• 给出灰色趋势分析一般步骤,社会经济系统的灰分析提供了新的方法途径。

    The grey trend relational analysis given by this pa-per offers a new method for analysing social and economic system.


  • 然而自愿主义包容了某些例外情况:劳支持政府代表受伤工人童工进行干预

    Yet the AFL's voluntarism had accommodated certain exceptions: the AFL had supported government intervention on behalf of injured workers and child laborers.


  • 系统保持线时,所有系统线服务组之间、系统与指定可用接管目标之间的通讯心跳必须同时失效

    All heartbeat communication between the system with the online service group and the system designated as the potential takeover target must fail simultaneously while the original system stays online.


  • 后来南方各州加州更以优势获胜。相信工业也会很好的表现尤其是-产表态支持了

    He was going to carry the South and California big, and I thought he would do well in the large industrial states, too, especially after the AFL-CIO endorsed him.


  • 不过实现不了监管范围银行扩大所有风险企业除非其他监管机构分享权利

    But nor will he succeed in extending the Fed's reach beyond Banks to any big, risky firm, unless it shares that power with other regulators.


  • 此外,骨同样直接脂肪细胞信号使它们释放另一种叫做激素,脂素可使躯体更易受胰岛素影响

    Moreover osteocalcin also sends signals to fat cells directly, causing them to release another hormone called adiponectin that makes the body more sensitive to the effects of insulin.


  • 现在正注视着让人担忧的长期利率现在清楚如果这些利率降低时,长期利率是否至某个谷底。

    The Federal Reserve is now looking at depressing long-term rates, and it is not at all clear that they will hit any minimum boundary if or when they drive these rates down.


  • 不仅仅认识到金融风暴美国经济带来风险储会还勇于采取行动,给其迎面打击。

    Not only had the Fed recognised the risks that financial turbulence posed to America's economy, it had acted boldly to head them off.


  • 随着选举日的临近,劳-最终表态支持

    As we moved toward election day, the AFL-CIO finally endorsed me.


  • 看到会的这项声明,我发现会希望经由购买房贷债券促使房贷利率下降

    And I look at this statement [from the Federal Reserve] and see that this is a Fed that is trying to push mortgage rates down by buying mortgage securities.


  • 这些微生物可以产生一种氨的极不稳定化合物通常作为火箭燃料多数生物有毒害的。

    Here were bugs that created hydrazine, an extremely unstable compound, used as rocket fuel, that is poison to most living things.


  • 政策效果甚至短期银行间利率目前为止还是不清晰的;储对更为庞大的,全球一体化债券市场方面影响能力更为确定的。

    The impact of the Fed's actions to date even on short-term interbank rates is inconclusive; its ability to influence much larger, globally integrated bond markets is even less certain.


  • 我们各种防范措施比如一家银行数据几百英里甚至更远的一家储银行里有备份

    We have all sorts of safeguards so that, for example, the data of one Federal Reserve bank are backed up at another Federal Reserve bank hundreds of miles away or in some remote location.


  • 持有债券平均到期日必须办法时间除,或者清理相关银行储备

    Since the average maturity of the Fed's bond holdings is five to ten years, the Fed will have to find a way to mop up, or "sterilise", the related bank reserves for a long time.


  • 一反常态,将通胀顾虑(目前储会认为通胀危险已经减缓)也搁置一旁了。

    Concerns about inflation, which the Fed expects to moderate, have been relegated almost to an afterthought.


  • 然而,即使这样,米金先生仍和同一阵线通过加息调控房价

    Yet, for all that, Mr Mishkin stuck to the Fed's line that it should not have tried to restrain house prices with higher interest rates.


  • 萨尼亚将会缺席阿森纳足总杯对阵利兹比赛杯中对阵伊普斯维奇的比赛以及在英超中客场对阵西汉姆的比赛。

    He will now miss games against Leeds in the FA Cup, Ipswich in the Carling Cup and away at West Ham in the Premier League.


  • 近年来,我国出镜游人数逐年增多,且由于通过消费或取款,持卡人无需支付货币转换费,中国海外扩张势头迅猛。

    UnionPay, which is expanding its overseas network to tap the rising number of Chinese traveling overseas, does not charge for currency exchange services.


  • 有些体育合会有着传奇般的历史,如棒球小小橄榄球老华纳,有些合会则是新建的。

    Some leagues have storied pasts: baseball's Little League or football's Pop Warner League. Some are newer.


  • 正确的答案却是41%(用列表可以很容易得到这个结果)(译者注:表的使用本文最后一部分)。

    But the correct answer-easily found using a contingency table-is just 41 per cent.


  • 结账时候,药师男孩要买多少,是3? 10包?

    At the register, the pharmacist asks the boy how many he'd like to buy; a 3-pack, a 10-pack, or a family pack.


  • 看守人”这个称号广泛流传不仅说明大量政策相关信息保密现实暗示了这些信息价值巨大的。

    The widespread use of "Fed watchers" attests to the fact that the Federal Reserve not only keeps secret significant information about policy, but that the value of its information is great.3.


  • 但是本周JeffreyLacker讲,储会“考虑轨迹仍然是让人摸不到头脑的以“资产抵押”的商业债券市场

    But the "locus of concern", as the Fed's Jeffrey Lacker put it this week, remains the more obscure market for "asset-backed" commercial paper.


  • 多亏了美国里奇总裁拉克尔(JeffreyLacker)。拉克尔是美国里奇蒙储总裁,明年成为利率设定机构成员

    This is thanks in part to Jeffrey Lacker, the President of the Richmond Federal Reserve, who will be a voting member of the Fed's rate-setting body next year.


  • 紧急下调贴现利率0.25个百分点(由储向商业银行收取),调整后为3.25%,利率的适用范围扩大证券公司

    The Fed also made an emergency cut of one-quarter of a percentage point to its discount rate (which it charges commercial Banks), to 3.25%, and extended the rate to securities firms.


  • 发现含有变异基因ord-10蛔虫乙醯细菌散发出的黄油化学物质,是蛔虫最爱的食物之一。

    She found that worms with a mutation in a gene called odr-10 could not smell diacetyl, a chemical that gives butter its odor and is also produced by a bacterium that is a favorite worm food.


  • 易建最喜欢明星认为,易建一个世界上著名篮球明星。地球所有知道

    Yi Jianlian is my favourite star. I think, Yi Jianlian will be a famous basketball star in the world later. All the people on the earth will know him!


  • 易建最喜欢明星认为,易建一个世界上著名篮球明星。地球所有知道

    Yi Jianlian is my favourite star. I think, Yi Jianlian will be a famous basketball star in the world later. All the people on the earth will know him!


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