• 诊断尿路血吸虫病,可采用过滤技术使用尼龙聚碳酸酯滤器

    For urogenital schistosomiasis, a filtration technique using nylon, paper or polycarbonate filters is the standard.


  • 双酚a,BPA用来生产塑料,工业上又叫作聚碳酸酯。BPA无处不在,矿泉水瓶医疗器械食品包装的内里,的身影。

    Bisphenol A. Also called BPA, it's used to make shatter-proof plastic known as polycarbonate, found in everything from water bottles to medical devices to the lining of food packaging.


  • 表芯里面处理器保证传送带运行精准,聚碳酸酯水晶保护着电机免受于50口径的子弹袭击。

    A microprocessor ensures the belts are always on time, while the polycarbonate crystal display protects the mechanics from anything short of a.50-caliber bullet.


  • 尽管我们已经知道双酚A一种雌性激素,人们还是认为应用塑料聚碳酸酯足够安全

    “In spite of the fact we have known that Bisphenol A was a weak oestrogen, it was considered safe enough to use in polycarbonate in plastic, ” Skakkabaek says.


  • 制造光盘原料这些大包里的聚碳酸酯颗粒。

    Optical discs are made of polycarbonate that comes in large bags.


  • 如果关注产业部分豪华轿车预付款聚碳酸酯乙烯可怕的。

    If your focus is on the industry part and the limos, the advances, the lawyers, polycarbonate and vinyl, it's horrible.


  • 一结构夹在导电材料制成的具有电极作用内环之间整个结构的外围聚碳酸酯外壳。

    This is sandwiched between inner and outer rings of conducting material that act like electrodes, and the whole thing is surrounded by yet another layer of polycarbonate as cladding.


  • 因此研究者们转而使用石墨的导电性聚碳酸酯内外层都附有条金属带

    So instead the researchers use two layers of graphite-rich conductive polycarbonate, each flanked by a single metal strip in the inner and outer cladding.


  • 聚碳酸酯所制成挡风玻璃十分坚固,足以抵抗鸟类的袭击,并且不会断裂

    The polycarbonate windscreens can withstand the impact of birds, so they won't fracture.


  • 同样道理我们建议人们不要使用聚碳酸酯基的奶瓶孕妇避免接触此类热敏或者接触过后要洗手。

    In the same way we advise people not to use polycarbonate-based baby bottles, it would be smart to advise pregnant women to avoid or wash their hands after touching these sorts of papers.


  • 就EN -V来说,理念应用到了碳纤维部件制造的车身还有聚碳酸酯塑料构成车门上

    In the case of the EN-Vs, that philosophy translates into bodies that are made from carbon-fibre composites and doors that are composed of polycarbonate plastics.


  • 箱子采用注塑成型聚碳酸酯复合材料制造而成,材料与汽车保险杠的制造材料相同可提供很好的防撞保护

    The suitcase is made from injection molded polycarbonate compositethe same material used in automobile bumpers — that provides superior impact protection.


  • 还把生产光盘过程中的聚碳酸酯下脚料出售汽车制造厂,来做汽车尾灯。

    He sells polycarbonate scraps from the disk making process to an automaker for tail lights.


  • 芬克博士研发出这种纤维绝缘聚碳酸酯材料制成空心组成,空心杆的内部有一种30微米的压电聚合物材料制成

    Dr Fink's fibre consists of a hollow rod of an insulating polycarbonate material with a 30-micrometre ring of a piezoelectric polymer running along its length.


  • 天生与众不同依旧雍容高雅,它外壳看起来很有金属质感而且轻便的纤维(高聚碳酸酯)构成,装备了块精雕细琢的3.7英寸屏幕,屏幕上覆盖了一块巧夺天工切割细腻的弧形玻璃

    It's distinctive but still tasteful, made of some kind of polycarbonate that feels somehow metallic, with curved sides and a 3.7-inch screen, the glass covering of which curves with them.


  • 其次就是双A(Bisphenol A)。 这种聚碳酸酯(polycarbonate)成分罐内层,儿童喂食包括婴儿奶瓶在内塑料瓶里都含有。

    The next suspect would be Bisphenol A, a component of polycarbonate found in the lining of tin cans, children’s feeding cups and in plastic bottles, including baby bottles.


  • 这辆车由轻型材质制造其中包括碳纤维玻璃纤维、聚碳酸酯,车身49英尺(15),宽8英尺(2.5米),高5英尺5英寸(1.65米)。

    Made of lightweight materials including aluminium, carbon fibre, fibreglass and polycarbonate, it is 49ft long (15 metres), 8ft wide (2.5 metres) and 5ft 5in high (1.65 metres).


  • 还有一些水瓶聚碳酸酯这些聚碳酸酯含有能够导致生殖系统疾病心脏病的双a (BPA)。

    Many reusable bottles are made of polycarbonate plastic, but those often contain bisphenol a (BPA), a chemical linked to reproductive problems and heart disease.


  • 钢铁硬木材纸板箱聚碳酸酯亚麻制品上的所有东西都焚化中转移出来了。

    Everything from our steel, hardwoods, and cardboard to our lexan and linen is diverted from the incinerator.


  • 你肯定从没有见过无形特大一次性大小厚度聚碳酸酯设计白色长椅椅子桌子

    White benches, chairs and tables and "invisible" extra - large one-off pieces made in sizes and thicknesses never before seen for designs in polycarbonate.


  • 通用1957年开始销售聚碳酸酯以逐步取代玻璃金属应用非常广泛,电子咖啡机超音速飞行器表面材料。

    GE began selling Lexan in 1957. A potential replacement for glass and metal, it was used for everything from electric coffeemakers to the light covers on the wings of supersonic aircraft.


  • 一般来说如果制成透明聚碳酸酯丙烯酸类使打印图像可见向下通过织物两个有效的。

    Generally speaking, both blocks and plates are more effective if made from clear polycarbonate or acrylic blocks so that the print image is visible down through to the fabric layer.


  • 这些包括聚碳酸酯幕墙之间流线转换细部设计,比如在框架结构避免连接楼板使用斜接面板

    These include the streamlining of transition details between Polycarbonate and curtain wall, the avoidance of double-frame joints at floor slabs and the use of mitered corner panels.


  • 半透明双壁覆层,透明聚碳酸酯衬里粉末涂层SS筛选建筑增添新的层次

    Translucent twin-wall cladding, transparent polycarbonate linings, and powder coated SS screening all add new layers to the building.


  • 聚碳酸酯塑料水壶接触液体有正常磨损的时候,其中的BPA就会渗出来。

    BPA can leach from polycarbonate plastic bottles when it comes into contact with hot liquids and from regular wear and tear.


  • 建筑采用胶合框架结构——一种使之摆脱建筑物选择方式,并且相对较造价外立面采用透明聚碳酸酯板。

    The buildings have glued timber frames - a method chosen for its ease of construction as well as relatively low cost - and facades made from translucent polycarbonate sheets.


  • 印刷机上,使用聚碳酸酯压制试验压力

    On the press, use a polycarbonate press bed and experiment with the pressure.


  • 双酚a全球范围内广泛生产化学物质之一用途包括,食品包装聚碳酸酯树脂婴儿奶瓶

    BPA is one of the most widely produced chemicals worldwide, among its USES, resins for food packaging and polycarbonate baby bottles.


  • 化学物质通常被称为BPA,多用聚碳酸酯瓶子中,包括婴儿配方奶粉内层水杯婴儿奶瓶

    The chemical, commonly known as BPA, is used in polycarbonate bottles, including water bottles and baby bottles, as well as the lining of cans including infant formula cans.


  • 化学物质通常被称为BPA,多用聚碳酸酯瓶子中,包括婴儿配方奶粉内层水杯婴儿奶瓶

    The chemical, commonly known as BPA, is used in polycarbonate bottles, including water bottles and baby bottles, as well as the lining of cans including infant formula cans.


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