• 如果进行长线投资存在股权偏好合理,那么从长期看,股票是上涨的。

    If you're investing with a long time horizon, having an equity bias makes sense, stocks go up in the long run.


  • 已经占有中金公司34%的股权也是去年最大股票承销商的业务主要消极业务。

    Morgan Stanley has a 34% stake in China International Capital Corp, which was the top share underwriter last year, but it is a passive one.


  • 研究结果显示美国CEO薪酬之所以高人一等,主要是因为美国的CEO获得了水平股权薪酬其中包括公司股票股票期权

    The research shows that U.S. CEO pay is higher primarily because U.S. CEOs are awarded high levels of equity compensation, which includes pay in the form of company stock and stock options.


  • 强迫银行持有更多的资本——特别是以股票为代表的资本——与股东利益相悖因为这会导致低的股权回报

    Compelling Banks to hold more capital-typically, equity-goes against shareholders' interests, because it results in a lower return on equity.


  • 公司股权资本中的股份数量只能发行注册股票不得发行为交换无记名股票

    The number of shares in the Company into which the share capital is divided may be issued only as registered shares and may not be issued as or exchanged for shares issued to bearer.


  • Gazprom也曾参与去年壳牌达成协议一部分库页能源股票交换一部分西伯利亚油田股权之后,超额成本公之于众,Gazprom叫苦不迭。

    Gazprom wanted to be involved: last year it agreed with Shell to swap a share in Sakhalin Energy for a stake in a Siberian field. Then the cost overrun was announced, and Gazprom squealed.


  • 尽管2006年将其挂牌纽约股票交易所,TPG,Bain Capital高盛仍旧拥有相当数量的汉堡王股权.

    TPG, Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs still own a sizeable stake in BK, despite listing it on the New York Stock Exchange in 2006.


  • 虽然每次分发股票时都会稀释企业主自己公司所占股权份额——以及未来潜在收益——但泰德表示未来利益仍然非常可观

    Though each issuance of stock dilutes the owner's own equity stake in the company--and in its future potential upside--Farnsworth says there's still plenty of juice to go around.


  • 社会学家William Domhoff表示,99%榨油38%企业股权,40%的金融债券,62%的股票基金

    Sociologist William Domhoff reports that the 99 percent hold just 38 percent of equity in businesses, 40 percent of financial securities, and 62 percent of stocks and mutual funds.


  • 大约一半股权部分日本股票其他的30%美国德国股票构成。

    Around half of the equity portion was in Japanese shares; another 30% consisted of American and German ones.


  • 而且增加股权资本对每股收益稀释作用收益增长无望的情况下引起股票价格下跌

    Moreover, the diluting effects of share capital increase on earnings will drag stock price down in the absence of a desirable expectation for earnings growth.


  • 有时意味着出售股权,这对于那些只是以前花了大量资金回购股票的公司来说实在是一个难堪经验

    Sometimes this will mean selling equity, a galling experience for those who spent a fortune on share buy-back programmes just a year or two ago.


  • 指出高盛合伙人很大一部分薪酬是以股票形式获取要求保留所持股权直至退休

    Goldman partners, he points out, receive a sizeable chunk of their pay in stock and are required to maintain their ownership stake until retirement.


  • 莫里斯私募股权经理人实现收益归功于很多其他因素包括金融杠杠效应以及股票市场的整体,因此他们不能独揽全功。

    In addition, he says, the returns they do achieve are due to factors, including high leverage and the overall movement of the stockmarket, for which private-equity managers cannot claim credit.


  • 普通员工股权会非常昂贵——因为股票发售代价很高,而员工那里打折不少。

    Paying ordinary workers in shares is expensive-because equity is costly to issue and discounted by employees.


  • 新加坡中东投资者发售转换债券票面利率为9%,可年内转换瑞士银行股票,折合为瑞士银行10.5%的股权

    The convertible bond issued to the Singaporean and Middle Eastern investors will yield 9% and convert into 10.5% of UBS's stock in two years.


  • 盈利股票增值不是股权而是甘愿冒险的非凡洞见报偿

    Profits and stock appreciation are not rights, but rewards for insight mixed with a willingness to take risk.


  • 这场危机已经触发了货币迅速贬值以及外国证券股权投资商大量抛售所持证券的同时出现的股票市场价格大幅度下跌。

    The crisis has triggered quick depreciation of currencies and major declines in stock market prices with foreign investors in securities and equities selling off large shares of their holdings.


  • 但是FSA的口头禅采取进一步措施”,并且,如果需要的话,他们会整个股权发行期间限制股票借贷,对于空头来说,可真是要了命。

    But it is the FSA's threat to "take further measures" if need be by, say, limiting stock lending during rights issues, that has really spooked short-sellers.


  • 职工优先认股以及股权分享计划也让员工争取服务一定年限获得公司股票上涨带来收益。

    Stock options and grants certainly encourage employees to stay long enough to take advantage of the company's surging share price.


  • 中国允许交易这种购股权,这迫使企业要么不想股票,要么干脆放弃股权

    But China doesn't allow the rights to be traded, forcing a company to either buy shares it doesn't want or forfeit the right altogether.


  • 股票供应量压低的话意味着只需要少量需求成功发行,发行额度较小能减轻所有股东股权薄的忧虑,使他们不至于对发行价敏感

    Less supply means less demand is required to pull off a successful offering. A smaller offering also will make all shareholders less sensitive to dilution and therefore pricing.


  • 无论股票股权股票一切意味着同样事情

    Whether you say shares, equity, or stock, it all means the same thing.


  • 经济疯狂高峰期中等大型银行可以借入相当于股权37股票

    At the peak of the madness, the median large bank had borrowings of 37 times its equity.


  • 出于可能通过出售股权廉价资产支撑财务状况担忧3i股票于今年月底遭遇历史新低

    3i shares hit a record low in late-January on fears it may be forced to shore up its finances through a rights issue or cheap asset sales.


  • 出于可能通过出售股权廉价资产支撑财务状况担忧3i股票于今年月底遭遇历史新低

    3i shares hit a record low in late-January on fears it may be forced to shore up its finances through a rights issue or cheap asset sales.


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