• 第五部分:白云机场战略联盟实施研究

    Part V: Studies of the GBIA's Strategic Alliance operation.


  • 通过NCOIC联盟全球防务公司已经开发出这样框架一整套体系结构模式制定实施指南

    Through NCOIC, leading global defense companies have developed this kind of framework, a set of architecture patterns, and guidance for their implementation.


  • 印度食品加工联盟一个食品行业团体,表达体系是否第一时间实施法律的担忧。

    The All India Food Processors' Association, an industry group, has expressed some concerns about whether the systems to implement the new law are ready for prime time.


  • 重申执行委员会1月会议期间名代表非洲联盟53个国家的名义提出要求希望尽快加强实施国际卫生条例核心能力。

    I recall the request made during the January Executive Board, by a representative of the 53 countries in the African Union, to hasten the strengthening of core capacities to implement the IHR.


  • 网络世界实验室联盟JoelSnyderExchange 2010的评估中说,企业用户认真评估服务器实施计划。

    Network World Lab Alliance member Joel Snyder said in his Exchange 2010 review that corporate users should carefully assess the implications of the new server.


  • 依托国际卫生合作计划当前正在开展支持实施国家战略工作世行在同全球疫苗免疫联盟、全球基金、世界卫生组织以及其它机构开展合作,实施卫生系统筹资平台计划

    Building off the ongoing work of the IHP + to support national strategies, the Bank is working with the GAVI Alliance, Global Fund, WHO, and others to implement the Health Systems Funding Platform.


  • 欧洲联盟德黑兰实施制裁。

    The European Union is also set to impose sanctions against Tehran.


  • 现在俄罗斯计划1113日继续实施项“联盟”号运载火箭载人航天任务替代国际空间站目前的宇航员。几名宇航员于11月22日返回地球

    Russia now plans to go ahead with a November 13 launch of a crewed Soyuz flight to replace the current ISS astronauts who will return to Earth November 22.


  • 现在俄罗斯计划1113日继续实施项“联盟”号运载火箭载人航天任务替代国际空间站目前宇航员。 几名宇航员于11月22日返回地球

    Russia now plans to go ahead with a November 13 launch of a crewed Soyuz flight to replace the current ISS astronauts, who will return to Earth November 22.


  • 你们看一看这些数据,便会发觉中国实际上符合实施欧洲货币联盟马城条约》的所有规定

    Indeed, if you look at these figures, China also meets all the Maastricht criteria which have been laid down for introduction of European monetary union.


  • 你们看一看这些数据,便会发觉中国实际上符合实施欧洲货币联盟马城条约》的所有规定。

    Indeed, if you look at these figures, China also meets all the Maastricht criteria which have been laid down for the introduction of European monetary union.


  • 无线数据服务之道在于如何价值链中给自己角色定位、在该领域中应开发哪些服务内容、应采取何种运营收入模式以及如何实施战略联盟

    The key to the success of WDS lies in how to play its roles in the value chain, which service to develop , which operating and revenue - generating modes to adopt and how to deploy strategic alliance.


  • 基础上,提出正确实施战略联盟构建企业竞争优势措施

    This paper points out correct measures for implementation of alliance and construction of competitive advantage.


  • 文章主要供应链战略联盟概念作用企业实施供应链战略联盟应该注意问题进行了阐述

    In this paper, the supply chain concept of strategic alliance, the role of enterprises and supply chain strategic alliance should pay attention to the problems described.


  • 文章最后部分供应链联盟第三方信息管理模式实施可行性进行研究分析,指出构建供应链联盟第三方信息管理运行机制是可行

    The last part of the core content is the feasibility analysis, in which part the author analyzed the feasibility of the mode and the process to implement the mode.


  • 随后介绍中小物流企业联盟中,物流信息标准体系实施修订。

    Then introduced the small and medium-sized logistics enterprises in the Union, the logistics information system standards and the implementation of the amendment process, methods.


  • 研究结论表明用一方法建立返利机制可以保障厂商联盟利润分享方案实施

    The conclusion is that setting up the rebate mechanisms can ensure the implementation of the profit share scheme for the alliance members in supply chain.


  • 研究结论表明用这一方法建立返利机制可以保障厂商联盟利润分享方案实施

    The conclusion is that setting up the rebate mechanisms can ensure the implementation to profit share scheme for the alliance members in supply chain.


  • 此外实施战略联盟

    In addition, can also puts into practice strategy alliance.


  • 建立一个财政联盟计划不是很清晰。德国同意债务国输送资金债务国接受设定的赤字规模上限,计划的实施好像还要看这场拉锯战的结果。

    Vague plans for a fiscal union seem to depend on a bargain in which Germany agrees to transfer money to debtor countries but the debtors agree to limits on their ability to run a deficit.


  • 这样背景下,本文着力于探索导致供应链联盟成功关键性因素提高国内企业实施供应链联盟成功率

    Against such a backdrop, the paper focused on the critical factors that leading to the success of the supply chain alliance, to enhance the rate of alliance implementation of domestic enterprises.


  • 最后核心竞争力培育战略联盟管理角度经营战略实施控制提出了具体的方法和措施

    Finally, some specific measures on the enforcement and control of business strategy from the view of the training of core competence and management of strategy alliance is to be taken.


  • 欧洲货币联盟建成之后随着一个高效率国界支付制度实施欧洲金融市场真正意义上实现一体化

    With the completion of EMU, the European financial market will become truly integrated with the implementation of an efficient trans-border payment system (TARGET).


  • 欧洲货币联盟建成之后随着一个高效率国界支付制度实施欧洲金融市场真正意义上实现一体化

    With the completion of EMU, the European financial market will become truly integrated with the implementation of an efficient trans-border payment system (TARGET).


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