• 实验室确认病例报告来自戈亚斯州联邦区马托格罗索三个州。

    The laboratory confirmed cases were reported from the three states of Goias, Distrito Federal and Mato Grosso do Sol.


  • 足够多的警力有助于维护联邦区秩序

    Saturation policing helps maintain order in the Federal District.


  • 西伯利亚联邦区处于经济恢复性增长期。

    Siberian Federal Zone is in the period of economic recovery.


  • 行政区划:全国划分为10个1联邦区

    Administrative Districts: 10 Regions and a Federal District.


  • 加快推动长江中上游地区俄罗斯伏尔加河沿岸联邦区合作

    We should accelerate cooperation between regions on the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and their counterparts along Russia's Volga River.


  • 联邦区凶杀团伙确实下降了,不过仅仅是因为其他地区的情况得更加迅速地恶化了。

    The Federal District has indeed moved down the murder league, but only because other places have deteriorated faster.


  • 警方控制巴西联邦区州长何塞•罗贝托•阿鲁达,指控公共工程项目合同收受贿赂。

    Police held José Roberto Arruda, the governor of Brazil's Federal District, over allegations that he accepted bribes in connection with public-works contracts.


  • 拥有174个商会俄罗斯商会CCI系统一部分,也是北高加索联邦区CCI协会的组成部分

    It is a part of the Russian CCI system consisting of 174 chambers, as well as the CCI Association of the North Caucasus federal district.


  • 一个研究组织icesi调查显示,尽管联邦区相对于墨西哥州更高犯罪发生率后者毒贩更为猖獗。

    Surveys by ICESI, a research organisation, suggest that whereas the Federal District still has a higher incidence of crime than Mexico State, the latter has been hit harder by drug MOBS.


  • 墨西哥州的居民现在几乎联邦区的居民一样担心安全形势;这里的犯罪分子可能其他任何的都有可能携带武器

    Residents there now worry about security almost as much as those in the Federal District; criminals are more likely to carry weapons than in any other state.


  • 联邦区首席检察长Miguel Mancera骄傲地指出,现在联邦区的犯罪率以前那些认为首都安全还要低

    Miguel Mancera, the chief prosecutor in the Federal District, boasts that the murder rate there is now lower than in several states that were previously considered much safer than the metropolis.


  • 俄罗斯联邦第14病例是9月25日出现瘫痪一名儿童使北高加索联邦区病例总数达到例,其中达吉斯坦车臣地区例。

    The Russian Federation's 14th case, the child paralyzed on 25 September, brings the total number of cases in the North Caucasus Federal Region to six, three each from Dagestan and Chechnya.


  • 新的联邦政府体制下,6个中的5个成为自治区

    Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.


  • 云层普遍出现斯堪的纳维亚半岛北部西部阿拉斯加以及俄罗斯联邦然而剩余广袤土地和海面都处在无云

    Clouds appear most prevalent north and west of Scandinavia, and between Alaska and the Russian Federation, but wide expanses of land and sea surface peer through cloud-free areas.


  • 彼得林州长公开宣布该州联邦灾难数以百计人被告知离开自己的

    Governor Peter Shumlin declared the state a federal disaster area as hundreds were told to leave their homes.


  • 他们可以每个机场联邦检查服务区自动亭子里验证他们身份

    Instead, they may verify their identities at automated kiosks at the Federal Inspection Services area of each airport.


  • 欧元区不是一个联邦国家关键决定由各国作出的,所以相当之

    The euro zone is not a federal state. Its key decisions are national, and hence agonisingly slow.


  • 这些袭击可能是由巴基斯坦七个联邦管理部落不满的瓦济里斯坦发起的。

    All these attacks were probably launched from South Waziristan, long the most hostile of Pakistan's seven Federally Administered Tribal Areas.


  • 相反联邦航空局建议——强调“建议”——这种无人机一定高度之下远离居民区,远离机场飞行等等

    Instead the FAA recommends - emphasis on 'recommends' - such drones be flown away from populated areas, from aeroplanes, below a certain altitude and so on.


  • 足以填充AT Q缓冲区数据返回联邦服务器

    Return of data to the federated server sufficient to fill a single ATQ buffer.


  • 随着夜幕降临辆孤单联邦警车沿着以前绿色管制区南部边界缓缓前行。

    As night falls, a single federal police lorry creeps along the southern edge of the former green zone.


  • 联邦如何欧盟协调尚确定:五中有三国欧盟成员挪威不属于欧盟成员国冰岛正在一问题与欧盟谈判;五国中只有芬兰属于欧元区

    How this would chime with the European Union is not clear: three of the countries are in, Norway is out and Iceland is negotiating membership; only Finland is in the euro.


  • 联邦储备正在欧元区崩溃做假想给美国银行实行新一轮的应对测试做准备。

    Federal Reserve officials are preparing to conduct a new round of stress tests on American banks with a euro-area collapse in mind.


  • 根据计划,120名联邦警察24小时守卫靠近边界一小商业区

    Under the plan, 120 federal police kept a 24-hour guard on a small commercial area close to the border.


  • 欧元区危机迫使默克尔通过不情愿联邦议会推出了巨额紧急援助

    The crisis in the euro zone forced Mrs Merkel to push colossal bail-outs through a reluctant Bundestag.


  • 数据库管理器参数rqrioblk控制着联邦系统数据源之间通信缓冲区大小

    The database manager configuration parameter rqrioblk controls the size of the communication buffer between the federated system and the data sources.


  • 2010年10月29日,俄罗斯西伯利亚联邦管区的图共和国的Ubsunur保护区普京参加对于雪豹生存环境的探索。

    Vladimir Putin takes part in an expedition to Ubsunur Hollow Biosphere Preserve to inspect the snow leopard's habitat in Tyva Republic in the Siberian Federal District, on October 29, 2010.


  • 然后联邦服务器SHIP逻辑发送'Fetch '请求以便读取来自发送“ US ”数据源查询的数据数据放入ship缓冲区。

    The SHIP logic on the federated server then sends' Fetch 'requests to read a block of data from the result of the query sent to the "US" data source and places the data into the SHIP buffer.


  • 然后联邦服务器SHIP逻辑发送'Fetch '请求以便读取来自发送“ US ”数据源查询的数据数据放入ship缓冲区。

    The SHIP logic on the federated server then sends' Fetch 'requests to read a block of data from the result of the query sent to the "US" data source and places the data into the SHIP buffer.


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