• 聚积起来,大雨倾泄干透了大地上

    The clouds gathered and showers poured down upon the parched earth.


  • 雨水聚积洼地里。

    The rain collected in several depressions.


  • 全球环境中均可发现二恶英,二恶英聚积食物链主要存在动物脂肪组织内。

    Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment and they accumulate in the food chain, mainly in the fatty tissue of animals.


  • 环境中二恶英容易聚积食物链中。

    In the environment, dioxins tend to accumulate in the food chain.


  • 但事情还没有完,意味着血液身体最低聚积激起死亡组织膨胀。身体较部分开始失色,变成土色

    This means that the blood accumulates at the lowest point of the body, provoking a swelling of the dead tissue; the upper located part of the body discolors, leaving the dead body's lividity.


  • 聚积颗粒非常氧化铅容易被抖因此释放出来后人吸入或是人体吸收

    The lead plates collect a layer of very fine lead oxide that is often simply shaken off, freeing it to be inhaled or otherwise absorbed into the body.


  • 吊死,血液自然聚积到他身体的最低或者

    When a person is hanged, the blood will accumulate in its lower part: legs and feet.


  • 导致糖尿病胰岛素抵抗看来聚积肌肉细胞肝脏脂肪引起的。

    The resistance to insulin that leads to diabetes appears to be caused by a build-up of fat inside the muscle cells and also inside the liver.


  • 美国福布斯杂志64个中国人资产超过了10亿美元,其中大部分财富过去20年里聚积起来的。

    Forbes magazine says there are 64 Chinese with more than $1 billion, most of which was accumulated in the last two decades.


  • 见过已经分离下面聚积2- 3加仑游离的

    I have seen as much as two and three gallons of free blood accumulated under the detached skin.


  • 雪花风吹到了车里,融化吉夫眼镜聚积裤脚露出来之间

    Snow's blowing in over Giff, melting on his glasses, clumping up between his pants and bare leg.


  • 地球有效太阳能转化过程,如果太阳光照射地球表面小时产生的所有能量聚积起来,就足以满足人类整整一能源需求

    It is the most effective solar energy conversion process on Earth and all power needs for a year could be met by the energy contained in the sunlight hitting the Earth in one hour.


  • ,“如果实际上浮游植物减少这么那么影响会是更少的二氧化碳会被吸收从而海上聚积起来。”

    "If in fact productivity is going down so much, the implication would be that less carbon capture and storage is happening in the open ocean," he said.


  • 项目运转需要工人因而失业率下降悲观情绪现金慢慢聚积消费者企业是如此,最终悲观情绪催生

    The projects require workers, so unemployment falls, and with it pessimism and the cash hoarding, by consumers and businesses alike, that pessimism induces.


  • 一个好消息:意味着大地构造应力没有地区聚积

    This is good news: it means tectonic stresses aren't building up in the region.


  • 这些化合物聚积严重地方土壤沉淀物食品特别是乳制品肉类鱼类贝壳类食品中。

    The highest levels of these compounds are found in some soils, sediments and food, especially dairy products, meat, fish and shellfish.


  • 这个是由作家金融顾问大卫·巴赫首先提出,指人们每天浪费那些聚积起来可以他们成为百万富翁的钱财

    Author and financial advisor David Bach coined the term to reference the inordinate amount of money people waste on a daily basis, that when saved can literally make you a millionaire.


  • 科学家们认为这个世界冰盖短期内都不会完全消失然而,如今的格陵兰冰盖脱落的冰聚积的冰更多

    Scientists believe the world's great ice sheets will not completely disappear for many more centuries, but the Greenland ice sheet is now shedding more ice than it is accumulating.


  • 聚积所有勇气拜访了这些

    I got all my courage together and paid these people a visit.


  • 资金流动性风险即是交易者无法聚积现金并且强迫风险。

    Funding liquidity risk is the risk that a trader cannot fund his position and is forced to unwind.


  • 所以两个因素组合使海洋的运作发生巨大变化。”他说有机物海洋中的聚积一个严重的问题。

    So it's the combination of those two things that are having a big change on how the ocean works.


  • 电荷积雨云中聚积起来会触发闪电。

    It is triggered when electrical charges build up in storm clouds.


  • 但是随着冰层扩展逐渐覆盖硅酸盐岩石,使岩石形成放缓,所以导致CO2大气层再次聚积

    As the ice spread, however, it gradually covered the silicate rocks, slowing the erosion and so allowing CO2 to build up in the atmosphere once more.


  • 如果气体不能通过打嗝排气排出体外聚积胃肠道,从而引起腹胀。

    When gas doesn't pass through belching or flatulence, it can build up in the stomach and intestines and lead to bloating.


  • 债务上限之战外,导致投资者最近丧失信心其他背后因素早2008年金融危机爆发开始不断聚积了。

    Aside from the debt ceiling fight, the issues driving the recent loss of confidence have been swirling since even before the 2008 financial crisis.


  • IBM科研小组激光来回扫描玻璃片解决这个难题,成功防止静电聚积

    The IBM groups have solved this by using a laser to scan back and forth across the glass, preventing the build up of static electricity.


  • 效果有用促进下巴颈部两侧毒素聚积淋巴引流光滑颈部肌肤,美化颈部线条。

    Results: useful to promote the chin and neck sides, toxin is easy to accumulate the lymphatic drainage, smooth neck skin, beautify the neck line.


  • 效果有用促进下巴颈部两侧毒素聚积淋巴引流光滑颈部肌肤,美化颈部线条。

    Results: useful to promote the chin and neck sides, toxin is easy to accumulate the lymphatic drainage, smooth neck skin, beautify the neck line.


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