to the hundreds of likely partners - had explicitly confirmed it. Until now.


  • Riker愿意明确指出他提到段落但是可以肯定的说,CSPI称麦当劳奸诈营销手段掠夺性的”,并不公司

    Riker wouldn't point to specific passages, but it's safe to assume calling McDonald's "duplicitous" and its marketing practices "predatory" failed to ingratiate CSPI with the company.


  • 关于电子产品出口肯定有一套明确规则,但是现在似乎我们有着太多零星的规则,”Linnell

    "There certainly should be a clear set of rules about exports of electronic devices and right now we sort of have a patchwork of rules," Linnell said.


  • 记得的,没有给出明确肯定答复。

    As far as I could remember, she didn't give a clear 'yes'.


  • 明确行动表现自己而言这种要求合法的,不过男性傲慢肯定要为此承担责任。

    In so far as she expresses herself in definite action, this claim is legitimate, and male insolence must then bear the blame.


  • 不幸怎么回事就在这里远远明确肯定不是明显显而易见的。

    Unfortunately what is going on here is far from clear, and certainly not patently obvious.


  • 连续地讲些模棱两可的话,而不是作出明确肯定或否定的回答

    He kept making ambiguous remarks instead of straightforward yes-or-no replies.


  • 所以一个明确肯定声明就是人类存有们你们不是你们念头,你们不是心智

    So, I have one definitive, certain statement to make, and that is: Human beings, you are not your thoughts, you are not the mind.


  • 到了唐代,意象审美创造得到理论明确肯定意象成为艺术创作主体审美情思形象对象化的一个通用术语

    In Tang Dynasty, the aesthetic creation of image was theoretically affirmed, and image has become a general term referring to the object by the subject in artistic creation.


  • 中药疗效得到明确肯定有部分中药有毒性

    The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine has been clearly affirmed, but some traditional Chinese medicine is toxic.


  • 马克思肯定具有自身本质明确人的类本质在于劳动

    Marx affirmed human own kind's essence and defined that human own kind's essence lies in labor.


  • 查尔斯肯定拟定预算原则进行明确的阐述。

    Charles has certainly made plain the principles on which the Budget had been designed.


  • 马克思明确提出了科学技术工作经营管理生产劳动性质充分肯定它们在创造社会财富和价值中的重要作用

    Marx clearly brought to light the nature of technical labor and productive labor of management and administration, and fully affirmed their important role of producing social wealth and value.


  • 相关立法过于原则,对集体谈判主体规定不够明确,缺少罢工权肯定,不利于劳动者集体谈判保护

    For example, the subject is not clear, labor union's power is weak, the legislation of collective bargaining is not feasible enough, and there is nearly no rule to protect the right for strike.


  • 明确肯定了在涉及集体行为各个社会公共机构之间权利依赖

    It affirms definitely that every organization for collectivity action has to depend on other public organization's power.


  • 可以肯定自己知道面试想得到答案是什么,你掌握有利的线索帮助自己回答任何问题不过,提出一些更明确的问题,你能够坦诚自己的想法,同时也让自己处于有利的环境。

    But there's another stressor that can be just as crippling: you're asked a question, and you know your answer - but you also know it's not the answer the interviewer wants to hear.


  • 曹怀东与朱熹平文章充分肯定了佩雷尔曼工作对于证明庞加莱猜测重要作用,同样,佩雷尔曼文章中也明确指出他的工作是建构于前人的众多贡献基础上的

    They fully acknowledge Perelman's role in the completion of the proof of Poincare conjecture and likewise Perelman has acknowledged the work of previous researchers on which it's based.


  • 几次交涉中幼儿园明确表示,其他家长肯定自己消息来源因为“社区居委会备案的”。

    In several representations, the kindergarten made it clear that other parents are assured of their own is still the source of news, because "the record of a neighborhood community."


  • 联合内容肯定不会

    It is certain that the contents of the Joint Declaration will not change.


  • 联合内容肯定不会

    It is certain that the contents of the Joint Declaration will not change.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定